#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-02-01

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ballockkrnlyng: yes, we're probably skipping cm12, and although we had a decently-running cm12, there were still some issues, and the world is moving on :)08:12
nh1402ballock: going straight to CM14?08:18
ballocknh1402: well, let's say it would be beyond bleeding edge08:19
nh1402pure port?08:20
ballocknexus5 has more chances for a pure port08:21
ballockat least it was announced that the latest vanilla kernel supports it08:21
nh1402just the chipset, not much else I don't think08:23
nh1402ballock: define "*beyond* bleeding edge"08:27
ballockcurrently, bleeding edge is the version you would cut yourself attempting08:28
NeKitCM15 :)08:28
ballockcm13 is the version atm, although people are working on the sfos support for it, their changes are not integrated yet, and some are their-device-specific08:28
nh1402well technically CM is dead, it's the equally if not more stupid name of Lineage08:28
ballocknh1402: project name is dead, but I'm basing sfos on mako on cm-13.0-20161221-SNAPSHOT-ZNH5YAO3Y2-mako.zip - not much Lineage in it.08:30
nh1402well I've been trying to build an emulator image, to see if we could use that, 2nd attempt at trying to build one.08:31
nh1402first attempt had issues with the AOSP sources, so had to do a redo. Which I did yesterday, got much further in the build process, but it crashed again, got to 33% before it conked out, will see if I can get further tonight.08:32
ballockemulator? x86?08:34
ballockso... umm... what's emulated there?08:34
nh1402for me to find out, and then you to find out.08:35
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nh1402saidinesh5: got further this time (during the build process), but still crashes.13:36
nh140233%, rather than 013:37
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neeradMy android_framework_base is from mer_hybris repo? Does it matter when building for sfdroid?15:52
neeradNote: That files have been patched as given in sfdroid15:52
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malneerad: you shouldn't have any sailfish changes in the repos, also the hybris manifest is minimized and might miss many things needed for sfdroid16:56
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saidinesh5nh1402[m]: out of curiosity, the crash was in the build or in the binary?17:09
saidinesh5i.e during the build/runtime?17:09
saidinesh5neerad: you need to do a fresh repo sync of CM12.1 if you want to build sfdroid17:10
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neeradgot it18:28
neeradI did maximize it to include all the disabled repos in manifest. But i got your point new repos from CM repos18:30
saidinesh5neerad: also the repos from sfdroid use different patches from that of mer-hybris. the sfdroid ones for eg. look for libraries in /usr/libexec/sfdroid/systme/lib while the mer hybris ones look for libraries in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris18:34
saidinesh5so just reusing the same sources as you have cloned for building your sailfish build can be a pain, if you dont know what you're doing. especially when you need to switch back and forth between building sailfish and sfdroid18:35
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neeradI am building one a new CM_12.1 repos taking repos from sfdroid only and rest from CM repos18:57
neeradtaking that repos availbale in sfdroid and ignoring it on the manifest18:57
neeradI hope building on a new CM_12.1 dir would be right?18:58
saidinesh5https://gist.github.com/saidinesh5/3262c31c88776445544c8b2804ee02df use my local manifest for that: https://gist.github.com/saidinesh5/3262c31c88776445544c8b2804ee02df19:01
saidinesh5you need to first init a directory with fresh CM 12.1 YOG7D sources and preferably make a build to see if it is working fine19:02
saidinesh5then add this local manifest and repo sync19:02
neeradno i made my own local_manifest but thanks. One thing I wanted too ask, does cancro works with sfdroid?19:07
saidinesh5not yet. I had to start working on the droplet browser , so my work on SFDroid for cancro has been put on pause19:33
neeradahhh okay19:33
neeraddoes init.rc needs to be patched?20:04
saidinesh5to include the init.sfdroid.rc20:05
neeradI believe it is in the system/core/rootdir20:05
neeradinit.rc file?20:05
neeradand I have to add "import init-sfdroid.rc"20:06
saidinesh5wait. which init.rc are you talking about? one from your sailfish os build? or one from sfdroid?20:06
saidinesh5Ah for now just make the change on device20:06
saidinesh5if it works, then you can make the change in the system/core/rootdir20:06
neeradoh in the device itself?20:06
