#sfdroid log for Sunday, 2017-01-29

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*** Piece_Maker <Piece_Maker!~Acou_Bass@host-89-242-214-2.as13285.net> has joined #sfdroid11:08
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nh1402miau_: didn't realise you said something14:01
nh1402i couldn't even find the location of the file it was complaining about14:01
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miau_nh1402: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/+/android-7.1.1_r13/core/ninja.mk15:04
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saidinesh5nh1402: up for some testing?20:02
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nh1402saidinesh5: sure20:22
saidinesh5nh1402: https://github.com/saidinesh5/harbour-droplet  is the source and https://build.merproject.org/package/show/home:saidinesh5/harbour-droplet is my repo for builds20:24
saidinesh5you will need to patch lipstick though. you can use patchmanager 2.0 to get https://coderus.openrepos.net/pm2/project/sailfishos-lipstick-enable-applets .. or my OBS repo has an rpm for patchmanager 120:25
saidinesh5after patching lipstick, you need to restart lipstick for it to take effect btw20:28
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neeradHi I want to make sfdroid for my SFOS how to do it?20:33
neeradcan anybody tell me?20:33
saidinesh5neerad: https://trello.com/c/JvkxnGMr/4-port-sf-droid all the links i collected20:34
saidinesh5look at the piratepad link20:34
saidinesh5nh1402: hmm?20:34
saidinesh5neerad: basically the gist of it is patch your android sources with patches from sfdroid repos.. build those needed bits20:37
neeradI got it20:37
saidinesh5https://gist.github.com/saidinesh5/3262c31c88776445544c8b2804ee02df my useless build script, maybe of interest to you though20:37
saidinesh5hmm.. maybe i should give my sfdroid in chroot one  more shot tonight20:41
neeradgood luck bro20:41
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