#sfdroid log for Saturday, 2016-08-13

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piggzkrnlyng: mal-: kimmoli: what compiler is used to biuld sfdroid_renderer? the hadk sdk one doesnt12:18
mal-we have built it on obs12:19
piggzmal-: ok, i can just grab it from there then .... the sdk one doesnt have c++1112:19
piggzmal-: ok, found it ... what is needed to install? sfdroid_renderer , sfdroid (android bits) ? what else? init scripts?12:23
mal-no, it's device dependent12:23
piggzyes, i get that12:23
piggzwhats the general process?12:24
mal-those are the things you need12:24
piggzmal-: and just copy over init.sfdroid.rc and include it?12:26
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krnlyngpiggz: yes and you have to "import init.sfdroid.rc" in your init.${DEVICE}.rc (prefferably add this to the sfos image)14:20
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piggzkrnlyng: yup14:41
piggzkrnlyng: what happens if you add it and it doesnt exist? does it just boot up without it?14:42
krnlyngforgot to mention that although i thought about it :D14:43
piggzkrnlyng: so, maybe the init.sfdroid.rc file should be included in either the of the sfdroid* packages?14:46
krnlyngin the android rpm i suppose14:47
piggzkrnlyng: any joy with kimmoli and mine startup issues?14:48
mal-piggz: but init.sfdroid.rc is device specific14:48
piggzmal-: ah, i thought that bit was neutral14:49
mal-piggz: at least I needed a custom file for fp214:49
krnlyngkimmoli needed a custom file too14:50
piggzstill possible to include in the device specific sfdroid rpm then14:51
krnlyngif anyone gets the boot.art problem. i know possible causes now14:52
piggzi wonder.....could we disable all the services and then do something like15:02
piggzon property rw.enable_sfdroid=115:02
piggzenable prop115:02
piggzenable serv 215:03
piggzenabel serv315:03
piggzi'll give that a go15:04
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piggzkrnlyng: https://paste.kde.org/p1yg3hwv117:54
krnlyngpiggz: same problem with surfaceflinger?17:57
piggzkrnlyng: surfaceflinger starts, renders full screen17:58
piggzkrnlyng: with /system/bin/surfaceflinger, i get a fullscren android17:58
piggzit has started ok17:58
krnlyngoh ok18:00
krnlyngbut not automatically?18:00
piggzyes, not automatically18:00
piggzkrnlyng: and manually its not using sharebuffer18:01
piggzsh-3.2# LD_PRELOAD=/usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so /system/bin/surfaceflinger18:03
piggzso, i guess the problem is the new libsurfaceflinger18:03
piggzsharebuffer not found.....18:04
krnlyngLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib /system/bin/surfaceflinger18:05
krnlyngis the new method18:05
krnlyngpiggz: ^^18:06
piggzkrnlyng: ok, thats working (manually)18:09
piggzkrnlyng: still nescessary to make the input permission changes manually?18:10
piggzkrnlyng: oh, no the ifle is there18:11
piggzkrnlyng: i can get sfdroid up, but no touch input18:21
krnlyngpiggz: do you have all patches? eg. the sleep patch?18:22
piggzkrnlyng: what repo is that?18:23
krnlyngeither native or base18:25
krnlynglet me check18:25
piggzkrnlyng: yes, i have it18:26
piggz    [sfdroid] sleep a bit until systemd settles the permissions for our uinput device18:26
piggz    Change-Id: If88081be671795ff64c1d5dfc73d75322d0795f818:26
krnlyngmaybe the same issue as TheRealJohnGalt[18:26
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piggzkrnlyng: so, after some messing, killing / starting, input workd19:36
piggzits kinda slugish now19:36
krnlyngthere is some problem with android trying to sleep which breaks input19:37
krnlyngin the old renderer we called sfdroid_powerup too many times thats why it didn't get noticed19:37
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: did you find a fix for the showBootMessage problem?19:47
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