#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-03-22

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nh1402saidinesh5: I decided to go with Arch Linux, as I wasn't the one who set it up manually ;), thanks krnlyng__11:06
saidinesh5do install yaourt, if you're on Arch. life saver11:07
saidinesh5which Desktop environment11:07
nh1402saidinesh5: at the moment, none. Haven't finished the installation process yet.11:07
nh1402boots to the terminal atm11:08
saidinesh5Ahh.. next stop setting up users, installing drivers, and then I think comes the desktop environment part11:09
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nh1402!seen miau11:59
merbotnh1402: miau was last seen in #sfdroid 2 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours, 1 minute, and 23 seconds ago: <miau> saidinesh5: Do i need the binary blobs to compile cm?11:59
nh1402saidinesh5: did you hear about Android O developer preview being released yesterday?12:02
saidinesh5yep. doesnt seem that big to me12:03
nh1402for now12:03
nh1402Picture in Picture sounds interesting12:03
saidinesh5*cough*applet layer *cough*12:04
nh1402more powersaving stuff12:04
nh1402more notification stuff12:04
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nh1402not much we can do on the notification stuff in sfdroid though, would just have to neuter it and have the basics passed through to Sailfish.12:06
saidinesh5true. its almost like they're turning notifications into full blown apps12:07
nh1402speaking of which/kind of could you make a daemon for Sailfish that listens on a socket for sfdroid app installs and uninstalls, that my app would pass you?12:09
saidinesh5that sounds like overtly complicated. I think it is best handled with a purely android service12:10
nh1402saidinesh5: that's not going to happen, android can't access the right location to save the desktop file to.12:11
saidinesh5it can. it has acccess to home folder. if not one needs to give it access to that path12:11
nh1402no it doesn't12:13
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saidinesh5it does. if it has access to /usr/ ... i really dont see how it doesnt have access to /home/ ...12:15
saidinesh5both are on the same physical partition too12:15
nh1402saidinesh5: it has access to /sdcard and /data/data/app-name12:17
nh1402and that's it12:17
saidinesh5that's the java api?12:23
nh1402saidinesh5: yes12:26
nh1402same for both i think12:26
saidinesh5what happens say when you create a symlink from /home/nemo/ to /sdcard?12:32
saidinesh5Although i cant say i confirm this because i just wrote a test python script being run as a normal android app, which was able to access a file in /data/local/tmp12:34
saidinesh5(normal android app = no root or anything)12:34
saidinesh5i think it just depends on the path permissions /groups the /home/nemo/.local/share/applications has12:35
saidinesh5especially since selinux is disabled, i dont see how else android could enforce such path constraints12:36
nh1402saidinesh5: you what12:40
saidinesh5I instaled QPython and wrote a little script to access a file i put in /data/local/tmp12:40
saidinesh5QPython is a little python interpreter app in Android. nifty.12:41
nh1402saidinesh5: do the same in Java or C++ for a normal apk without asking for root permissions, or converting the app to a system app12:43
saidinesh5nh1402: this technically is a normal Java/C++ app itself. not a system app. no root permissions. it loads a python interperter.so and passes the script to it12:44
saidinesh5picked this path because otherwise i have to set up that whole monstrosity of Android SDK..12:44
saidinesh5 $ ls /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/home/ -l12:48
saidinesh5drwxr-x--- u1_root  u1_root           2017-03-17 22:19 nemo12:48
saidinesh5I think that explains it12:49
saidinesh5nh1402: either way wouldnt it be easier for you to symlink that path to /sdcard or change permissions for that path to be world writeable instead of running a whole new daemon?12:51
nh1402saidinesh5: not sure how dangerous that would end up being13:00
saidinesh5 not any more dangerous than running any other Sailfish App there ever is13:01
saidinesh5yes. Any sailfish app has almost full access to /home directory. no checks whatsoever. i dont see how running another app in Android VM with full access to just one path in there is any different13:07
nh1402isn't /sdcard symlinked to somewhere else in Android?13:34
nh1402data/media/0 or something13:34
nh1402saidinesh5: ^13:38
saidinesh5usually, yes13:40
saidinesh5its usually like this: https://source.android.com/devices/storage/config-example.html13:41
saidinesh5iirc it was specific to the android user thouguh13:42
saidinesh5on Moto G2 I think.. when i was root in terminal /sdcard used to not work13:42
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