#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2016-08-31

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rinigusI managed to test sfdroid on n4 a bit further (12.1 base / piggz tree patched to make it compile). Turned out that the lack of CPU sleep was not imposed by sfdroid, but bug triggered by absence of network connection11:04
rinigushowever, I have several issues: cannot install apps (tries, but fails); settings for background are not saved (maybe some other settings too); and some other problems11:06
rinigusshould I report issues in github?11:06
dr_gogeta862.0.2.48 is EA so11:07
rinigusdr_gogeta86: yes, but I don't think these sfdroid errors are imposed by that.11:08
rinigusto clarify: these errors are in android window11:11
dr_gogeta86i need to re-setup the sfdroid buid machine :(11:12
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krnlyngrinigus: is there something in logcat when you try to install apps?17:20
krnlyngrinigus: not being able to change things sounds like permissions?17:21
*** baddea <baddea!4d1f4a9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> has joined #sfdroid17:24
riniguskrnlyng: just checked - there was an error code -11 reported during installation. I tried to install f-droid.17:30
riniguskrnlyng: for settings - I'll check a bit later when I get some free time17:31
dr_gogeta86now i've compiled real android17:36
dr_gogeta86now time you make the hybrid17:36
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baddeacan i flash radio firmware to fix seetings for sfdorid?18:02
baddeacan i clean cache & data in sfdroid?18:03
mal-I wouldn't suggest clearing data, sailfish rootfs is in /data18:06
baddeaok how i can fix settings and enter security to enable unblocked install apk...u see force close18:09
baddeai..not u18:09
*** krnlyng|mobile_ <krnlyng|mobile_!~sailfish@212095007124.public.telering.at> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)18:33
dr_gogeta86bacon baseband ?18:33
dr_gogeta86are usualli into partition18:33
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*** Yaseen <Yaseen!01273fcc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> has joined #sfdroid19:07
YaseenCan we try sfdroid on onepluse one ??19:09
baddeanot yet it is alpha version ,we work hard to make it stable with help form sfdroid team19:12
YaseenOhh OK.. I thought of installing sfdroid on sailfish and start using sailfish as daily driver.. I need android for couple of application alone.. :)19:14
YaseenThank you for making thing happen... Appreciate you hard work.. All the very best...19:18
baddeaYaseen you would see it soon don't worry we have waiting for some fix from developers at the moment in review becouse it have hard bug in settings19:18
YaseenOhh great.. I will be waiting..:)19:19
YaseenThanks baddea19:19
baddeathat not allow to install any apk but i think as krnlyng said it stable but we need more testing19:19
YaseenHmm let me know, if u need someone to test...19:20
baddeagive your email i notify you when it become stable and ready to install19:20
baddeaand make sure to review salfish os post in oneplus one development fourm19:20
YaseenI have installed sailsh os
YaseenYes, I does that everyday... :)19:21
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dr_gogeta86krnlyng, usually you put repo into manifest20:15
dr_gogeta86or compile into another folder ?20:15
riniguskrnlyng: I have a lot of messages in the logs with "E/sharebuffer(  655): error connecting to renderer: No such file or directory". opening sfdroid removes them, but would be great to not try to render without sfdroid open.20:20
krnlyngrinigus: they should only appear as long as android is active20:22
krnlyngrinigus: when it sleeps they should go away20:22
krnlyngrinigus: but i agree a little less spamming would be appropriate20:22
riniguskrnlyng: it keeps for a while after boot. maybe I should wait longer to see when it stops which makes me wonder why is android active when sfdroid is closed. [we could come back to that later, if you wish]20:25
riniguskrnlyng: here is a log with failed install: https://ptpb.pw/BFZ_/#L-720:25
krnlyngrinigus: actually i think this is the same issue as i have: android not going to sleep when it should and not waking up when it should20:26
riniguskrnlyng: with install, ext.jar does not have lot of permissions to read it (only by nemo rw, rest is -).20:27
riniguskrnlyng: what should be the permissions for it? I did not create rpm, just copied the files since I didn't have time to do it properly. maybe I should rebuild sfdroid again and build rpms, as intended.20:28
riniguskrnlyng: as for sleep: as far as I understand, you don't regulate sleep and let android to figure it out, right?20:29
krnlyngpermssions for ext.jar are wrong in the rpm too20:30
rinigusok, what should they be then? :)20:31
krnlyngrinigus: at the moment yes, i didn't have time to look at that part of the code yet. actually i did look at it but was confused20:31
krnlyngrinigus: iirc root:root rw-rw---20:31
rinigusI'll try with these permissions.20:32
krnlyngrinigus: check the unmodified files for permissions20:33
krnlyngrinigus: should be the same20:33
riniguskrnlyng: root:root, 644. and f-droid is installed :)20:36
krnlyngrinigus: nice20:36
rinigusthank you!20:37
riniguskrnlyng: here is a log corresponding to wallpaper change: https://ptpb.pw/X7KN .20:54
rinigusit seems to be unhappy about absence of cgroup.procs and many other things. / have to call it a day. maybe we can continue tomorrow /20:55
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baddeai need to restart my device21:51
*** baddea <baddea!4d1f4a9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)21:51
dr_gogeta86D/AndroidRuntime( 2181): Shutting down VM21:59
dr_gogeta86just this ...21:59
dr_gogeta86krnlyng, are you arround22:03

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