#sfdroid log for Monday, 2017-02-06

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neeradOkay tell me the exact and correct procedure to make sfdroid, the one which will work with less glitches.12:07
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neeradHow to make sfdroid ? Please tell me anybody who has successfully built sfdroid12:32
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neeradmal: Does your sfdroid works? If yes how did you do it, tell me from the very beginning12:34
malwhen someone manages to make a working method for building I think we should create a repo for sfdroid which would contain Android.mk with a sfdroid target so we could just use "make sfdroid"12:35
neeradyes that makes life way much easier12:35
malneerad: it doesn't work anymore, it used work partially a long time ago but not right now12:35
neeradkrnlyng_: I think you have successfully installed and ran sfdroid, how did you do it?12:36
neeradmal: How is that possible? It worked and stopped working? App crash or android just wont start12:36
neeradkimmoli: Same question... How did you do it? Tell me from top down12:37
malneerad: I changed to rebased repos made by someone else and haven't gotten those to work12:37
neeradmal: okay12:38
malneerad: there is a script by kimmoli in channel logs12:38
neeradand that works12:38
malnot sure12:38
malneerad: I think if you build whole android it should probably work?12:38
neeradmal:Which files should I install and which shouldn't I how would I know?12:39
neeradmal: Or are you saying building the whole android but copying only those specific files mentioned by saidinesh5 and/or kimmoli or krnlyng_ should work12:40
saidinesh5mal: yeah i was building it using sfdroid.mk itself btw.12:40
neeradsaidensh5:sfdroid.mk but it isn't there in the repos12:41
saidinesh5i didnt publish those changes yet12:41
saidinesh5i am still trying to get it via. chroot remember?12:41
neeradsaidinesh5:oh yeah12:41
neeradsaidinesh5: Services are still failing I guess12:42
saidinesh5the last issue i remembered was init was somehow wiping out my bind mounted /dev/12:42
malneerad: yes, I meant build the whole android and then extract the needed files and package those12:42
neeradmal: Yeah I got that12:42
neeradsaidiensh5: How is krnlyng_ and kimmoli made it work but others can't is it device specific?12:43
malneerad: make sure it builds the dbus repo also12:43
neeradmal: Yep it made that too I added the sfdroid repos to the local_manifest file of my CyanogneMod_12.1 dir12:43
malneerad: the patches might be device specific sometimes12:43
saidinesh5well it depends.. their how their base init files were12:44
neeradmal,saidinesh5: Well that's fuckin' crazy and might be the reason for sfdroid_renderer failure12:44
saidinesh5renderer would usually fail if other services aren tstarting12:44
neeradsaidinesh5: Yeah I have seen that but have not been able to debug those12:45
saidinesh5yeah but you know at least what you should be looking at now12:45
neeradmal: I would try to build the whole of android and copy those files and see if it works, although I am skeptical it might not.12:46
neeradsaidinesh5: Yea that's one step forward12:47
malthere was some bug I found in the repos12:47
neeradmal: What bugs?12:47
malsome typoe somewhere12:47
saidinesh5is it fixed?12:48
neeradmal:which dir?12:48
neeradmal: and yeah is it fixed?12:48
malnope, I have it only lically12:48
malhttp://pastebin.com/EMBqSQZN to frameworks/base12:49
malsaidinesh5: neerad ^12:50
saidinesh5yeah looking12:50
malthat is the faulty patch12:50
neeradmal: Yep12:51
malquite obvious mistake12:51
saidinesh5Ah not sure if it affects the chroot issue12:52
neeradmal: So have you tested that commit?12:52
neeradSomehow that faulty commit made the oneplus-onyx and mako run sfdroid12:54
neeradIt won't be a start-up issue I guess.12:54
