#sfdroid log for Monday, 2016-09-05

*** Yaseen <Yaseen!3d033d9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> has joined #sfdroid07:59
smurfynetentil: i worked a bit on this weekend, but had problems running it. (got strange error). Started a new compile on ubuntu 15.10 instead of 16.04 but did not test the new files yet. I’m using the “new” init.sfdroid.rc  instead of modifing the original init.rc.08:46
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smurfynetentil: i also need to recompile the renderer but had no time, makes no sense if the services won’t work. I use the following build script: https://gist.github.com/smurfy/53f1320ef6d77d322055e7e21d8c877208:49
entilsmurfynet: but isn't the problem with that script that the branches are now in your repo, and/or mal- has something in his repo, and everything should get built from the github.com/sfdroid/ repos' branches - but they don't contain the code yet?09:19
entilhttps://github.com/sfdroid/android_frameworks_av for example does not have an fp2 branch09:20
entilsmurfynet: on the other hand, if your repos should otherwise work, dunno what the problem is09:20
smurfynetentil: last info i had is, that mal- wanted to push his branches. I could do this too, but i wanted to confirm it working.09:20
smurfynetentil: i forked the av framework saturday :D09:20
entilsmurfynet: mmh, well, the script does mention your repos an awful lot and it'd be nicer to have them in one place, that's all09:21
entildunno what's holding mal- back, probably the code base has drifted too far or something09:21
smurfynetentil: yea, the plan is to push them, about mal, my guess is time, like always.09:22
entiloh hey https://github.com/sfdroid/android_hardware_libhardware09:22
mal-just problems prioritizing what to do09:22
entilis this stuff up to date?09:22
mal-entil: no09:22
entilmal-: that's the most common reason for everything :D09:23
entilI was supposed to get so much done during the weekend and instead: next to nothing related to computing09:23
smurfynetmal-: i could push my branches probably tonight. (to sfdroid repos). I want also to cherry-pick all changes.09:25
smurfynetmal-: i noticed some new changes.09:26
mal-smurfynet: are you using the latest fp2-sibon as base and have all of the commit from other sfdroid branches?09:27
mal-smurfynet: you'll need a custom init.sfdroid.rc for fp209:28
mal-smurfynet: not sure if you have the one I made09:29
smurfynetmal-: i plan to update my branches with the latest base and cherry-pick new sfdroid changes09:29
smurfynetmal-: i used the moko12 init.sfdroid.rc   and removed some of the references to cm, nothing more yet.09:30
mal-smurfynet: http://vtkpp.dy.fi/tmp/init.sfdroid.rc09:31
entilgotta be finnish, but somehow I read "onrestart" as "omstart" :D09:40
smurfynetmal-: will test tonight, maybe this helps with the error i’m getting.10:48
dr_gogeta86mal-, is possible start sfdroid by hand without init.sfdroid.rc ?11:29
smurfynetdr_gogeta86: the init.sfdroid.rc is to start all patched services, normally not running on a sailfish device. so no. you need the init file.11:31
smurfynetdr_gogeta86: sfdroid is a combination of the services and a window (sfdroid_renderer app)11:32
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krnlyngdr_gogeta86: you can start some of the services by hand18:08
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: like surfaceflinger18:09
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: but netd is difficult because it wants sockets18:09
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dr_gogeta86for now the render is enaugh20:04
dr_gogeta86just reflashed my onyx20:04
dr_gogeta86and restored backup20:04
dr_gogeta86krnlyng: can you paste somewhere and put it into topic?20:15
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: the renderer? simply sfdroid.sh20:16
dr_gogeta86doesn't work20:16
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: yes if the android services are not running it will do nothing20:17
dr_gogeta86empty frame?20:18
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: no nothing20:19
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: it just waits20:19
dr_gogeta86time to copy the modded android binary20:20
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: if you're using baddea's binaries it will probably fail horribly, nh1402[m] tried my nexus binaries and it almost worked though :)20:22
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: iirc sensors failed and brought everything else down20:23
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dr_gogeta86i've patched and build from my onyx env20:26
krnlyngah ok20:27
dr_gogeta86got time to follow me a bit?20:42

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