#sfdroid log for Sunday, 2017-02-19

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neeradSo apparently SFDROID is running only upto the booting screen of CyanogenMod .... Is this progress?09:51
dr_gogeta86morning all09:57
neeradmorning :)09:57
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neeradhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24026293/ Any ideas ?11:26
neeradSFDROID just boots up to show this https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8I9RnxIQmQecDhnck1wR3FkUE011:29
baddeayep , that releated command and your cm image prefer to using offical with salfishos + offical cm + commands = sfdroid booting success11:31
neeradbaddea but that's it nothing else happens11:31
neeradbaddea see the logcat for details and see if you have any ideas ?11:32
baddeawhat is your device?11:32
neeradXiaomi Redmi 211:32
baddeadid you replace init in the root for your device as me have oneplus one "bacon.init"11:35
neeradMine is not bacon mine is redmi 2(wt88047)11:35
neeradYour bacon.init will be containing import init.sfdroid.rc I guess, if there is anything else please pastebin your init file11:36
baddeawhat you need to do make fresh jolla with offical cm and install sfdroid with replace of your init than enter command as unroot and root status11:37
baddeathan press icon for sfdroid and it most booting11:38
neeradI replace what init.rc ?11:38
neeradthen what replaces what ?11:38
baddeagive your email i try to sending clear instruction11:38
baddeai try to talk krnlyng to help you soon but as i know him he is busy these day11:39
baddeamy email baddea14@gmail.com11:40
neeradkrnlyng any help bro ?11:40
neeradkrnlyng I did what you said and here is the result my sfdroid is booting but only booting and nothing else happens for 15 minutes11:40
baddeai try to sending instruction it easy not hard but if you following it and not booting there possible that you have hard bugs so krnlyng can help you with that .11:40
baddeaGood luck11:40
baddeaas oneplus one now can run sfdroid but security settings not opening face error message releated to hard bugs but i fix that with other method but problem not fixed .11:42
baddeathat make allow me to install un market apk app after all .11:43
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saidinesh5NeKit: Ping13:06
saidinesh5wow that was fast.. did you have to make any patches to init so that you coulld run your androiid x86 in chroot?13:07
NeKitI think the trick is that there was only one init running13:08
NeKitno droid-hal-init, only Android x86 init in chroot13:08
saidinesh5Ahhh interesting13:08
neeradinit.rc ?13:09
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saidinesh5the thing with Andriod's init is it is trying to remount /dev/ and do all the udev stuff with ueventd..13:09
saidinesh5and if i tried to use droid-hal-init in chroot by bind mountingg my /dev , sys, proc it is segfaulting13:10
saidinesh5so seeing what magic bits there are inside the droid-hal-init13:10
NeKitin theory udev and ueventd should be able to work side by side13:12
NeKitat least that's what Ubuntu has, except Android running in LXC13:13
saidinesh5Ahh... but if i bind mount /dev into the chroot, android's init is wiping it out to run it's own ueventd and then kaboom13:21
saidinesh5sailfish becomes unusable13:21
NeKitdon't mount it13:22
NeKitI think it's better to create tmpfs for Android root and extract files there13:22
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saidinesh5you mean extract things from android's initrd?13:26
neeradsaidinesh5 Is sfdroid booting up ?13:28
saidinesh5nope. after healthd, ueventd all others are crashing13:28
neeradsaidinesh5 seems like mine is booting up but is stuck only in booting up process13:29
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saidinesh5hmm.. usually that means some process is crashing in Android's init and you're stuck with the bootanim13:30
