#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-01-25

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nh1402miau__: well well well, if you look who it is.09:50
miau__nh1402: :-D09:50
miau__nh1402: Tired of camera issues :-D09:50
miau__nh1402: Already dreaming about camera logcats...09:52
miau__nh1402: So, what do you need to know to get sfdroid working on cm13 or where can i help?09:53
nh1402miau__: you need the sfdroid renderer, and you need to patch surfaceflinger to use the sharebuffer. You also need to patch netd.09:58
nh1402I suspect there will be more work needed than those patches for Marshmallow though.10:00
miau__Ok, but how do i compile this stuff?10:01
nh1402urm, I never actually found out how to compile modules specifically. I ended up compiling the whole base, which isn't really ideal.10:03
nh1402someone else is bound to know though, surely.10:04
miau__Ok, i have to checkout the cm13 source first, get the needed build tools made the changes and keep the fingers crossed, that'll work?10:05
saidinesh5nh1402: miau__ you just make MODULE_NAME at the root of your android10:13
saidinesh5you can find the name of each individual module name in their make file btw.10:13
miau__Is it possible to copy the source out of the ubuntu sdk?10:14
saidinesh5whut? what source?10:15
saidinesh5you can use ubuntu sdk (the ha build sdk) to compile the android sources10:15
nh1402chocolate sauce10:15
saidinesh5but you do need to clone the cyanogenmod sources10:16
saidinesh5which device are you trying to compile for miau__?10:16
miau__Nexus5 cm1310:16
saidinesh5Ah interesting10:18
saidinesh5you need to patch the sfdroid repos yourself I think10:18
miau__Mhh, i see..much to learn.10:20
saidinesh5not that difficult imho10:21
saidinesh5before you sync the sources, my little tip is to cut down their weight10:21
saidinesh5remove off all the things you dont need from the cm13 manifest and then start the sync10:21
saidinesh5tthat should easilysave you like 20ish GB of disk spacce10:21
saidinesh5and some compile time10:21
miau__Thanks, that was my next question.10:22
saidinesh5which repos to trim?10:22
miau__Let me first take a look in the manifest.10:23
saidinesh5you can start off by deleting anything with darwin in the name.. as yyou're compiling on linux10:23
saidinesh5then a bunch of hardware related ones that are not related to your device, like nvidia, intel, broadcom etc..10:24
saidinesh5reference manifest.xml btw.10:33
miau__So, i cloned android.git cm13 branch. Now i edit the manifest and then sync?10:38
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nh1402miau__: I believe so10:41
miau__https://dpaste.de/Yjat Is that enough?10:50
nh1402miau__: think so11:20
saidinesh5miau__: you can only know once you start the compilation :P11:21
miau__We'll see, syncing atm.11:46
nh1402how is the syncing going?12:10
nh1402miau__: ^12:14
nh1402feels like the emulator renders with Qt or SDL13:21
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miau__It didn't finish in my Ubuntu VM, maybe i ran out of space in the VM. I'm looking into the necesary build tools to build it on my host linux(arch linux).13:55
nh1402_miau__: how much space did it have14:05
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saidinesh5miau__: it needs a lot of space. like easily 70GB  once the build is done15:42
saidinesh5miau__: you can simply reuse your habuild chroot instead of a separate Ubunut VM15:42
saidinesh5one nice thing is that SFDROID_ROOT doesn't necessarily have to be inside your /home15:43
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nh1402__saidinesh5: I thought it was about half that15:50
saidinesh5nh1402__: not for CM12.1 raw build at least15:51
saidinesh5nh1402__: my out/ without even the chromium build itself weighs like 25-30GB15:52
saidinesh5then there is the space needed for ccache...15:53
nh1402__yh I suppose it builds up15:53
saidinesh5yup. when i was building in a very small VM on azure, i had to move my .repo to home so that the build partition of 70GB would stay free and my build wouldnt fail after 4hours lol15:55
saidinesh5okay .repo 30.2 GB, out/ 27.5GB15:57
nh1402__I stupidly made my home folder use a seperate small partition, and then when I tried getting the source, naturally I ran out of space.16:10
nh1402__ended up having to put the source somewhere else16:11
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nh1402yo yo yo18:43
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miau__Sync is done, 23GB.19:42
malhey, should this line have privilegedAppDirSFDROID https://github.com/sfdroid/android_frameworks_base/commit/e9380b44f94463002da06beca5320d184c1db30b#diff-cb589fb4d249734569e11adf2d1c645aR1112419:54
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malthat mistake seems to be in many of the branches20:17
saidinesh5 more reason to run sfdroid in chroot :P20:43
malanyone seen this art/runtime/jni_internal.cc:769] JNI FatalError called: Native registration unable to find class 'android/net/Helpers'; aborting...20:59
nh1402never seen that before, looks quite serious20:59
nh1402ScopedObjectAccess soa(env)21:07
nh1402or some code in that vicinity21:09
malthat class is actually part of the sfdroid changes21:15
nh1402ok I did not know that.21:40
malno idea why it's not found, that seems to be the problem now21:41
malit's failing to start because of that21:41
malthe files are there21:42
nh1402is it looking in the wrong place? since we moved stuff into what was it droid/hybris/system/ ?21:42
malnh1402: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.net.Helpers" on path: DexPathList[[directory "."],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib, /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/lib-dev-alog, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]21:45
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malI'll try to rebuild21:49
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