#sfdroid log for Sunday, 2017-01-22

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Xray2000any more news of sfdroid on fp2 ?12:24
malat least not from me, I have done other things12:25
Xray2000ok thanks mal i hope it will be there soon ;)12:26
malthat is not very high priority for me12:27
Xray2000Ok i see and understand no problem i dont know the thing to compile it so otherway i already have try it.12:27
Xray2000as i'm not that long on Linux this is in some way new for me ;)12:28
malI'm more interested in sailfish side of development than android side12:28
Xray2000Ha i see yes understand but the problem i have i can not use sf only as my bank app dont exits for it and that i need12:29
Xray2000the only thing i know of reading is a lot of user like to see sfdroid on fp2 for a lot of people is only sfos not usefull12:30
Xray2000at last in Belgium and the Nederlands.12:31
malwell since I have already done most of the fp2 sailfish porting alone I think other people should contribute to sfdroid for example12:31
Xray2000I can unserstand that mal, as i have told you linux is new for me and i dont even dont know how to start otherway i have try it ;)12:32
malyes, no problem12:33
malbut I assume there should be some fp2 users with development background12:33
Xray2000i think the problem is there are not enouf sfos users on fp212:34
malI think this is the usual chicken and egg problem, not enough sailfish users because no android support and therefore not enough developers to make that happen12:35
Xray2000When i read the forum of Fairphone everyone like to have android support.12:36
Xray2000I have see your name there also ;)12:36
Xray2000But no one dont know how there i think12:36
malI spent most of yesterday trying to get the first ever android 7 based sailfish port working, didn't succeed yet12:38
Xray2000Nice !12:38
Xray2000the only one that mebay can make sfdroid and we have now will be entil let's hope hi can found time to do it ;)12:48
Xray2000if have been search and serach for a other way to run android apps on fp2 with sfos but it seems there is no other way12:48
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Acou_Bassi saw a video a few months ago showing sfdroid running android apps in seperate windows (rather than all the android system in a single window) - is this still a thing, or is it just not in the 'main release' so to speak yet?17:33
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malAcou_Bass: currently the multiwindow approach is the main one being used18:07
Acou_Bassive been using the sfdroid download on the mer wiki page for mako, and dont see any way to make it use the multi window setup, so figured it was a new feature not in the release yet18:08
Acou_Bassim not complaining, thankfully sailfish has a decent app ecosystem, but i saw the video and got curious hehe18:09
malAcou_Bass: probably that build is very old18:10
Acou_Bassah, would i have to build it myself then? or is there another place to grab builds to test18:10
malnot sure who made the build18:11
malAcou_Bass: which cm base do you use on the device?18:15
Acou_Bassi believe 11 :P18:15
Acou_Bassyep 118:16
Acou_Bassi understand there is work under way to get a CM12 base but im not sure if thats a good idea yet?18:16
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malAcou_Bass: looking at sfdroid repos the old cm11 base version hasn't been updated to multiwindow18:18
Acou_Bassahhh makes sense18:18
Acou_Bassi think im probably safer waiting for the CM12 base to come down the pipe, like i said the multiwindow was more of a curiosity for me than an urgent feature :D18:20
malthe multiwindow is quite nice, I have tried in on fp218:20
Acou_Bassseems like it brings the experience close to what official jollas have18:21
malyes, sfdroid is still a little unstable sometimes18:22
Acou_Bassive not used it for anything serious, ive not realy found myself 'missing' any apps just using native sailfish ones, so i can live with a little instability hehe18:27
Xray2000Acou_bass: That's nice in my case i can not use sfos without sfdroid here in Belgium like my bank only use android support apps even not a website anymore (:18:35
Acou_Bassive never really used android anyway, especially not as a 'daily driver' device so i guess i never got sucked into the ecosystem18:36
malXray2000: there is really no way to use the bank services using normal computer with a browser?18:36
Xray2000Not with my bak no18:37