saidinesh5NeKit: i am a little unsure about that approach mainly because last i tried to run the whole of the android in chroot, it was unable to get some locks on some devices and services were crashing13:31
saidinesh5that's why right now trying to get a very minimal subset of android, which hopefully doesnt conflict with the droid-hal-init inside chroot13:32
neeradNekit saidinesh5 chroot is a bad idea, although it allows it to cherry pick services and modules to load13:32
saidinesh5F/SystemServer(29022): BOOT FAILURE making display ready13:32
saidinesh5F/SystemServer(29022): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.displayReady()' on a null object reference13:32
saidinesh5neerad: any reason why chroot is a bad idea?13:32
neeradsaidinesh5 I guess it hasn't worked for any other dev before13:33
saidinesh5windowmanagerservice sounds like a very basic service needed .. but yeah iirc i had similar messages before device starrted heating up13:34
NeKitI fear that in case of two inits running there are conflicts with system server13:34
NeKitAlien Dalvik has it modified probably13:34
neeradNekit yes the two init causes loading the default and patched modules at the same time and leads to conflict13:34
saidinesh5yeah right now looking to trimm down everything that's not the init part of init.c13:35
saidinesh5so that all it does is start/stop services13:35
saidinesh5neerad: that's why the init.rc in the chroot is almost a init.sfdroid.rc13:36
neeradsaidinesh5 I am trying to load one service at a time and see how ti goes13:36
saidinesh5but it seems the init itself does more than just starting / stopping services .. mounting devices/special paths etc..13:36
neeradyes indeed it does that saidinesh513:37
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neeradsaidinesh5 can it be version mismatch that might be leading to crash after crash?13:43
saidinesh5: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.displayReady()' on a null object reference - why would that be null?13:44
neeradNo idea saidinesh5.... :(13:45
saidinesh5source code to your rescue...13:46
saidinesh5 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.showBootMessage(ActivityManagerService.java:6287)13:46
saidinesh5check that line and see13:46
neeradsaidinesh5 could it be version mismatch like sledges mal and krnlyng has been telling....13:47
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saidinesh5could be. could be something else . like a missiing file or something.13:48
neeradsaidinesh5 I am trying to build a new base that matches SFDROID13:48
saidinesh5you need to check that file's source code to find out13:48
neeradhmmm... okay13:48
saidinesh5i have had simmilar issues and my CM base was compiled by myself.. .13:48
neeradsaidinesh5 still it didn't work13:50
neeradsaidinesh5 You have cancro I guess13:50
saidinesh5nope.  i have had similar issues .. with window manager crashing etc.  in my logs13:51
saidinesh5just didnt push further cuz the phone was heating up .. and with it trying to use my /data partition the logs were fully useless .. as it was trying to start all my android apps too13:51
neeradsaidinesh5 No I am asking was the CM_BASE and SFDROID had the same branch and version ?13:51
saidinesh5CM-12.1 YOG7D13:51
neeradsaidinesh5 Hmmm..... So then you decided to take the "chroot" path ..... !!13:52
saidinesh5well originally LXC.. but that seemed like a lot more work than this13:52
neeradsaidinesh5 It seems to me somehow system is trying to load from the default modules and not sfdroid modules13:53
saidinesh5yup. iirc i remember writing that down as one more reason for trying out chroot :P13:54
neeradBecause I had many messages like "Cannot find /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/Settings/Settings.apk using /usr"13:54
saidinesh5there simply were too many modules to keep track of which service is pulling what from where...13:54
maland there was the bug in paths13:55
neeradsaidinesh5 I am currently building my own CM_BASE to test if it really is version mismatch or the issue is somehting else13:55
malnot sure if the bug still exists in 12.1 branch13:56