neeradmal: One more question if I build the whole android so do I use the kernel config for SFOS or just the default kernel config12:56
saidinesh5doesn't matter12:57
saidinesh5unless you plan on running that kernel on some kind of emulator/vm..12:57
neeradsaidinesh5: So none of the patched files is dependent on kernel config12:58
saidinesh5you wont be shipping a kernel at all12:58
neeradsaidinesh5: Yeah I know but will it affect the files I will be shipping?12:58
neeradsaidinesh5: You sure?12:59
neeradsaidinesh5: Okay then building it wish me luck.12:59
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malneerad: saidinesh5 but if you look at the commit you can clearly see there is bug13:00
neeradsaidinesh5: Is there a difference if I use sfdroid repo files directly or use CyanogenMod repo and patch it13:00
neeradsaidinesh5: Does it make a difference?13:01
saidinesh5i was using sfdroid repos directly (hence my local manifest)13:01
neeradsaidinesh5: Yeah but would it affect the files?13:01
saidinesh5sfdroid repos ARE cyanogenmod repos with the patches applied. at least for onyx13:02
neeradsaidinesh5: yeah I am using onyx branch tree13:02
saidinesh5mal:  btw. where do i find code for droid-hal-init?13:02
saidinesh5neerad: there is a sfdroid-12.1YOG7D branch too. now. you can look into that13:03
malsaidinesh5: that is just patched android init, in https://github.com/mer-hybris/android_system_core/tree/hybris-12.1/init13:03
neeradsaidinesh5: and both onyx and sfdroid12.1YOG7D are even13:03
malneerad: sfdroid-12.1YOG7D was made from onyx branch by me13:04
neeradmal: I know you told us about that13:04
saidinesh5interesting: https://github.com/mer-hybris/android_system_core/blob/b06e8773ee1cb9b8400e472ca72d8dacda92f3e2/init/init.c#L106413:06
saidinesh5so this is what's nuking my dev dir apparently13:06
saidinesh5(i was bind mounting dev, devpts, sockets)13:07
malsaidinesh5: could be, maybe try patching init13:07
saidinesh5yeah ..13:07
saidinesh5I am tempted to simply reuse droid-hal-init at the moment13:09
saidinesh5has the patch to even use the proper log dir13:09
saidinesh5i should be studying damn13:09
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saidinesh5interesting.. now i get a segfault13:16
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neeradHow is /data/dalvik-cache/arm/ created ? Any ideas?13:21
saidinesh5why not boot into cyanogenmod to create it?13:26
saidinesh5i am guessing it has to deal with dex2opt or some  such tool13:26
neeradActually when I booted to cyanogenmod that dir was present but when I clean flashed SFOS it isn't created?13:26
saidinesh5during the "optimizing application" phase13:27
saidinesh5define clean flashed?13:27
neeradI guess that is the problem13:27
saidinesh5you wiped /data before flashing sfos?13:27
neeradRemoving everything13:27
neeradyes except /media13:27
saidinesh5well just fastboot boot boot.img13:28
saidinesh5also you wont have to do a clean flash for sfos to boot13:28
neeradboot.img is the SFOS kernel right?13:28
saidinesh5no. android boot.img13:28
neeradoh i see13:28
neeradBut how would SFOS boot then?13:28
saidinesh5fastboot boot simply boots . wihtout flashing13:29
neeradno without sfos kernel how would sfos boot up?13:29
saidinesh5fastboot boot doesnt touch your sfos kernel13:30
neeradoh yeah jesus you said fastboot boot not fastboot flash sorry my bad13:31
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neerad_make: *** No rule to make target `/home/neerad/CyanogenMod_12.1/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/qcmediaplayer_intermediates/classes.jar', needed by `/home/neerad/CyanogenMod_12.1/out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/boot-jars-package-check_intermediates/stamp'.  Stop.14:02
neerad_how to solve this error14:03
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saidinesh5neerad_: add that to your manifest and sync15:52
