#sfdroid log for Friday, 2017-01-20

*** Xray2000 <Xray2000!~Rudi@cust-13-10-110-94.dyn.as47377.net> has joined #sfdroid04:24
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entillulz, wasn't especially looking04:33
entilI just never understood why he reached out to me about sfdroid04:34
entilbesides which, community interest is valuable...04:34
*** Xray2000 <Xray2000!~Rudi@cust-13-10-110-94.dyn.as47377.net> has joined #sfdroid05:43
krnlyngXray2000: it will get non-quiet if there is a cm13 port and i find some time to port :)07:49
Xray2000Ok i see i'm waiting for the sfdroid for fp2 ;)07:54
entilI don't know if anyone's working on it really at the moment07:54
entilXray2000: did you build it?07:54
entilXray2000: can you show any log output?07:54
Xray2000No but i know Mal is working on it.07:55
entilI'll buy mal several beers if he is and gets it going07:55
entilI'm out of luck/time/things07:55
Xray2000I see ;) yes i know and have read a lot of people wait for the sfdroid on the fp207:56
entilme not having skills for this is technically a temporary setback, anything can be learned given time, but finding enough time and trading off priorities on usage is where it shits me07:57
entilthere are people far better qualified, like mal, whom I'd rather even pay money, and/or beer07:57
entilbut unfortunately the majority of people with an interest tend to either wait or be too busy07:58
entilin all niche projects07:58
Xray2000yes indeed i understand, well i'm not that long on Linux so for me is this also new..07:58
Xray2000I can make small apps in qt but that's it ;)07:58
entilI think the question is more about fluency in android programming and understanding the architecture in android07:59
entilstill boggles the mind how aliendalvik can't be purchased08:00
Xray2000it would be better when Jolla just send out the aliandalvik for porters also but i know this cost a lot of money but that would be good when the have that opstion.08:01
entilI sent a message to the aliendalvik guys asking ytf they won't sell it, and word on the streets is that it would be too expensive, so I asked them how expensive would it be?08:01
entilthey did not reply08:01
saidinesh5i have a bunch of links here about android internals btw. https://trello.com/c/JvkxnGMr/4-port-sf-droid08:02
saidinesh5entil: i think they have to make custom modifications for it to run on $DEVICE08:03
saidinesh5like say porting CyanogenMod to run on $DEVICE08:03
entiloh, so it's not that far apart from sfdroid08:04
entilI thought it was more generic08:04
saidinesh5not sure.. just my guess based on how every android_device_<vendor>_<device> is quite different..08:05
saidinesh5okay i may  definitely be wrong though08:06
entilXray2000: out of curiosity, did you use my script?08:14
entiland same goes out to mal08:14
entilI'd like to add RPM building to it next time I deal with it08:14
Xray2000I have see your script but dont have try it08:15
Xray2000but i will try it today to build it08:16
Xray2000can you send me the link again please08:16
entilit needs you to have the basic sources checked out08:17
saidinesh5entil: i added that bit :P08:18
saidinesh5wrote a basic spec file to package the sfos bits we compiled08:18
Xray2000ok guy what i need to build this ?08:19
entilsaidinesh5: added to my script? as a fork?08:19
entilsmurfy still has a fork alive, I did merge it at some point08:19
saidinesh5well.. i started off with your script... I deleted so much from it that it looks nothing like the original now08:19
saidinesh5moved the packaging bits to the spec file, moved the fetch parts to a local manifest08:20
saidinesh5Xray2000: you need the whole sailfish build environment from hadk for this08:20
entilsaidinesh5: kimmoli has a spec file as well, but yeah, might as well leech yours and see08:21
entilthe risk with everyone building their own way is that bugs can creep in (not that I'm saying my build script is the ultimate way to go ;P)08:21
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saidinesh5of course... the thing started off with me wanting an rpm instead  of tar.gz..08:23
saidinesh5after that manifest seemed like a nice choice because i was even trimming down the cyanogenmod fat, as i was building a whole system/08:23
Xray2000wow i just read the pdf of the dev kit this is not that easy.08:26
nh1402well with the development of WebAssembly, maybe we'll see ARC 2.0 running on Chrome08:28
saidinesh5and then run Chrome for android inside that? :P08:29
entilyeah, there are different ways of doing an rpm, the one I've used involves tarballs08:31
saidinesh5Ahh.. tarball -> rpm I see08:32
entilthat's what I was going for with the tarball, yes, and that's a step I've done manually08:38
entilnext time I build I'll expand the script08:38
nh1402saidinesh5: you back on the lxc container stuff now then?08:39
saidinesh5almost. almost done with my little app and found out a horrible issue: it cant accept user text input becausee of it being a notification window08:40
saidinesh5so trying to work around that08:40
nh1402define notification window08:41
saidinesh5my app sets window.category = "notification" so it wont show up in the window list + it wont steal attention from other window08:42