neeradmal Which bug are you talking about?13:56
malthat should have privilegedAppDirSFDROID13:57
neeradGreat now patch had been faulty13:58
malthat folder contains Settings.apk13:59
saidinesh5ffbm = android fastboot mode?13:59
neeradyeah exactly and SystemUI13:59
neeradyep saidinesh513:59
malneerad: so try to fix that and see if it help13:59
neeradOkay cool14:00
saidinesh5didnt know init is called even for fastboot mode14:00
neeradmal One question how did it work for oneplus-onyx ?14:01
neeradmal with the same faulty patch14:01
neeradmal Atleast it booted as seen in the youtube video14:01
malneerad: no idea14:01
saidinesh5it was probably looking for teh file in /system , and found it there?14:02
malsaidinesh5: but those are patched afaik14:02
* saidinesh5 sees what patches are there for SystemUI14:04
neeradmal saidinesh5 Somebody has to look at all critical boot up patch again and correspond to the errors in /logcat14:05
saidinesh5https://github.com/sfdroid/android_frameworks_base/commits/mako_12 cant see any systemUI related patches there..14:05
neeradsaidinesh5 you are seeing mako_12 see oneplus-onyx14:06
neeradI guess that would be appropriate14:06
malneerad: sfdroid-12.1-YOG7D is the to use (copied from onyx)14:07
neeradmal Yeah both are same14:07
neeradmal saidinesh5 is seeing for mako_12 branch14:07
malthat should also be pretty much the same14:07
neeradmal except where kimmoli has patched the files14:08
saidinesh5still  not many patches there14:08
malI fixed the path error in sfdroid-12.1-YOG7D14:20
malnot sure what that will cause but still better to fix it14:20
neeradmal great14:23
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neeradOkay after making my own base error is different http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028499/18:13
neeradArt is failing to start18:13
neeradAbort message: 'art/runtime/runtime.cc:932] LoadNativeLibrary failed for "libjavacore.so": dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__android_log_close" referenced by "libjavacore.so"...'18:15
saidinesh5that one is because of version mismatch19:04
saidinesh5iirc i had to patch some cpp file for a similar error while working on Sailfish OS19:04
neeradweird?. the base and sfdroid had the same version19:05
saidinesh5not sure but i remember specifically patching the logging library because of a missing symbol19:06
neeradthe old base hadn't the same version but still didn't show up the error19:07
saidinesh5see if your sources have this method: https://github.com/WaRP7/android_system_core/blob/master/liblog/logger_write.c#L13819:09
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saidinesh5https://github.com/sfdroid/android_system_core/blob/hammerhead_12/liblog/logd_write.c  doesnt have tha tmethod19:18
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saidinesh5https://github.com/sfdroid/android_system_core/blob/hammerhead_12/liblog/logd_write.c  doesnt have tha tmethod19:31
saidinesh5neerad: ^19:32
saidinesh5[00:39:59] <saidinesh5> see if your sources have this method: https://github.com/WaRP7/android_system_core/blob/master/liblog/logger_write.c#L13819:32
saidinesh5hmm.. bunch of hacks trying to trick sfdroid into thinking UID 100000 is root .. i dont think i need them either20:00
saidinesh5right now it seems the segfaults are coming from sfdroid looking for /usr/blah blah inside chroot20:01
saidinesh5need to weed them out20:01
saidinesh5also.. I/strace  (19553): openat(AT_FDCWD, "/system/lib/hw/gralloc.default.so", O_RDONLY) = 1220:05
saidinesh5it should open : /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8974.so right?20:05
saidinesh5immediately after that : I/strace  (19553): writev(12, [{"\4", 1}, {"pL", 2}, {"C\367\251X\237Q\3314", 8}, {"\7", 1}, {"libc\0", 5}, {"Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code "..., 80}], 6) = 9720:06
saidinesh5after that: F/dex2oat (19710): art/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.cc:761] Failed to resolve class Landroid/content/ActivityNotFoundException; . I think this is because of missing environment variables20:06