neerad_saidinesh5: add what?15:52
saidinesh5see what provides qcmediaplayer15:52
neerad_saidinesh5: okay15:53
neerad_you can see it is some boot-jars-package-check15:53
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neerad_which commit from which branch should I incorporate in frameworks/av18:33
neerad_there is no oneplus_onyx or sfdroid12.1YOG7D in frameworks/av18:34
saidinesh5ignore av for now18:34
saidinesh5first you need to get sfdroid up and running18:34
neerad_Does make command automatically makes libdbus and sfdroid_sensors and sharebuffer too18:37
saidinesh5depends on what you're making18:39
neerad_It's making all18:39
neerad_command is make -j1018:39
saidinesh5did you add PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \    dbus     sharebuffer.default     sfdroid_sensors.default to your $DEVICE.mk ?18:40
saidinesh5did you add PRODUCT_PACKAGES +=     dbus     sharebuffer.default     sfdroid_sensors.default to your $DEVICE.mk ?18:40
neerad_okay I got your point18:40
neerad_I will make it separately18:41
neerad_BOOT_JAR_PACKAGE needs something to be included?18:42
saidinesh5not sure18:42
neerad_what does your device.mk show?18:43
saidinesh5i wrote a custom sfdroid.mk and added it to vendor-setup18:43
saidinesh5so it shows up in my lunch menu too18:44
saidinesh5btw. if youre building CyanogenMod, enable your ccache before you start18:44
saidinesh5chances are you will be iterating over this process like 5-10 times before getting it right18:44
neerad_yeah I enabled it18:44
neerad_so you made it seperately that's cool and made the work easier18:46
neerad_BTW did your chroot problem got solved?18:46
saidinesh5nope. droid-hal-init is crashing inside chroot18:46
saidinesh5and gdb was giving me no backtraces18:46
neerad_What does the logcat show?18:47
saidinesh5init nukes /dev/ .. so the whole device needs a reboot if you want to use it again18:47
saidinesh5(i was bind mounting /dev/ with the one in my SFOS, keeping my init.rc to a minimum)18:47
saidinesh5plus afaik init needs to be patched to use the correct log location too18:48
neerad_Yeah it needs to be patched for more than that18:48
malsaidinesh5: want to share your sfdroid.mk you told about18:48
neerad_mal: He shared it above18:48
saidinesh5mal: https://paste.kde.org/porihyxps18:48
saidinesh5just imports genericdevice notelephony18:48
malsaidinesh5: does that work fine? I mean the built sfdroid?18:49
saidinesh5sfdroid gets built that way, but i am still unable to start it18:49
saidinesh5still trying to figure out why18:49
neerad_saidinesh5: I guess init has to do with that18:49
malsaidinesh5: have you tried without chroot?18:50
neerad_becuase it controls service loading and permissions too18:50
saidinesh5mal: in the beginning yes. afaik it wasn't starting. and every time i try out sfdroid, it nukes my dalvik-cache .. so i had to put up with the "optimizing app" screen everytime i boot into android18:51
neerad_Saidinesh5: I guess not starting up might be the problem in ART and dalvik-cache18:51
saidinesh5that's why tryinng out chroot because i dont have to deal with device reboots etc..18:51
saidinesh5at least fewer overheating18:52
neerad_That aside but did you try without chroot did it boot up?18:52
saidinesh5i tried without chroot . but it didnt boot at all.18:53
neerad_Which device btw saidinesh5?18:53
saidinesh5Xiaomi Mi3.. (and Mi4 from Nokius)18:53
neerad_Xiaomi Redmi 218:53
neerad_oh yeah silly me cancro .... *hmph*18:54
saidinesh5btw. mal neerad_ : https://paste.kde.org/pimhtuqsg spec file to package whole of sfdroid18:54
saidinesh5except vendor/ for obvious reasons18:55
neerad_https://paste.kde.org/prmkwaoin Is it different from this?18:56
saidinesh5neerad_: your link is what i used when i wasnt trying it with chroot18:57
saidinesh5now with chroot i am packing a whole rootfs into the rpm18:57
