#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2016-09-28

*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-bfdsfipbtgjjjwip> has joined #sfdroid01:51
*** nh1402[m] <nh1402[m]!nh1402matr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-vjoqjcxrzomepkvw> has joined #sfdroid02:00
*** Salvaador <Salvaador!~rodrigo@> has joined #sfdroid04:56
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*** rinigus <rinigus!~rinigus@kybi.ioc.ee> has joined #sfdroid06:55
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*** nh1402_work <nh1402_work!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has joined #sfdroid07:02
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*** nh1402[m] <nh1402[m]!nh1402matr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-vjoqjcxrzomepkvw> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)08:05
*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-bfdsfipbtgjjjwip> has quit IRC (Write error: Connection reset by peer)08:05
*** smurfynet is now known as zz_smurfynet08:18
*** CrKit <CrKit!~nekit@> has joined #sfdroid08:21
dr_gogeta86good morning all08:23
nh1402dr_gogeta86: morning08:25
dr_gogeta86cannot start vm today08:28
dr_gogeta86can gms kill sfdrid ?08:28
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*** nh1402[m] <nh1402[m]!nh1402matr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-hashwcybsqrydwtb> has joined #sfdroid08:54
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nh1402dr_gogeta86: I have a feeling that may no longer work due to the new location for the Android stuff09:08
dr_gogeta86i've flashed everything again09:08
nh1402I think the new version of sfdroid with the new Android location isn't out yet, so it should still work, for now.09:09
nh1402dr_gogeta86: ^09:13
*** nh1402[m] <nh1402[m]!nh1402matr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tprklszofsojavqw> has joined #sfdroid10:02
dr_gogeta86nh1402, now started10:27
dr_gogeta86but just reflashed cm + sfos10:34
dr_gogeta86but start sfdroid is a matter of killing in order10:35
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entil /win 211:04
nh1402entil: you won twice?11:08
entilnh1402: more like a regular typo11:09
entil... which reminds me, that one of these days I'll have to take a long hard look at upgrading my sailfish os and see what the build/run status of sfdroid is11:09
entilthe movie festival caused a 10-day interruption in all life except work and watching movies, essentially11:10
*** smurfynet is now known as zz_smurfynet11:13
*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tvacntqutztcdksj> has joined #sfdroid11:25
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)13:19
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has joined #sfdroid13:31
dr_gogeta86why vm tends to shutdown ?13:32
dr_gogeta86krnlyng, are you here ?13:33
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*** rinigus <rinigus!~rinigus@kybi.ioc.ee> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)13:51
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*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)15:31
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*** nh1402 <nh1402!~Thunderbi@> has joined #sfdroid16:05
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: yes16:43
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*** TheKit <TheKit!~nekit@178-45-3-136.saransk.ru> has joined #sfdroid19:21
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*** smurfynet is now known as zz_smurfynet20:52
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~Thunderbi@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)21:35

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