#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2016-10-06

*** rinigus <rinigus!~rinigus@kybi.ioc.ee> has joined #sfdroid05:44
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*** andrewalker <andrewalker!walker@to1.hashbang.sh> has joined #sfdroid10:48
nh1402andrewalker: how are you with QT apps?10:49
dr_gogeta86nh1402, i've updated from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 with sfdroid on ... no problems :-D10:49
dr_gogeta86But I think was damn lucky10:50
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andrewalkernh1402: what do you mean? Whether I can develop QT apps?10:50
nh1402andrewalker: yes10:51
andrewalkernh1402: I've played around with the sdk, ran some demo's, not much more than that.10:51
andrewalkerbut I'm interested in learning more10:51
nh1402dr_gogeta86: I suppose that depends on if any libhybris stuff is modified during an OTA, if not then sfdroid should be safe.10:51
andrewalkernh1402: why, do you guys have some low hanging fruits I could help with? :)10:51
nh1402andrewalker: https://github.com/sfdroid/sfdroid-misc/issues10:52
nh1402you'll notice I've self-assigned one of them, which involves writing a QT app, I have no idea how to make, yet. My plan was to fork the rpm-installer app and modify it to listen for apk's and then use binder (some how) to install the apk in sfdroid.10:53
r0kk3rzwell, clearly we need a reimplementation of apkd10:54
andrewalkernh1402: sounds doable. I only have one sailfishos device, which is jolla1, and I use it as my main phone. Is it risky to install sfdroid? Alongside with aliendalvik, I mean...10:55
r0kk3rzandrewalker: impossible10:56
nh1402andrewalker: that would be in alien territory, no one has tried getting sfdroid to work on a Jolla device yet.10:56
nh1402r0kk3rz: I wouldn't say impossible, you try your hand at creating a chroot image to boot into.10:56
andrewalkerbut I should be able to develop just using the sdk + emulator, correct?10:56
r0kk3rzthat said, for some of this stuff you dont specfically need a sfdroid device10:56
r0kk3rzwe need to map the apkd interface as it is on jolla phone10:57
r0kk3rzand do an open reimplementation10:57
andrewalkerI see10:57
r0kk3rzi think dbus is probably going to be the main interconnect between apkd and sfdroid, so that will be ok to check that you're sending the right packets10:58
nh1402I think my approach of forking this https://github.com/custodian/harbour-rpminstaller to listen for apk's instead would be the way to go10:59
nh1402feed in the apk, go to android -> install app, grab app icon image, feed the directory of the icon back to the app to create the desktop file.11:00
nh1402using binder to install, launch and uninstall the apk.11:01
r0kk3rzwhy does it need to be an app?11:03
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nh1402so apk's can be installed in Sailfish and not just within Android11:04
nh1402we can then merge the resulting rpm with the *other* one.11:04
nh1402can easily be installed*11:06
*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-teqqlkkxosyouwop> has joined #sfdroid11:06
r0kk3rzthat doesnt need to be an app though, alien-dalvik has that as a service11:07
nh1402well i don't know how to make that either.11:07
nh1402TheRealJohnGalt[: well hello there11:08
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nh1402r0kk3rz: having a front end for sfdroid wouldn't help, eg. A settings page to turn android services on or off, get contacts in Android, etc.11:14
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r0kk3rznh1402: yeah ultimately theres little architectural differences between a service or an app11:19
r0kk3rzbut i think matching up with apkd is probably a good idea11:19
nh1402wouldn't hurt*11:21
nh1402r0kk3rz: what do you think are the chances that Jolla would replace apkd with our eventual sfdroid equivalent?11:24
nh1402I'm assuming Jolla are in charge of the integration stuff such as installing apk's in Sailfish, showing notifications, having a page in the settings, wizard etc. and not Myriad11:25
r0kk3rzon sfos side for sure11:26
r0kk3rzno doubt myriad have altered some of the androidy bits to provide a nice interface for some of this stuff though11:26
nh1402what do you think is the likelyhood of replacing their closed apkd with our eventual open one?11:30
r0kk3rzim sure they'd be interested in it11:30
r0kk3rzit kinda depends on the situation with the rest of sfos of course11:31
r0kk3rzright now i think they're using it as a bit of a carrot to get OEMs to release devices11:31
r0kk3rzrather than this 'community partnership' idea that they have going with fp and puzzlephone11:32
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nh1402r0kk3rz: true, treading a fine line between 'community partnership' and "we need money"11:38
nh1402but it's still a different model to Android though, Jolla handle getting Sailfish to run on the device, and then they update the device (supposedly) indefinitely11:42
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nh1402then the sprinkling on top being Android app support, Microsoft Exchange, Maps, and whatever else is proprietary11:43
r0kk3rzyeah it is11:44
r0kk3rzbut from a users perspective they care about the android apps the most11:45
nh1402having said that, sfdroid has already beaten Alien Dalvik in 2 regards.11:49
dr_gogeta86nh1402, we need to disable a bounch of services ... by default11:57
nh1402dr_gogeta86: you what11:59
r0kk3rznh1402: i remember mark shuttleworth being interested in alien-dalvik at MWC a couple of years back12:13
nh1402r0kk3rz: that's the owner of Canonical, right?12:15
nh1402r0kk3rz: I think Jolla have an exclusive agreement with Myriad12:30
nh1402on the one hand that's good that it prevents Samsung or Canonical from using it and having to look elsewhere, but on the other hand they could easily build up sfdroid themselves and use that.12:32
r0kk3rzhonestly i think canonical would prefer an open solution12:33
r0kk3rzbut given their track record they'd just fork it from under you12:33
nh1402instead Samsung have gone for an inferior and ironicly named proprietary ACL, while Ubuntu decided they don't want many apps to run on their OS at all and not do anything.12:34
nh1402r0kk3rz: yh that's the problem with them12:37
r0kk3rzthats what they did with libhybris anyway12:38
nh1402r0kk3rz: they did eventually merge some if not all of it back though, right, quite some time after the fact.12:48
r0kk3rzsome, not all. thekit was recently talking about the MTK support for libhybris12:54
r0kk3rzthat the ubuntu fork had, but ours didnt12:54
nh1402wow even to this day they haven't merged it back.12:55
nh1402I'm taking that as a racial insult.12:55
TheKitit's not about libhybris now, except maybe Marshmallow/aarch64 changes13:07
dr_gogeta86nh1402, juggling with pm13:09
nh1402dr_gogeta86: I don't follow13:13
dr_gogeta86nh1402, sfdroid needed to slimdown13:13
dr_gogeta86too much fuss enabled by default13:13
nh1402ah yes, that13:14
nh1402it's one of the issues in github13:15
dr_gogeta86can you point me to that13:15
nh1402dr_gogeta86: https://github.com/sfdroid/sfdroid-misc/issues/1513:21
nh1402I was under the impression that there was one to slim down the Android stuff as a whole, but turns out I was wrong, but the RAM management kindof covers it.13:22
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