saidinesh5https://paste.kde.org/pqoigk2zr this is how i am starting the chroot btw.18:57
neerad_I guess I might also try with chroot too, see if it works18:58
neerad_because without chroot sfdroid won't even show it's face18:59
saidinesh5yeah without chroot the debugging was becoming a nightmare..18:59
saidinesh5the logcat disappears by the time my device boots up18:59
saidinesh5neerad_: if you want to try out chroot, you need to patch your init19:00
neerad_What lines should I add/remove?19:00
neerad_The one you provided19:00
neerad_Paste you patched init19:01
neerad_BTW saidinesh5 I disabled DEX_PREOPT will it make a difference?19:02
saidinesh5no clue19:03
neerad_or USE_DEXPREOPT i guess something like that DEX pre optimization19:03
neerad_It increases system image size19:03
saidinesh5neerad_:  i didnt patch my init yet. but you can look into the patches made to the commits: https://github.com/sfdroid/android_frameworks_base/commit/76b9994afecba9758159916cdff306b63e5f5b1519:03
neerad_however making the android slow19:03
neerad_saidinesh5: Does logcat shows boot.art being installed in your system when you fire up sfdroid?19:08
neerad_Paste your logcat after your sfdroid fails to launch19:09
saidinesh5there is no logcat as my /dev/ is nuked19:09
saidinesh5actually even my scoket connection was terminated iirc19:09
neerad_Debugging just got fucked up19:10
neerad_and without chroot does logcat run?19:10
saidinesh5without chroot, my logcat is filled with messages from boot time19:10
neerad_nothing with sfdroid messages?19:10
neerad_strange :O19:10
saidinesh5cant remember, but it was a long time ago19:11
neerad_Just try it out and see if it contains boot.art message in it....19:11
saidinesh5can't at the moment. need to set everything up for that19:11
saidinesh5right now i compiled things to work as if it is in chroot19:12
neerad_dmesg is useless i guess it just contains virtual input being loaded and all19:12
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saidinesh5most of the debugging for sfdroid, youll need logcat19:13
neerad_i know19:14
saidinesh5mal: droid-hal-init is linked with glibc or bionic?19:14
malsaidinesh5: it's built in make hybris-hal19:14
malso I assume bionic19:15
saidinesh5so bionic.. right?19:15
saidinesh5(gdb) bt19:15
saidinesh5#0  0x00009150 in ?? ()19:15
saidinesh5#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()19:15
saidinesh5not at all helpful while debugging it19:15
neerad_no info19:15
saidinesh5neerad_: i am beginning to think you need to even compile patched bionic if you want chroot19:18
saidinesh5especially for the /dev/log vs. /dev/alog19:18
neerad_sfdroid repos do have android_bionic but is it patched for chroot? I haven't seen it yet19:18
saidinesh5i actually didnt notice android_bionic in there19:21
saidinesh5but i meant the patches from mer-hybris19:22
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krnlyng_saidinesh5, android_bionic was only needed for mako cm1019:42
saidinesh5krnlyng_: Ahh.. i was trying to run a separate init in a chroot.. and the droid-hal-init was segfaulting for me19:43
saidinesh5so wanted to see what all  bionic changes it needs19:43
saidinesh5(trying to run a stripped down init.rc with services needed by sfdroid in chroot.)19:44
saidinesh5oddly i dont have /dev/alog directory at all19:44
krnlyng_saidinesh5, if you're bind mounting /dev and so on, then you need to patch init19:44
saidinesh5krnlyng_: yup. learned it the hardway19:45
saidinesh5krnlyng_: can i just run ueventd once more, and not bindmount /dev ?19:45
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krnlyng_saidinesh5, i am not 100% sure but on harmattandroid we just ran ueventd whilst harmattan was running19:50
krnlyng_so it might be possible19:50
neerad_krnlyng_: So you used chroot or non-chroot to run sfdroid?19:51