saidinesh5but when activated, my app should be able to steal attention... hence my dilemma08:42
nh1402Sailfish or otherwise?08:45
saidinesh5this app is a port of this android app to sailfish: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flynx&hl=en08:46
nh1402ah, I have 0 experience with Qt. If it was an Android app I might have been able to help.08:48
nh1402but it looks like you've got the Android app covered.08:51
saidinesh5hehh that isn't my android app. jusst that i really missed that in sailfish08:52
saidinesh5when i had to choose between Z launcher and this, i picked this because Zlauncher involved me having to grok a lot inside the sources of lipstick08:53
saidinesh5looks like i am back to what i have been trying to avoid08:53
saidinesh5https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nokia.z&hl=en is Z launcher btw.08:54
nh1402I know about the Z launcher, that's the Windows Phone-esque Android Launcher from Nokia right? while Elop was being groped by Microsoft to get Nokia to make Windows phones.08:56
saidinesh5oh the Windows Phone-esque bit is not it's main thing though.08:59
saidinesh5it feels like krunner for my phone08:59
nh1402it had some weird tile rubbish when it first came out09:01
saidinesh5oh didn't know that09:01
nh1402aah, the tile rubbish I'm talking about was the X launcher, either they rebranded it as Z launcher and changed it completely or it's a different app.09:02
nh1402it seems they've rebranded it, and it's basically a brand new app.09:03
saidinesh5yeah. Nokia released a tablet with this one09:04
nh1402that's the tablet that's basically using an iPad body, right?09:04
saidinesh5no clue.. but it was fairly close to Jolla tablet in specs09:05
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malentil: there is also a simpler way to build the needed libs, just a single make command with many targets listed09:10
entilmal: kerro toki lisää, what are the targets required?09:13
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entilsaidinesh5's script does every mm individually, no idea what the targets might be09:14
malI just looked at the makefiles and took the targets from those09:16
malthe module names09:16
entilmaybe I'll change my script but not sure that's a priority now09:18
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malnot very high priority, getting the UI up is a priority09:20
entilI do end up with a tarball after all09:22
malI build a rpm of those09:23
entilI will too, eventually09:23
entilor manually for the time being09:23
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Xray2000mal any luck with sfdroid for the fp2 ?11:24
malXray2000: no11:30
Xray2000so that's bad news11:31
Xray2000i was think it would be easy as on the oneplus x it runs and if i'm not mistake the fp2 has the same kernel11:32
malI have no information about sfdroid on oneplus x11:33
entilthat's kimmoli's platform, right?11:33
Xray2000i have a frend with a oneplus x and hi told me that sfdroid was now on oneplus x that's all i know11:34
malXray2000: I had sfdroid also running on fp2 last summer if I remember correctly11:34
Xray2000nice and why it dont run anymore now ?11:35
malbut after that the android base on fp2 has changed and the sfdroid repos were rebased by others than me11:35
malso not sure if there is some mistake there or something is missing11:35
Xray2000i see11:36
entilthat would be a long-running mistake :/11:36
entilhard to pin down now11:36
malentil: did you get sfdroid running with those repos before rebase?11:36
malentil: better to start over with clean repos11:37
entilmal: no, but I think I couldn't have, because I used blobs that were outdated and whatnot11:37
entilit never ran for me on any setup11:38
entiland the one rebase I committed was clean, and didn't make it work, so it's all meh11:38
entilwould it be possible to figure out which version(s) it was working with and track from there?11:38
entilsounds like it could be horrendous pain11:39
malI was stupid and overwrote my previously working old source tree with that rebase11:40
malwell partially working11:40
Xray2000is there no why that we can go back to the worked firmware on the fpe211:40
Xray2000i mean go back to the worked base before fairphone changes something mal11:41
Xray2000the base you wa srunning with sfdroid11:41
entilI think that's the part where the pain comes in11:41
entilhaving to flash the phone with old versions etc, no fun11:41
malwell that not so much about fairphone changing things but me changing things11:41
Xray2000i see ;)11:42
mali rebased my sailfish adaptation repos to get latest fixes in and after that we require new sfdroid repos also11:42
malthe old ones might in theory still work but not sure11:43
malkimmoli: did you make the sfdroid patching for onyx?11:43
Xray2000entil can we not as the guys of alian that the give all porters a free licency11:44
entilyou can ask if you want, I don't need to hear the "nope."11:45
malthat won't happen11:45
Xray2000I will try to call them11:45
entilsfdroid is essentially in competition, even if they don't seem to care about this market11:45
malno reason to even ask11:45
Xray2000ha ok11:45
malentil: maybe i should try to start over with sfdroid, but I have so many project going on11:46
kimmolimal: not to devel11:46
malkimmoli: who made those?11:48
