#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-03-01

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saidinesh5krnlyng_: any idea what maybe the cause of this issue? http://pastebin.com/RTL2pDhK04:11
saidinesh5basically zygote is failing because: F/art     ( 9925): art/runtime/jni_internal.cc:769] JNI FatalError called: Native registration unable to find class 'com/android/internal/os/RuntimeInit'; aborting...04:12
saidinesh5BUT, when i grep for RuntimeInit in /system in a working CM install and inside the chroot, i get the same set of files04:12
saidinesh5mal: ^04:28
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nh1402saidinesh5: how's it going08:48
saidinesh5nh1402: any idea on basically zygote is failing because: F/art     ( 9925): art/runtime/jni_internal.cc:769] JNI FatalError called: Native registration unable to find class 'com/android/internal/os/RuntimeInit'; aborting... ?08:49
saidinesh5but when i grep for that RuntimeInit class the same files match in both chroot and the cyanogenmod system that is working08:49
nh1402saidinesh5: something to do with libnativehelper.so maybe?08:55
saidinesh5looking into sfdroid patches basically to figure that out atm08:55
saidinesh5but before that need to build a 2.1 build08:56
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saidinesh5hbu? which arch / desktop environment did you finally pick?08:58
nh1402saidinesh5: it's not me who's picking, it's whatever the laptop decides it wants to boot to08:59
saidinesh5and that is?08:59
nh1402saidinesh5: going to try manjaro again08:59
saidinesh5do visit their IRC channel while doing so btw.09:00
saidinesh5its usually a very active channel helping people out09:00
nh1402the preview release with the same kernel as antergos which actually boots to the liveusb09:00
nh1402but last time I tried, it didn't boot09:01
nh1402but antergos with the same kernel does09:02
nh1402will download and check md5 before trying this evening09:03
saidinesh5nh1402: i am guessing that has to do with Nvidia09:03
saidinesh5Optimus can be a bitch when it comes to things09:03
saidinesh5i personally disabled my Nvidia card in Bios so i wont have to put up with it when in linux09:03
saidinesh5Also iirc manjaro shipped its own patches to kernel / drivers etc..09:04
nh1402the optimus junk has been disabled in bios for over a year09:04
saidinesh5could it be some secureboot thing?09:05
saidinesh5iirc only *buntu were shipping the keys09:05
nh1402that's disabled too09:05
nh1402so is UEFI09:05
nh1402saidinesh5: how useful is the antergos channel?09:07
saidinesh5never been there.. never had to though09:07
saidinesh5manjaro i had to because of the optimus thing itself iirc.09:07
saidinesh5nh1402: if you're trying out antergos, might as well use Arch linux channels too09:08
saidinesh5it is almost vanilla arch.. plus it's custom installer09:08
nh1402well the main issue is with the installer09:11
nh1402If I select console, KDE, cinnamon, Gnome, xfce it just freezes permanently09:12
nh1402I can force close it, but the installer then refuses to start again.09:12
nh1402I checked the md5 and it's the same09:13
saidinesh5Ah... i remember something similar09:13
saidinesh5installer actually was doing everythign on main thread and when you crash the installer probably the lock file isnt deleted09:14
saidinesh5installer's name was cinchi or something right?09:14
saidinesh5nh1402: next time start the installer from command line. i remember it printing out logs09:16
saidinesh5or you could patiently install Arch manually :p09:17
nh1402but I don't know how09:17
nh1402to do either09:17
saidinesh5oh there are tons of youtube videos, guides/tutorials and Arch wiki itself is the best resource on it09:18
saidinesh5learned a lot from there09:18
saidinesh5the installer for arch itself is very minimal. all it gives you is a shell. and expects you to read the wiki on how to partition your disk, install your arch base system into it, setup users etc.. while reading from the wiki09:19
nh1402saidinesh5: any luck?09:59
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nh1402saidinesh5: is  libnativehelper.so in the right location in the chroot system?10:15
saidinesh5yup: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 21688 Feb 20 02:56 /usr/libexec/sfdroid/root/system/lib/libnativehelper.so10:16
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nh1402saidinesh5: well just checked on my phone, and that looks fine, bar the permissions being rw-r--r--13:22
saidinesh5Ah hmm..13:22
saidinesh5i think it is some environment variable somewhere or something13:22
saidinesh5right now updating my Sailfish to 2.1 for my device, so I will have to look into the issue after that13:23
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nh1402saidinesh5: interesting, I was just looking around, and in default.prop dalvik.vm.usejit=true dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles=true13:25