saidinesh5also keep in mind that that change could make your device unbootable20:07
neeradand where do i extract the compressed file?20:07
saidinesh5so you have to go back to recovery and disable that when that happens20:07
saidinesh5what compressed file?20:07
neeradthe final file20:07
neeradwhich needs to be installed20:07
saidinesh5well if you're talking about entil's one.. it needs to be extracted such a way that the init.sfdroid.rc lands up in /20:08
saidinesh5i use a spec file to build an rpm so install/uninstall becomes easier20:08
neeradno I am talking about https://gist.github.com/kimmoli/b47469dcca41c73704421074e5c5873820:08
saidinesh5there are 2 parts btw. one is sfdroid-renderer and another is this sfdroid patched part20:09
neeraddo i need sfdroid-renderer ?20:09
saidinesh5if you want to see anything , of course ;p20:09
neeradfor debugging I guess20:10
neerador is it a necessity ?20:10
saidinesh5neerad: i dont see an sfdroid.rc in that instructions20:10
saidinesh5it is a necessity20:10
saidinesh5sfdroid = android rendering to a window20:10
saidinesh5that window is drawn by sfdroid-renderer20:10
neeradin that instruction though init.rc patching is given20:10
saidinesh5the link under init.rc patching is broken20:11
neeradI will use www.github.com/sfdroid20:11
neeradinit.rc patch20:11
saidinesh5i got mine from https://github.com/sfdroid/sfdroid-init20:11
saidinesh5the onyx branch, of course20:12
neeradyours only I am talking about20:12
neeradinit.rc patch20:12
saidinesh5so basically that init.sfdroid.rc should land in /20:12
saidinesh5and you need to patch your /init.rc to import that init.sfdroid.rc20:12
neeradyeah of course20:13
saidinesh5and the patched sfdroid libs and binaries should go into /usr/libexec/sfdroid/[system/bin/ system/lib/ etc... ]20:13
neerador maybe I can import that file and add import init-sfdroid.rc in init.rc file?20:13
saidinesh5yeah that's what you need to do20:14
neeradHow do I know where the files should go is it written anywhere20:14
saidinesh5inside the patches you have applied, basically20:14
saidinesh5one of the patches to libhardware I think, searches in that specific path20:14
neeraduh huh is it given for each and every file?20:15
saidinesh5otherwise you can put them anywhere and edit the init.sfdroid.rc to point to that20:15
saidinesh5nope, but the libhardware patch basically is about where it has to look for hardware libraries. and every android program which talks to hardware talks it via. libhardware20:16
neeradyeah i know that but shouldn't the rpm packages automatically install to the desired location as given in init-sfdroid.rc20:16
saidinesh5but you didnt build an rpm for this sfdroid system part did you?20:17
saidinesh5if you used my spec file to create an rpm, it automatically installs everything in the correct path20:17
neeradI will build a rpm pckg only, it is easier20:17
saidinesh5yeah. build it even for sfdroid renderer20:18
neeradI am not gonna do donkey work20:18
neeraddo i need to build that can't i install it using zypper?20:18
saidinesh5I think the mersdk's build_packages lets you build an rpm by pointing it to the spec file20:18
neeradby adding a specific repo for the same20:18
saidinesh5you need to build the rpm first. then you can install it via. zypper20:19
neeradno i was talking about in the device itself not building it externally20:19
saidinesh5hmm? i am confused.20:20
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neeradlike it is given in kimmoli's instruction20:20
neeradhe added it in the device itself20:20
neeradssu ar kimmoli-sfdroid http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/kimmoli:/sfdroid/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/20:20
neeraddevel-su pkcon repo-set-data kimmoli-sfdroid refresh-now true20:20
neeraddevel-su pkcon install sfdroid_renderer20:20
saidinesh5that's only sfdroid_renderer20:20
neeradyeah I was talking about sfdroid_renderer only20:21
saidinesh5that you can directly install on the device itself20:21
neeradyep geeez20:21
neeradI thought I had to build sfdroid_renderer externally20:21
neeradone more prob20:21
neeradwhenever i install droid-camres or any other rpm pckgs from zypper in the device itself20:22
neeradit shows xcb missing20:22
neeradwhy is that?20:22
saidinesh5not sure if it is even needed..20:22
saidinesh5it is related to X11 ..20:23
saidinesh5sailfish uses wayland20:23
saidinesh5"XCB (X protocol C-language Binding) is a library implementing the client-side of the X11 display server protocol. XCB is written in the C programming language and distributed under the MIT License."20:23
neeradyeah when I installed droid-camres internally in the device it failed to launch20:24
saidinesh5you need to run it as a nemo user20:24