kimmolidunno, afaik iirc it is not in image.11:49
malok, but Xray2000 said the it does work11:49
Xray2000I will ask the guy that told me if hi know that11:50
Xray2000Hi told me that sfdroid was now on the x11:50
kimmoliyes i got it working, but needed some tweaking on init.rc iirc.11:52
kimmoliit was half a year ago, so i don't remember...11:53
malkimmoli: ok, so basically the same situation that I have, I got it mostly working in the summer but haven't worked on it since11:54
Xray2000this is where hi get it from11:55
Xray2000oeps sorry bad link11:56
entilwhat would it take to start over?11:56
entilgrab the x sources, git format-patch HEAD~123 (or somesuch) and apply them onto a clean tree?11:56
Xray2000mal: that was the correct link11:57
malentil: pretty much that11:57
malentil: since onyx seems to work, I would patch using those11:58
entilbut I'm sure onyx's android base is quite different than the fairphone open android, so there's gonna be file locations that don't add up and maybe library api calls that won't work etc?11:59
maldifficult to says11:59
entilI'm just thinking out loud, in case someone sees the log of this channel, wanting to make this work, and has to have an understanding of what needs to happen12:00
entilbut it's not unlikely those are the types of issues that would arise, right?12:00
malsome might happen but probably not many12:01
entilbut there's like 17 repositories that need to be patched12:02
entilincluding maybe the external dbus stuff that iirc is completely separate12:03
malentil: not that many repos12:10
entilI cheated by taking a quick look at saidinesh5's build script12:11
entilor maybe some of those shadow master12:11
entilwithout any differences12:11
saidinesh5afaik dbus is needed for toggling network on/off12:12
malentil: only 7 repos based on saidinesh5's script12:13
saidinesh5av was patched only for nexus 4 iirc. hence 7?12:13
saidinesh5mal: if you're starting over from scratch, could you really try the lxc approach? that way we can probably share the same sources12:15
entilmy brain has this weird dysfunction, the busier I get with "real stuff", the more I want to procrastinate, and the scumbag brain develops interests and thoughts like "it's only 7 repos, I'll have it done in two hours" and then two hours later I'm ready to slit my wrists12:15
malsaidinesh5: I haven't really followed how that is going, did someone get something running in container already?12:15
saidinesh5i tried but the container wasn't starting12:16
saidinesh5i then tried to run  it in a chroot though12:16
saidinesh5which backfired.. not sure why..12:16
saidinesh5but when i ran it in chroot, i didnt have a lot of needed apks apparently, including SystemUI12:16
saidinesh5so all i saw was some 10-15 dex2opt processes heating up my device12:17
malsaidinesh5: that is a common issue, I get that on fp2 also12:17
malit ends up looping through those all the time12:17
saidinesh5yup.. i think it was looping through too12:18
nh1402you'll definitely need SystemUI12:19
saidinesh5without chroot it was definitely messy to even keep track of.. like processes taking their libraries from everywhere: /system/lib, /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib , /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib12:22
nh1402saidinesh5: doesn't the lxc container help with that, or no?12:23
nh1402I have no idea what the container does btw12:23
saidinesh5nh1402: it should. if only i could get it to run12:23
nh1402why doesn't it run12:23
saidinesh5nh1402: container basically is chroot + chroot for process  tree + ...12:23
saidinesh5i am not sure.. something something cgroup12:24
nh1402how does it handle things that the main OS already runs. There are some shared stuff, which we could just use the Sailfish version of instead of having another process running for Android to do the same thing?12:24
saidinesh5that depends on the drivers they are trying to use12:25
saidinesh5the guy who ran android in 2 lxc containers patched his hwcomposer iirc.. to print out only the active screen12:25
saidinesh5otherwise ti was just flickering through both12:25
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saidinesh5hey mariogrip15:06
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krnlynghi mariogrip19:32
krnlynghow far did you get with your attempts to make android on ubuntu phones work?19:33
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dr_gogeta86hi krnlyng20:12
dr_gogeta86how do you do ?20:12
krnlyngdr_gogeta86, fine and you?20:14
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krnlyngdr_gogeta86, a little sick20:14
krnlyngdr_gogeta86, and you?20:14
dr_gogeta86not bad ...20:14
dr_gogeta86the new device is coming ...20:15
dr_gogeta86and is aarch6420:15
dr_gogeta86and even 14.120:15
nh1402which device20:15
dr_gogeta86zuk z220:15
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dr_gogeta86the question is ... is stil possible rebase sfdroid for 14.120:22
malprobably, but might need some work20:23
maldr_gogeta86: but I need to get hybris-14.1 working first20:23
dr_gogeta86i bet you finish before the device is in da house20:24
malwell hybris-hal builds already but issues with droid-hal packaging20:26
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