saidinesh5i have tried by disabling them too13:26
saidinesh5for an unrelated issue.. not much changed13:26
nh1402what does your init.environ.rc look like?13:26
saidinesh5for sfdroid?13:26
vesimhmmm, sfdroid working like a chroot?13:28
saidinesh5vesim: i am trying to make it work within a chroot. right now sfdroid starts up with your droid-hal-init13:29
nh1402saidinesh5: shouldn't ANDROID_ROOT be wherever the chroot folder is? eg. /usr/libexec/sfdroid/root/system/13:30
saidinesh5nh1402: not within the chroot. this is started from the init inside the chroot.13:30
vesimsaidinesh5: nexus 5 is the best choice for sos and sfdroid? :P13:30
saidinesh5vesim: not sure. i have a Xiaomi Mi3, which is closer to Nexus  5 in terms of specs though13:31
saidinesh5although i think people have already gotten sfdroid up and running with nexus 513:31
nh1402saidinesh5: not on the cm13 base yet, but the cm13 based image isn't even out yet13:33
saidinesh5isnt it better if we directly jump to Lineage 14.1 at this point though?13:33
saidinesh5when we jump that is13:33
nh1402that's what I was saying, but haven't got hybris working with that yet, as far as I know.13:34
nh1402I think mal said he would try, not sure if he has had time to try yet though. I think it was mal.13:35
saidinesh514.1 ? yup13:36
malI have partially working build of hybris-14.1, need to try to fix the rest of it soon13:40
nh1402saidinesh5: once I finally get a linux distro with a non-hair rippingly irritating desktop manager, I was thinking of either start working on cm13 sfdroid (the current way), jumping straight to get it working via a chroot, or try with the emulator image.13:41
nh1402and I'm blaming you if I can't get any of them to work13:42
saidinesh5nh1402: if you're trying within chroot, might as well update your kernel and go for lineage 14 based one13:42
saidinesh5my time will be a little more limited, need to prepare for more tests13:43
nh1402saidinesh5: you mean rebase to 14.1 once its more than partially working, and then try chroot with lineage 14.1?13:44
saidinesh5no, if you are running things inside chroot, might as well try running 14.1 inside chroot13:44
saidinesh5infact the chromeos guys found that a lot easier to base it on 14, at least that's what their talk says13:45
nh1402saidinesh5: are you sure that doesn't need a 14.1 compatible kernel13:45
nh1402ie being rebased with it13:45
saidinesh5hence the " might as well update your kernel "13:45
saidinesh5chances are your 14.1 kernel will run your Sailfish OS just fine13:46
nh1402which is why I was saying i would need to rebase sailfish to 14.113:46
saidinesh5nooo.. just the kernel13:46
saidinesh5not Sailfish. rebasing whole Sailfish is a lot bigger work13:46
saidinesh5iirc pulseaudio had defines specific to android version. i am expecting gstdroid and ofono to have the same..13:47
nh1402saidinesh5: prove it will still work, update to a 14.1 compatible kernel and then try chroot-ing into the 12.1 image13:47
saidinesh5my first version of Sailfish port was running on a CM 13 kernel back then, while the sailfish was based on 12.113:48
saidinesh5but yeah once i get the current SFdroid to run inside the chroot, the first thing i am doing is moving it to 14.013:48
nh1402why not 14.113:51
saidinesh5lol 14.113:51
nh1402saidinesh5: and then try 14.1 in an lxc container?13:52
saidinesh5you mean sfdroid?13:53
saidinesh5I think lxc wont bring us any more advantages than chroot tbh..13:54
nh1402what was the other thing13:54
nh1402docker or something13:55
saidinesh5i thought docker was just rebranded LXC with a fancy scripting language?13:55
nh1402no idea13:55
nh1402so the plan is successfully boot into chroot image, update kernel, successfully boot into latest android image via chroot, and then package it in an rpm?13:57
saidinesh5i already do things via. an RPM. but yes, that is the rest of the plan13:57
saidinesh5with chroot, the code can be cleaned up a lot too13:58
nh1402and for me, update kernel, successfully boot into latest android image via chroot, then add features, like Mister_Magister much requested notification pass through.13:59
Mister_Magisternh1402: i didn't requested :D14:00
nh1402wait a minute. if we chroot into sfdroid wouldn't we break the dbus client server connection?14:00
saidinesh5nh1402: you can piggy back on kde connect, if you want notification pass through.. so try porting kde connect first :P14:00
saidinesh5nh1402: nope, i am sharing some directories (and sockets) so that resources are shared between chroot and sailfish14:01
saidinesh5right now that is /tmp/sfdroid, /var, /dev I think14:01
saidinesh5hooooly. that reminds me of what all i need to back up before flashing the 2.1 update14:01
saidinesh5i was almost about to have done it without any back  up!14:02
