#sfdroid log for Friday, 2016-12-09

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entilafaik not mismatching sources, but I haven't had time to delve into this, maybe later06:44
entilhttp://paste.debian.net/901358/ pasted it again just to be safe while I start going to work06:44
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krnlyngentil: looks like there is at least one mismatch14:17
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entilkrnlyng: that's odd, though17:06
entilkrnlyng: is it possible the fp2 branch isn't synced up?17:06
krnlyngentil: which branch?17:06
entilfp2-sibon of android_frameworks_av17:07
krnlyngentil: most likely17:07
krnlyngentil: it's not too difficult to create your own clean version of tihs17:07
entilkrnlyng: clone the android_frameworks_av repository, add another origin and rebase or what?17:08
krnlyngentil: i would just cherry-pick the needed changes, is probably faster17:09
entilkrnlyng: I wouldn't be able to recognize them, I think17:09
entilkrnlyng: how would I find out? and what's the other origin I would pick from?17:09
krnlyngentil: in the mako_12 branch i only added commits nothing else, so you should be able to pick those, adjust them to fp2 and give it a go17:11
krnlyngonly i added*17:11
krnlyngcommits with committer krnlyng*17:11
entilgit log mako_12 --committer f..@..at gives me one (1) commit17:13
krnlyngin frameworks_av yes17:14
entilbut that commit's present in fp2-sibon17:14
entilso it shouldn't be an issue17:14
krnlyngentil: there are probably more commits in the branch you're using17:15
krnlyngoh i think i know what you mean17:16
krnlyngyeah i think fp2-sibon commits can also be used17:16
entilbut that's what I'm doing, my build script checks out fp2-sibon of all repositories17:16
entilmjt@ishtar:~/src/git_checkouts/fp2/fairphone_os/frameworks/av ((dcc0df9...))$ git status17:18
entilHEAD detached at FP2/fp2-sibon17:18
entilkrnlyng: anyway, if you can give me a clue, or just tell me ;), what the at least one mismatch is, that'd be great17:26
entilbecause judging by the mako_12/fp2-sibon commits, fp2-sibon would be up to speed17:27
krnlyngentil: you need to update the fp2-sibon branches to the version you're currently using17:37
entilkrnlyng: I understood that means getting your commits from mako_12 but they're (it's) already there, right?17:40
krnlyngentil: no17:40
krnlyngentil: the fp2-sibon branches on the sfdroid github are outdated17:41
krnlyngentil: thats your mismatch17:41
entilkrnlyng: so what else do I need from mako_12 but your one commit?17:41
krnlyngentil: nothing. you need commits from the official fp2 branches17:41
krnlyngthats why i was trying to tell you17:42
krnlyngcheck out the official sources17:42
entilkrnlyng: ok, then I misunderstood, and need to merge the proper branch from http://code.fairphone.com/gerrit/fp2-dev/platform/frameworks/av17:42
krnlyngcherry-pick the commits17:42
krnlyngor that17:42
entilit merged without conflicts from fairphone/fp2-sibon17:45
krnlyngyup thats likely since we're only chaging main and i don't see a reason for them to change main17:46
entillet's see if my builder realizes that I want to use my local clone as its repo for av17:47
entiland I would imagine that if, or when, the build keeps on failing, I have to sync the repository's fp2-sibon branches17:48
entiljust git merge fairphone/fp2-sibon --no-ff17:48
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entilkrnlyng: it compiled just fine(!) and I got the rpm built(!) and I added include /init.sfdroid.rc(!) (because it was lost in an update)19:50
entilunfortunately after devel-su killall surfaceflinger main servicemanager zygote (zygote: no process found) - it's black :(19:50
entilI'm collecting a ton of logcat now19:53
entilkrnlyng: http://mjt.nysv.org/scratch/sailfish/logcat-2016-12-09.01.txt20:01
entilthere's some exception stuff happening, signature mismatch for shared user, and stuff like that20:02
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