neeradciting missing libraries xcb it says my device uses wayland and other libraries20:24
saidinesh5or some missing environment variable20:24
neeradyeah I ran it as root20:24
saidinesh5https://github.com/CancroSailors/sailfish-build-environment/blob/master/.mersdk.profile#L96 this is my .mersdk.profile . so i simply do build_package /path/to/package_source directory20:27
neeradhmm I get it20:27
neeradI know how to make pckgs externally I was talking about downloading and installing it internally20:28
neeradI can use rpm/dhd/helpers/build_packages.sh -b ""20:29
saidinesh5i think so20:30
saidinesh5 -b, --build=PKG build one package (PKG can include path)20:31
neeradyeah exactly20:31
neeradI checked it is correct20:31
neeradCan you tell me in case I encounter error in deploying the packages in the device what should I do to debug it?20:33
saidinesh5depends on the error really20:33
saidinesh5zypper shoould tell you why it is unable to install a package20:34
neeradI know but what is the most commonest of error encountered20:34
saidinesh5since jolla store isnt enabled for your device yet, chances are zypper will hang when refreshing20:35
saidinesh5and takes a long time20:35
neeradnope it is enabled20:35
saidinesh5for that you need to disable the store repos using ssu dr20:35
neeradwt88047 Redmi 220:36
saidinesh5well other usual issues would be about missing package dependencies..20:36
neeradnot any installation error I guess20:37
neeradesp referring to sfdroid pckgs20:37
saidinesh5Ahh chances are you wont face any installation errors20:37
saidinesh5my spec file doesnt depend on any external packages20:37
neeradHope so :)20:37
saidinesh5sfdroid renderer uses the basic packages already provided by sailfish platform20:37
neeradhmmm that would be sufficient I guess20:38
neeradI guess I don't need android_bionic or android_system_core provided in sfdroid repo20:40
saidinesh5i am not sure actualy20:41
neeradWhat patches did you use all of them or only as given in kommoli's instruction20:41
neeradplus android_framework_av20:43
neeradthat wasn't included20:43
neeradas far as i can see your build script is basically what i expected not included android_bionic and other stuffs20:44
neeradsaidinesh5 I get this sync work tree error ?20:48
neeradany idead?20:48
neeradI am currently syncing CM repos20:49
saidinesh5which repo is it giving the error on?20:50
saidinesh5repo sync --trace or something should tell you about htat20:50
saidinesh5Also you should have cut down the manifest.xml20:51
neeradI did that20:51
saidinesh5there are a lot of junk repos in there you dont need20:51
saidinesh5even after that 541?20:51
saidinesh5I am at 380 or something20:51
neerador is it removable?20:53
saidinesh5it is for contacts afaik20:55
neeradI figured it out , some stupid screensaver I removed it20:55
saidinesh5contacts sync to be precise20:56
neeradnot that some other repo20:56
neeradwhy does these repos cause error?20:57
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neeradhow to fix these problem?21:03
neeradwithout removing repos21:03
saidinesh5depends on what the problem is21:09
saidinesh5that's why run repo sync --trace to see what the repo is and what the problem is21:09
neeradI was googling it and found something about bare repos?21:09
neeradWhat does it mean and how can it be solved?21:09
neeradyeah I traced it repo --trace sync -l21:09
saidinesh5so waht's the error?21:10
neeradcan't sync work tree21:10
neeradand this must be run from a work tree21:11
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saidinesh5which repo?21:11
neeradbare repos have no work tree that is y they are failing I read21:11
neeradlibogg, screensavers, contacts sync one and I don't know how many?21:12
neeradI remove one another one pops in21:12
saidinesh5try force-sync? maybe there were some local changes it was unable to rewrite21:13
neeraddid it already failed21:13
neeradbare repos seems to be the error21:14
saidinesh5delete those repo related directories inside .repo/projects and project-objects21:15
saidinesh5and then start repo sync21:15
nh1402saidinesh5: im getting close to successfully building an emulator image21:18
saidinesh5nh1402: oh what's left?21:18
neeradsolved it21:21
neeradrunning repo --trace sync -l21:21
saidinesh5yeah --trace is quite helpful21:21
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nh1402saidinesh5: still failing to build first it was source issues, then out of memory errors, and now it's something else21:58
nh1402i think the issue now is java 6 instead of java8 installed21:59
nh1402had java6 for sfdroid cm12.121:59
nh1402both are installed but its using 622:00
nh1402will fix that tomorrow22:01
nh1402well im off speak to you tomorrow22:07
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