malmy bank will also move from paper code table to mobile app for codes, but they do provide a physical code machine for those who do not have android or apple device18:38
entiloh yeah, I need to get one of those18:38
malI would change to another bank if they forced using android or apple device18:38
Acou_Bassmy bank gave me a little 2fa device creator thingy to login to their website... thankfully theyve not shut the site down yet18:39
Xray2000Yes i know but the mostly bank dont use it here any more a website bcoss everyone has a smartphone and more and more user useing only a phone or a ipad etc...18:40
Acou_Bassi have to say i agree with mal on that one, seems like pointless vendor lock-in =\18:40
malI wouldn't use my phone to do banking18:40
Xray2000It's becoss it's to expansif for them here, a website and make apps the need to make a choice the told me18:40
Xray2000And last year i have try it when the website was still there from a Jolla C and i can not login on that becoss of some thing the website use i think.18:41
malexcuses from the bank, it's not really that expensive to maintain a websit18:42
Xray2000Indeed Belgium is the most expansif country for internet use.18:42
Xray2000I know Mal.18:42
malbasically just a frontend to the same backend as used in the app18:43
Xray2000Even the push people here some bank to have the lasted android os or the app dont works anymore it realy sucks18:43
Acou_Bassand i bet they dont let you use their app on rooted/jailbroken devices either?18:43
Acou_Bassmy bank has mobile apps and they wont work on root/jailbroken ones18:43
Xray2000I have now the Faiphone open and it works18:43
Xray2000i only get a message that it is danger18:43
Xray2000but the app works18:43
Acou_Bassthats slightly better :D18:44
Acou_Bassat least youre not completely SOL, though a bit sad that workarounds like this are necessary18:44
Xray2000the strange thing was the apps was not working on a Jolla C and with my nexus 5 last year it was working with sfdroid ;)18:44
malusing an app in a phone would make my life more difficult, I keep statistics of money usage so copying the data from the mobile app is probably not easily possible18:45
Xray2000I understand Mal18:46
maleventhough I really don't even need to keep those statistics I still do just for fun, interesting to see how usage to different things changes over time18:47
Xray2000I think Mal that's why user of the fp2 like to see that mutch sfdroid here and the nederlands becoss of some company's pussing people of using apps and no website anymore.18:47
Xray2000That's nice Mal ;)18:48
malindeed, never thought there would be places where they stopped using banking websites18:49
malI have now 8 years of statistics, gives some nice trends18:49
Xray2000yes Belgium is become realy a shit country18:49
Xray2000It's going bad and bad18:49
Xray2000Anyway Mal i hope there will be a dev that can make this happen ;)18:55
malwe'll see if I have time, I was trying to fix the compass on fp2 today, no luck yet18:56
Xray2000That would be verry nice from you Mal many thanks for that !!!18:57
Xray2000Mal is it so hard this sfdroid ?18:58
malthe basic build is not difficult but debugging the issues is18:59
Xray2000i was think it would be easy becoss it's there for the X and as i know it's the same kernel18:59
Xray2000Ha i see18:59
malI need to test the patches used in X and see if there is any difference19:00
Xray2000what can happen if i try to install the sfdroid from the x just for a test ? can my device become broke19:01
malI doubt it will work, fp2 uses different android base, cm12.1 on X vs aosp5 in fp219:02
Xray2000Ok but my device can not become broke19:02
Xray2000I will give it a go and see ;)19:03
malwell it may fail to boot and you might need to reinstall it19:03
NeKit<Acou_Bass> my bank has mobile apps and they wont work on root/jailbroken ones19:04
NeKitSberbank app in Russia limits functions on rooted devices19:04
NeKitguess what, people started to patch banking app instead19:04
malnot sure if sfdroid is seen as rooted or not19:04
Xray2000Ok will try it and se19:04
Xray2000On my Nexus 5 my bank app was working and i dont have got a message it was rooted19:05
malXray2000: I highly doubt it will work, like 90+ % sure it won't19:05
Xray2000Ok thanks Mal19:05
NeKitdoes X use same SoC with FP2?19:06
Xray2000So Mal i think you are correct as the app dont see it as root in sfdroid.19:07
malNeKit: well both are msm8974 and snapdragon 80119:12
dr_gogeta86one X results rooted19:41
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