nh1402I already know what to do, more or less for notification pass-through, no need to port kde connect14:02
nh1402what I don't know how to do yet though is how to add android icons in the sailfish app drawer and launch the app (or boot to sfdroid if it hasn't already booted, and then launch the selected app)14:04
saidinesh5you need some kind of service inside android for that14:05
saidinesh5to listen to intents on application installed/removed and then create .desktop files in the applications directory14:05
saidinesh5desktop files can launch applications using am to send an intent to open that application14:06
nh1402can you use am outside of the chroot?14:06
saidinesh5i think so. am seems to be working from outside chroot as it can access the same binder and sockets as the services running within chroot14:07
saidinesh5if not, we will have to run a neutered adb inside chroot to listen to commands from outside via. a socket14:08
saidinesh5neutered adb - so it wont hijack usb14:08
nh1402I have created an app that listens for apps installs before, that also grabs the app icon, but want to do it at a lower level14:08
nh1402which is much more difficult.14:08
saidinesh5what do you mean lower level?14:08
nh1402not at the app level14:08
nh1402in the android system level14:09
saidinesh5there are only activities and services inside android..14:09
saidinesh5you should just create a service that starts up at boot time and listens to these intents14:09
nh1402in the package manager service is what I meant14:10
saidinesh5Ah why? i mean it can work perfectly well even as a normal android service right?14:11
saidinesh5the fewer the number of patches to android's source, the easier it would be to upgrade android version...14:12
nh1402well you wouldn't be able to create the desktop files in the same location as sailfish as that would be outside the chroot, and you wouldn't be able to do that without root access which we don't want the user to be forced to do.14:13
saidinesh5you dont need root to create a desktop file inside user's home directory14:13
nh1402but don't you need the desktop files in a specific directory to be seen in Sailfish?14:14
saidinesh5either /usr/share/applications or /home/nemo/somepath14:15
nh1402you what, are you sure about /home/nemo/somepath14:15
nh1402also you wouldn't be able to use dbus from the app level to show the notification in Sailfish14:16
saidinesh5yep, i used that /home/nemo/somepath for droplet browser..14:18
saidinesh5and dbus is accessible from within android even inside chroot, if you share /var/somepath14:19
nh1402yes but not at the app level14:20
saidinesh5hmm? it should be available even at app level if you use jdbus or some library14:22
saidinesh5plus dbus aint the only IPC. for all you want, you could be using simple unix domain sockets and still be fine14:22
saidinesh5dbus is mostly for many to many communication imho.14:23
nh1402prove it14:24
nh1402krnlyng_: has already said that can't be done14:27
saidinesh5whut? sfdroid itself uses unix domain sockets to communicate with the renderer14:34
nh1402ask him14:34
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nh1402[m]saidinesh5 you might be blamed soon, be prepared.17:27
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nh1402[m]saidinesh5 it installed, but grub did not.17:58
nh1402[m]Now I can't boot to anything17:58
nh1402[m]You're to blame saidinesh518:07
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nh1402[m]I've managed to fix grub but it just leads to a black screen18:20
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saidinesh5nh1402[m]: blank screen because?19:32
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saidinesh5hey miau__19:45
miau__I could use a 'little' help.19:46
miau__Downloaded the complete cm13 source and now i don't know what i have to do with it :-D19:46
saidinesh5first make sure you build a CM 13 zip and flash it to your device and make sure Sailfish OS works with it19:47
neeradreplace with with appropriate branch repos of sfdroid19:47
saidinesh5there are no appropriate branches in sfdroid repos for CM 13 yet, so you have to manually port patches yourself19:47
miau__saidinesh5: Puh, i guess compiling cm will take a long time :-D19:49
saidinesh5miau__: and getting sfdroid will take even longer :P19:49
miau__saidinesh5: Ok, i build cm from source, see if sfos runs on it. Aplly the patches to the source, compile everything again and see what does not work? ;-)19:51
saidinesh5not exactly19:51
saidinesh5once you have your CM 13 zip working with your Sailfish OS, you have to patch specific repos and add them to your device and make sure it works19:52
miau__saidinesh5: That was what i wanted to say. Ok, only 23GB of free space..think i have to clean up a little before building cm.19:52
saidinesh5Oh  definitely have to clean up a LOT19:53
saidinesh5somewhere around 80-90GBish19:53
saidinesh5probably more, since you are on CM 1319:53
