#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2017-04-06

saidinesh5i think .. #define PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DIR  "/data/property" .. could have been causing sfdroid to actually look at that path, which is probably missing in my chrooted environment causing the properties to reset..00:59
saidinesh5and nuke the properties in my /data outside the chroot...00:59
saidinesh5so next step: ditch the neutered init, and patch the init and bionic to create a /data/sfdroid_property instead and use it01:00
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nh1402saidinesh5: so you're back on it then?07:31
TheKitsaidinesh5, if you want to prevent SFOS/sfdroid messing with your real data partition, you can disable data partition bind mount to /data in init script07:42
saidinesh5nh1402: yeah on and off...07:43
saidinesh5TheKit: oh you meant in the initrd? interesting07:44
saidinesh5TheKit: wouldnt that cause issues with dhi mounting sdcard from data/media?07:46
TheKitit would07:49
saidinesh5not to mention that could still wreck persist and other partitions mounted by systemd and used by dhi...07:51
saidinesh5(i am currently not sure what exactly is nuking the permissions etc.. in my /data, when i start sfdroid's init)07:52
saidinesh5(sfdroid's neutered init)07:52
saidinesh5i think only /data is getting messed up when i start sfdroid-init atm. though. Although, after that I always get Settings app crashed upon booting CyanogenMod, (settings app works after that)07:54
nh1402saidinesh5: which way are you going to go then?08:07
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saidinesh5nh1402: do it properly and actually provide a property service with a different store for the chrooted android, which doesn't conflict with the version from dhi12:33
nh1402saidinesh5: how's that going for you?13:57
saidinesh5after the disaster of last week, getting back to things. swamped with a couple of projects all at once though13:58
nh1402I'll be getting back to the integration app development soon, got someone to agree to test it for me, since I can't do it myself.14:02
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nh1402saidinesh5: would this be right? "ln -s /sdcard /home/nemo"14:26
saidinesh5nh1402: nope. you will have a race condition with droid hal init/whatever that mounts /sdcard vs. all the services needing stuff from home partition14:27
nh1402saidinesh5: so how would you do it?14:28
saidinesh5for one, what's stopping you from making your service a part of /system/priv-app?14:29
saidinesh5you have control over sfdroid /it's installation no?14:29
saidinesh5if that's there, then you can easily write to any path.. be it /home or even /usr ...14:30
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nh1402saidinesh5: it'll be /system/priv-app eventually when it comes to replacing systemui15:16
nh1402saidinesh5: you're the one who said to do it this way, and now you're the one who's dismissing it15:17
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saidinesh5nh1402 i think sdcard is a special path and needs to be configured some other way16:01
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nh1402[m]what if we fiddle init.environ.rc17:07
nh1402[m]saidinesh5: ^17:08
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: you have to fiddle with some init thing. not sure which one..  if you want to mount sdcard arbitrarily17:08
saidinesh5there is a biary called sdcard too17:08
nh1402[m]"export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard"17:09
nh1402[m]Is there?17:09
nh1402[m]I'm blaming you entirely for this issue17:09
saidinesh5brb eating17:16
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nh1402[m]saidinesh5: how was your daal?19:31
saidinesh5That was the only good part of the dinner today..19:32
saidinesh5Need to read that soon btw19:33
nh1402[m]That is indeed a valid URL19:33
saidinesh5Yeah they're giving the old one for free now19:33
saidinesh5Very valuable book it seems19:33
nh1402[m]I was about to say the site only shows brief excerpts from the book, but yh due to a leak an old version is now free19:36
nh1402[m]We could make an AOSP marshmallow chroot rom and use the book too see what to change.19:37
saidinesh5Not sure, sticking to android L for now. Otherwise I'll have to patch my kernel more ..19:38
saidinesh5Btw overlayfs was quite nice19:38
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saidinesh5Was able to use the unpatched files from my system position...19:39
nh1402[m]What's that19:39
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saidinesh5You can merge 2 folders and Mount it somewhere else19:39
saidinesh5So i copy patched sfdroid files and overlay it over my system partition to get a full chrooted system partition19:40
nh1402[m]Merging the system partition of android and sailfish so android uses the sailfish stuff?19:43
saidinesh5More like copy only patched sfdroid files to device and reuse every other file from the cyanogen mod base on the system, inside the chroot19:46
dr_gogeta86saidinesh5, play with the snakes?20:16
dr_gogeta86remember we usualy use frankenkernels and old ones20:16
saidinesh5dr_gogeta86: but there are a bunch of kernel changes between 5.1 and 6 right?20:20
dr_gogeta86is hw adaptation depentant20:21
saidinesh5yeah, of course.. But i can't boot my stock cm13 rom off a cm1220:22
saidinesh5 Kernel20:22
saidinesh5And since my sailfish is based on cm1220:23
saidinesh5I don't think i should try running sfdroid based on cm13 inside chroot20:24
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