saidinesh5missing/bad actually20:07
saidinesh5neerad: i am beginning to think chroot is the way to go now. especially because if i wasnt trying this stuff in chroot, id have to put up with a dozen reboots and overheating already20:08
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neeradsaidinesh5 cool man20:12
saidinesh5also neerad ; <saidinesh5> hmm.. bunch of hacks trying to trick sfdroid into thinking UID 100000 is root .. i dont think i need them either might apply to you too as droid-hal-init is running as user root20:22
neeradI am not running as chroot saidinesh520:23
saidinesh5i know20:23
neeradsaidinesh5 How to run it as chroot ?20:24
saidinesh51 sec. trying to find a line where it was checking if uid == 100000 to return a package20:24
neeradyeah it is the latest commit20:24
saidinesh5this one20:25
saidinesh5and as for how to run it in chroot, i havent still gotten it to run, so it maybe pointless for you to try. but basically the idea is pack the whole rootfs into sfdroid_core and patch the init to not mount sys, dev, procfs20:27
saidinesh5and use a stripped down init.rc .. similar to init.sfdroid.rc20:27
saidinesh5that's what i am doing20:27
neeradokay saidinesh5 .... keep up20:29
saidinesh5init.rc : https://paste.kde.org/pt9y6wurq20:30
neeradDoes the error is reduced when running chroot than non-chroot saidinesh520:30
saidinesh5honestly no clue. when not running in chroot i couldnt even get proper error logs becuase the services were started up along with the rest of the system, so had to search for them in logcat manually20:31
saidinesh5now i am just staring at the logcat only when i run start-sfdroid.sh20:31
neeradhmmm That's a major problem in debugging an issue20:31
saidinesh5i know. it was  a bigger problem for me because this is my primary device and the error logs were littered with stuff from my android services20:32
neeradsaidinesh5 Youcould try it in an emulator20:32
saidinesh5that's what nh1402[m] was trying/planning to20:33
neeradOh okay, and what was the result?20:33
saidinesh5i mean using the emulator image..  well he couldnt build the emmulator for arm achitecture iirc20:33
neeradSo had the latest commit have any effect on the error logs?20:34
saidinesh5building the image right now.  it may take some time20:35
neeradSee how it goes20:35
saidinesh5did you patch bionic btw?20:40
neeradDo i have to?20:40
neeradNo i didn't20:40
neeradsfdroid repos don't contain any20:40
saidinesh5https://github.com/sfdroid/android_bionic/commit/ed75d3837bca0df3d7086ca38bb4818f0d37b73d seems to implement that stuff20:41
saidinesh5i am not  sure how important this AlarmManagerService is for Android though.20:42
saidinesh5so make sure your bionic provides that stuff20:43
neeradsaidinesh5 So i have to include each and ever repo in sfdroid20:43
neeradandroid_system_core too ? that too is in sfdroid repo20:43
saidinesh5unlikely .. but basically see if your the commits in the repos you picked have everything available to them20:43
saidinesh5the only commits in android_system_core seem to be for shutting down some logging: https://github.com/sfdroid/android_system_core/commit/8a6286d15509b17c164c997d22d0c2fa74b158d420:44
neeradhmmm.... okay I will have to see the individual repos of sfdroid then to see if the patches are neccessary or not20:44
saidinesh5(because udev emits messages which android doesnt need)20:44
neeradthnx bro saidinesh520:46
neeradgot it20:46
krnlyngsaidinesh5, the alarmmanager patch is essential20:48
krnlyngsaidinesh5, but the android_bionic patch is only for mako cm10!20:48
saidinesh5krnlyng: but does bionic need any patche ?20:48
neeradkrnlyng So android_system_core is neccessity or not?20:48
neeradpatched one I mean20:48
neeradthe one in sfdroid repos20:48
krnlyngneerad, no it's not really necessary20:49
krnlyngneerad, it just contains one patch which silences some log message20:49
saidinesh5udev related logmessages20:49