krnlyng_neerad_, non-chroot19:51
neerad_krnlyng_: okay tell me the exact procedure from top down to bottom detailed how to build sfdroid19:52
krnlyng_neerad_, patch everything build modified libs copy to your device, build sfdroid_renderer19:53
krnlyng_modify  init.rc19:53
neerad_krnlyng_: and does building sfdroid_renderer depend upon device-specific files/dirs?19:53
krnlyng_neerad_, yes, but if the api is not different you can use sfdroid_renderer from a different device. mako and hammerhead were compatible19:54
neerad_krnlyng_: I guess that is the reason it is failing in my device19:54
krnlyng_neerad_, what have you done so far and where does it fail?19:55
neerad_krnlyng_: Did you made the whole android sources or only the patched ones?19:55
krnlyng_neerad_, usually i build everything once and check whether it is compatible with sfos then start patching19:55
neerad_krnlyng_: You mean you built the whole of android sources for sfdroid19:56
neerad_krnlyng_: okay that might be another reason for failure19:56
neerad_krnlyng_: logcat shows there is no /data/dalvik-cache/arm dir does it sound familiar?19:57
neerad_krnlyng_: although i checked there is /data/dalvik-cache/profiles folder19:57
krnlyng_neerad_, check where this folder is first created19:58
neerad_krnlyng_: there is no mention does patched init.rc contains it ?19:58
neerad_krnlyng_: So how to debug this then?19:59
krnlyng_if it is not in original init.rc it is also not in sfdroid init.rc19:59
neerad_krnlyng_:hmmm okay got it19:59
krnlyng_neerad_, find the place where the folder should be created19:59
neerad_krnlyng_:well obviously I tried to create the folder myself and the issue was resolved but another one popped in20:00
krnlyng_neerad_, which issue?20:00
neerad_krnlyng_: That somehow zygote was not running "Error was that only zygote is allowed to create boot image"20:01
krnlyng_neerad_, and try to find the problem with the folder don't just create it..20:01
krnlyng_maybe you created the folder with the wrong permissions20:01
neerad_krnlyng_: I felt so but how to correct it and I will later find how that folder is not created20:02
neerad_krnlyng_: BTW is that folder created with sfos or is it just created when sfdroid runs?20:02
krnlyng_neerad_, i am not 100% sure but i think permissions should be 0771 system system20:02
neerad_okay I will chown that20:02
krnlyng_neerad_, that folder has nothing to do with sfos20:02
neerad_krnlyng_: List the files which needed to be copied to the device20:03
neerad_krnlyng_: I am reconfirming only20:03
krnlyng_neerad_, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ywnxsbifqguvuq/AACy8Q3Cmr-mbDVLWXDZXDUja?dl=020:04
krnlyng_neerad_, check the contents20:04
neerad_krnlyng_: I am building the whole android sources and building sfdroid_renderer too. Let's see where it gets me.20:06
neerad_krnlyng_: One last query, how to build sfdroid_renderer rpm pckg?20:06
krnlyng_neerad_, you need to build the android sources with sfdroid patches20:06
neerad_Yeah I included them in my local_manifest20:06
neerad_So they are patched and I guess device independent too.... I selected oneplus-onyx branch for all of them except frameworks_av which I guess is non-relevant at this point.20:08
neerad_krnlyng_: How to build sfdroid_renderer ? In sb2 I guess?20:09
krnlyng_mal, is libhardware device dependant? or does it just include the device specific headers from a different place? otherwise it will probably break20:13
krnlyng_neerad_, mb2 build20:13
neerad_well it fails20:13
neerad_DEP error20:13
malkrnlyng_: I think it might be device specific, not sure20:16
saidinesh5okay copying the libc.so from droid-hybris made half the crashes stop20:17
neerad_saidinesh5: Great news20:17
saidinesh5vold, lmkd, debuggerd, mediaserver are running20:18
saidinesh5plus ueventd..20:18
neerad_saidinesh5: what all remains?20:18
