#sfdroid log for Friday, 2016-09-09

*** locusf <locusf!~locusf@178-55-238-135.bb.dnainternet.fi> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)04:35
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nh1402_workjust had a crazy idea, what if we applied sfdroid to asteroid os for smartwatches and android wear09:16
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nh1402_workkimmoli: 404439?10:16
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kimmoliaccidental bar code reading10:21
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krnlyng|mobilekimmoli: ?10:56
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smurfynetentil: Ok tested on my phone, sadly get no image (only black screen of sfdroid_renderer) but also no (except one but i think its not related to it, after surfaceflinger restart no errors)16:58
smurfynetentil: i use mal-'s renderer (http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/mal:/sfdroid/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/armv7hl/) , system img from http://storage.googleapis.com/fairphone-updates/fp2-sibon-16.07.1-ota-userdebug.zip16:59
smurfynetentil: cleared the /data dir with: "rm -rf .layout_version adb app app-asec app-lib app-private audio backup bugreports connectivity dalvik-cache data dontpanic dpm drm fota hostapd local media mediadrm misc nfc property resource-cache security shared system time tombstones user usf"17:00
smurfynetentil: cleared cache and dalvic-cache using  rescue system17:01
smurfynetentil: i pushed the init script provided by mal to https://github.com/sfdroid/sfdroid-init/tree/fp2-sibon17:02
smurfynetentil: ah and i did a chown root: /usr/libexec/sfdroid -R    and   a chmod +r  /usr/libexec/sfdroid -R17:05
smurfynetkrnlyng: Maybe you can help regarding this. http://smurfy.de/files/sfdroid/log4.txt      is the errorlog17:09
smurfynetkrnlyng: also i would like to push my branches to the organisation. is that ok?17:11
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krnlyngsmurfynet: i would look what LocSvc_launcher is and why it loops18:11
krnlyngsmurfynet: yeah18:11
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