miau__saidinesh5: Which repos?19:53
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miau__saidinesh5: Sounds like i have to backup my whole home partition before compiling.19:54
saidinesh5miau__: luckily you can compile it in other partitions too..19:54
saidinesh5and well github.com/sfdroid/ you can find the repos in there19:54
saidinesh5but they are patched for CM 12.1 mostly19:54
miau__saidinesh5: I only have 256GB of disk space.19:55
saidinesh5me too. that's why i was using an external hard drive for sfdroid building19:55
miau__Any differences in compile speed?19:56
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miau__saidinesh5: I mean between external and internal harddrive.20:01
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saidinesh5miau__: my internal 256GB is an SSD, and external is a salvaged 5400 rpm hard disk from a dead laptop .. so i dont think thats a fair question :P20:23
saidinesh5(bad internet here)20:24
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miau__saidinesh5: I'll let it compile overnight and see how far it goes.20:25
saidinesh5miau__: make sur eyou have at least 80-90GB freespacce20:26
saidinesh5probably a lot more if you enable CCACHE20:26
saidinesh5and yeah for me it took like 6-7 hours20:26
miau__saidinesh5: What specs has your compile system?20:27
saidinesh5Core i5 laptop , 6GB ram (i had to add like 6GB of swap file just so chromium compiles inside android source)20:27
saidinesh5but the bottleneck definitely is from the slow hard disk20:28
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miau__saidinesh5: Ah, ok, then i should also be finished in about 7hours time :)20:29
saidinesh5miau__: it helps a lot if you trim down your cyanogenmod manifest before that though20:30
saidinesh5also miau__ downloading the cyanogenmod sources itself should take a lot of time..20:30
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miau__saidinesh5: I already forgot that before syncing the source. ICould i get rid of all the non used hardware and bionic stuff20:31
miau__saidinesh5: Already got the sources.20:31
saidinesh5even if you have the sources trimming them off can be really helpful in compile speeds20:31
miau__saidinesh5: Or are there any other save things to delete from manifest except unused hardware and bionic?20:32
saidinesh5my CM 12.1 has around 380 repos now.. down from 540ish20:32
saidinesh5yeah SDK demos, probably chromium related stuff20:32
m01does anyone know if someone's working on sfdroid for Fairphone 2, or what the status is there?20:33
miau__saidinesh5: Ok, thanks. Time to search for my external drive and copy the sources.20:33
saidinesh5m01: iirc entil was having some issue getting it to start20:33
m01(I've only heard that there were some problems with it, but don't know anything more)20:33
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Mister_Magistersfdroid + 1GB ram + zram how bad is that idea?22:02
saidinesh5neerad was in the same boat btw.22:04
Mister_Magisteri had sfdroid once without zram22:04
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: which device?22:04
Mister_MagisterAs always Moto G222:04
Mister_Magisterit was really working, except lack of multitasking22:05
Mister_Magisterand like sailfishos browser and 1 android app :D no more22:05
Mister_Magisterbut people really want whatsapp :D22:05
saidinesh5Ah there is sfdroid multiwindow now22:06
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: even with one window you can run many apps right?22:06
Mister_Magisterbtw is that possible to kill surfaceflinger22:06
saidinesh5not that i know of22:06
saidinesh5not sure much about how to stop services from android init22:07
saidinesh5one more reason you should also try to get it running inside chroot :p22:07
saidinesh5i feel like i am quite close to that though22:09
saidinesh5right now only zygote seems to be crashing22:10
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miau__Mister_Magister: pkill surfaceflinger?22:32
Mister_Magistermiau__: i'm just asking22:33
Mister_Magisteri don't have sfdroid22:33
miau__Mister_Magister: Ok, that command works in sfos terminal.22:33
saidinesh5miau__: that usually should just restart surfaceflinger22:33
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: i'm talking about that22:34
saidinesh5at least thats what i remember init was doing to dying processes..22:34
miau__saidinesh5: Yes that restarts surfaceflinger.22:34
saidinesh5unless it is a oneshot  process22:34
Mister_Magisterhow about removing restart surfaceflinger from init.rc22:34
saidinesh5you mean making it oneshot?22:34
saidinesh5you can give it a shot..22:34
miau__ /system/bin/stop surfaceflinger22:35
saidinesh5not sure22:35
miau__saidinesh5: Can not test it i don't have a working installation with sfdroid at the moment.22:38
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