neeradWhat are neccessary repos list them please20:49
krnlyngmal, we could also make your yog7 branches the default now i think20:50
krnlyngneerad, do you have the build script?20:51
krnlyngneerad, this contains the most accurate list20:51
neeradyes but it doesn't contain bionic patches as mentioned20:51
neeradI used saidinesh5 build script and kimmoli20:51
saidinesh5btw. /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8974.so  seems to be missing in my final build20:51
saidinesh5that seems important20:52
krnlyngsaidinesh5, you need extrat-files.sh20:52
saidinesh5krnlyng: yeah i used TheMuppets repo20:52
saidinesh5there are other lights.msm8974 files in there20:52
saidinesh5so it wont work with gralloc.default.so right?20:52
krnlyngsaidinesh5, you don't copy gralloc anyways20:53
krnlyngbut i am not sure why it is missing20:53
krnlyngsaidinesh5, in the non-chroot/non-lxc approach i mean20:53
saidinesh5it is in my device's system partition20:53
krnlyngthere it is essential ;)20:53
saidinesh5but not sure why it is missing in my build20:53
krnlyngin sfdroid we use the one from /system20:53
krnlyngas does sfos20:53
saidinesh5yeah .. right now i am bind mounting /vendor into the chroot .. but this library is in /system , which i am providing with the chroot itself20:54
saidinesh5(eventually i'd like to use overlayfs or something so all the unpatched libraries come directly from /system)20:54
krnlyngsaidinesh5, you could copy it in your install script...20:55
saidinesh5not sure where it is coming from actually...20:55
saidinesh5it isnt in themuppets repo i am using20:55
krnlyngwhich device was it again?20:56
saidinesh5Xiaomi Mi3 (cancro)20:56
neeradCan I use android_bionic from sfdroid repos, it has nexus4 as it's default branch or patch files individually20:57
saidinesh5no gralloc.msm8974.so in https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_xiaomi_cancro/blob/stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D/device-proprietary-files.txt20:58
saidinesh5neerad: you dont have to use bionic in your build20:59
saidinesh5it is for SFDroid based on CM 10 for Nexus 4 apparently20:59
neeradWhat about the patches?20:59
krnlyngneerad, you don't need them, they are already in upstream20:59
saidinesh5there is only 1 patch. which adds timerfd related functions to it20:59
saidinesh5it is available in CM12.1's bionic20:59
neeradStill sfdroid fails21:00
neeradit boots up but that is all it is21:00
saidinesh5for some other reason..21:00
neeradNo welcome screen nothing21:00
krnlyngsaidinesh5, i think gralloc should actually be built by the android build system. did you build the whole android?21:01
saidinesh5krnlyng: yep i built the whole android. all i get is gralloc.default.so21:01
saidinesh5after loading which surfaceflinger seems to segfault21:02
saidinesh5although let me check if my makefile missed out some cyanogenmod bits21:02
saidinesh5ah it is part of hardware/qcom/display..21:04
saidinesh5yup it was missing21:05
malkrnlyng: good idea21:08
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saidinesh5Although now i think i should be looking at/for any changes that bionic needs to actually play well with the changes needed by sailfishos21:29
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saidinesh5interesting: I/strace  ( 2303): E/sharebuffer( 2328): error connecting to renderer: No such file or directory21:40
saidinesh5system    2328  0.9  0.4  34780  8448 pts/2    Sl   03:09   0:00      \_ /system/bin/surfaceflinger21:40
saidinesh5didnt see that coming21:40
neeradreboot it I had the same error and it was gone after restart21:41
saidinesh5netd, vold, lmkd, healthd, surfaceflinger are running now21:41
saidinesh5neerad: that error is because sfdroid renderer wasnt running21:41
saidinesh5i wasnt actually expecting surfaceflinger to start. hence the woah :P21:41
neeradsaidinesh5 yes but in my case i hadn't rebooted it after installing it21:41
saidinesh5although the init is segfaulting now. so zygote etc.. didnt start21:42
neeradps aux | grep zygote returns nothing ?21:42