saidinesh5netd, surfaceflinger20:18
saidinesh5let me reboot20:20
neerad_cool let us know20:20
saidinesh5when i did a Ctrl C, there was an issue20:20
saidinesh5only init was killed and not the subprocesses20:20
neerad_Reboot and see.20:20
saidinesh5krnlyng_: btw. what's the powerup binary for?20:22
saidinesh5i mean is the power key press necessary?20:22
krnlyng_saidinesh5, it's a silly hack20:22
krnlyng_and yes it is necessary20:22
saidinesh5but where is it necessary?20:22
krnlyng_android goes to sleep20:22
krnlyng_and touch inputs don't wake it up20:22
saidinesh5I see20:22
krnlyng_=> power up event20:22
saidinesh5odd. i only see ueventd and healthd20:24
neerad_saidinesh5: Does logcat works?20:26
saidinesh5not sure actually20:26
saidinesh5i am guessing it works20:26
neerad_saidinesh5: If it works check for boot.art and let me know20:26
saidinesh5no such messages yet20:27
neerad_saidinesh5: sfdroid running ?20:27
saidinesh5without surfaceflinger it wont run20:27
neerad_saidinesh5: But no boot.art mssg?20:28
neerad_Paste you logcat after sfdroid run20:28
saidinesh5nothing at all/ nothing interesting20:31
neerad_saidinesh5: Nothing related to sfdroid?20:32
neerad_saidinesh5: :O20:32
neerad_saidinesh5: strace it might be helpful, I am not sure20:32
saidinesh5nah this time vold, mediaservice didnt start20:32
neerad_saidinesh5: rebooting it failed it???20:33
saidinesh5it didnt work much20:33
neerad_saidinesh5: I think you must try to debug in non-chroot might be more helpful than doing it in chroot. Give it a shot when you get time.20:34
saidinesh5nope. without chroot debugging is actually harder20:34
saidinesh5logcat disappears soon20:34
saidinesh5plus all the device reboots overheat the device in like 15 minutes20:35
saidinesh5with chroot, at least i can start and stop things as i see fit20:35
neerad_saidinesh5: You have got some issues with chroot I guess. Nobody needed chroot afaik.20:35
saidinesh5even without chroot it wasnt working for me20:36
saidinesh5might as well try to make it work in an environment i have more control over..20:36
neerad_saidinesh5: It might be chroot is causing more trouble.20:37
saidinesh5sure, like the trouble with needing patched bionic etc..20:37
saidinesh5but with chroot i can "start and stop" sfdroid when needed20:38
neerad_saidinesh5: Yeah exactly additional shits.20:38
saidinesh5without making my device reboot or overheat20:38
neerad_saidinesh5: That is not a problem in my device, rebooting and all20:38
saidinesh5plus i get to not mess up my /data/ partition20:38
saidinesh5which is important20:38
saidinesh5(this is my primary device)20:38
neerad_packages/providers/ThemesProvider/src/org/cyanogenmod/themes/provider/PreviewGenerationService.java:95: error: cannot find symbol21:02
neerad_                        c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(ThemesColumns.MODIFIES_LIVE_LOCK_SCREEN)) == 1;21:02
neerad_                                                               ^21:02
neerad_  symbol:   variable MODIFIES_LIVE_LOCK_SCREEN21:02
neerad_  location: class ThemesColumns21:02
neerad_Sorry for this but anybody fix this compilation error21:03
saidinesh5you probably removed some repo it needed from the manifest.21:05
neerad_What could be it?21:05
saidinesh5git diff on my packages/providers/ThemesProvider gives me nothing21:05
saidinesh5not sure21:05
neerad_Yeah i remember removing some21:05
neerad_Let me compare21:05
saidinesh5i am off to bed21:13
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nh1402saidinesh5: well I've just realised that you can't build the emulator for arm even though I was going to run an arm-emulator image with it, I suppose I'll just have to chroot into it, but first I would like to see if I can get it running on the tablet21:26
nh1402for "funsies"21:26
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