saidinesh5unlikely :  Abort message: 'art/runtime/thread.cc:1143] No pending exception expected: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.android.commands.am.Am" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib, /vendor/lib]]'21:42
saidinesh5i probably missed packing some libraries21:44
saidinesh5will have to check21:44
saidinesh5init itself was segfaulting .. so need to stop that21:46
saidinesh5that could be causing an issue21:46
saidinesh5now need to figure out why init, mediaserver,zygote, keystore are crashing21:49
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saidinesh5I also should figure out how to let sfdroid_renderer send commands via. am22:33
saidinesh5especially since sfdroid disables adb22:37
krnlyng_saidinesh5, you don't need adb for am22:37
saidinesh5although i think it would be easiest if we enabled adb inside the chroot22:37
saidinesh5krnlyng_: basically how do i make sure am something is run within the same chroot as the chroot which sfdroid is running in?22:38
saidinesh5wrt this22:38
saidinesh5okay ouch. sailfish os display was eaten away .. i think by surfaceflinger22:40
krnlyng_do you not have the sharebuffer patches?22:40
saidinesh5i do22:41
krnlyng_in surfaceflinger too?22:41
saidinesh5https://paste.kde.org/pjjur6fzx are my running processes btw.22:41
* saidinesh5 checks22:41
saidinesh5 $ag sharebuffer22:43
saidinesh5and services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWComposer.cpp22:43
saidinesh5when i kill the init, my display unblanks22:44
saidinesh5well when i kill the gdbserver running the init22:44
saidinesh5krnlyng_: any idea how i should compile init with debug flags?22:45
saidinesh5as of now my gdb backtrace is totally worthless in debugging init22:45
saidinesh5Also: W/sharebuffer( 6928): connecting to renderer22:46
saidinesh5E/sharebuffer( 6928): error connecting to renderer: No such file or directory22:46
saidinesh5V/SurfaceFlinger( 6928): FPS: 122:46
saidinesh5the whole logcat: https://paste.kde.org/pdb25gqsk22:47
neeradYour phone seems to be under heavy load might me heating up22:47
saidinesh5W/Environment( 6926): EXTERNAL_STORAGE undefined; falling back to default22:47
saidinesh5D/AndroidRuntime( 6926): Shutting down VM22:47
saidinesh5where did you get that from neerad?22:47
neeradFPS : 122:47
saidinesh5Ah lol22:47
saidinesh5that seems unrelated22:47
saidinesh5probably because sfdroid_renderer didnt connect to it22:48
saidinesh5once i edited the am to point to proper classpath: D/AndroidRuntime( 8107): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am22:51
saidinesh5I/art     ( 8107): System.exit called, status: 122:51
saidinesh5I/AndroidRuntime( 8107): VM exiting with result code 1.22:51
saidinesh5although that is understandable as zygote isnt running22:56
neeradZygote is crashing or not there at all?22:56
saidinesh5not sure actually22:57
saidinesh5init crashed22:57
saidinesh5so ..22:57
neeradYeah zygote was not there at all22:57
saidinesh5could be22:57
saidinesh5init crashed after starting https://paste.kde.org/pjjur6fzx  these processes for sure22:57
*** Mister_Magister <Mister_Magister!~foidbgen@user-94-254-145-70.play-internet.pl> has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)23:03
saidinesh5read(8, "nodev\tsysfs\nnodev\trootfs\nnodev\tb"..., 1024) = 31523:39
saidinesh5read(8, "", 1024)                       = 023:39
saidinesh5close(8)                                = 023:39
saidinesh5--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_ACCERR, si_addr=0xb6f19000} ---23:39
saidinesh5+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++23:39
saidinesh5./start-sfdroid.sh: line 51: 15238 Segmentation fault      chroot $SFDROID_ROOTFS_PATH /system/xbin/strace /init23:39
saidinesh5strace doesnt seem that helpful: https://paste.kde.org/p5cgxj3pj23:43
saidinesh5interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyBJW3VGZ4A https://pivotce.com/2014/02/17/android-chroot/23:51

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