#sfdroid log for Monday, 2016-08-01

*** merbot <merbot!~supybot@phost1.merproject.org> has joined #sfdroid16:12
dr_gogeta86hi merbot16:12
dr_gogeta86I've asked and It comes :-D so much lovely bot16:15
nh1402dr_gogeta86: http://merproject.org/logs/%23sfdroid/%23sfdroid.2016-08-01.log16:15
nh1402we have logs :D16:16
krnlyngmal-: do you know how i can debug a sigsegv in the nowhere? eg. in glDrawArrays or glCompileShader?16:16
mal-krnlyng: no :(16:17
krnlyngi've tried ltrace and so on, no clue16:17
krnlyngmal-: https://bpaste.net/show/686671cdf4d716:19
krnlyngmal-: https://bpaste.net/show/2c7d1efc053d16:20
krnlynglooks not tooo bad16:20
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merbotkimmoli: Error: "hi" is not a valid command.16:52
dr_gogeta86kimmoli, we need to looking for a designer for Sfdroid project17:04
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@> has joined #sfdroid17:08
nh1402what do you mean by designer?17:09
nh1402kimmoli: can you put this in the topic http://merproject.org/logs/%23sfdroid/latest.log.html, or a shortened URL17:10
nh1402dr_gogeta86: what do you mean by designer?17:20
dr_gogeta86somene who made a logo17:21
nh1402dr_gogeta86: there was someone who was willing to make logo's for Sailfish apps, 2 or so years ago, maybe he's still willing17:22
nh1402or she17:22
dr_gogeta86morporg ?17:23
*** kimmoli changes topic to "sfdroid - Android for SailfishOS - Channel is logged http://goo.gl/a7scj3"17:23
kimmolistatistics of log link https://goo.gl/#analytics/goo.gl/a7scj3/all_time17:24
nh1402dr_gogeta86: can't remember the person's name, or find the "tweet"17:25
*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ifdhgpotskzsqhif> has joined #sfdroid17:35
nh1402dr_gogeta86: possibly, can't find his/her exact "tweet" though, you can ask if he/she is willing though17:36
nh1402dr_gogeta86: what did he/she say?17:48
*** r0kk3rz <r0kk3rz!~rockliffe@> has joined #sfdroid17:51
krnlyngmal-: got a backtrace! https://bpaste.net/show/d450082d5fe518:28
krnlyngsame for test_glesv2 and for my glesv1 test: https://bpaste.net/show/30a5f38ce65e18:30
nh1402locusf: that's pretty cool, that person must have had a lot of time on their hands18:32
krnlyngi could also paste a call trace (code which i ripped out my apkenv code)18:32
nh1402locusf: was that all done in C?18:43
krnlyngmal-: also one question. am i doing it wrong if i let sfos boot how far it gets then ssh in and start test_hwcomposer? am i supposed to use hybris-boot.img?18:45
krnlyngi have set permissions on the misc repo. everyone can edit...19:37
krnlyngevery team member*19:37
nh1402done, set myself for the app installs19:39
nh1402I may need your help to launch the app and bring it to focus though19:39
nh1402the launching I can probably do, but depending on which mode they've chosen single window or multi, then how it would bring it to focus I don't know.19:40
nh1402also I made a comment about the window thing19:40
nh1402in the relevant issue19:41
nh1402rinigus: the issues are now in github.com/sfdroid/sfdroid-misc/issues19:44
mal-krnlyng: you should use hybris-boot.img and then maybe disable some of the failing systemd services so that those are no attempted all the time19:46
krnlyngmal-: hybris-boot then chroot? but i get "Opening '/dev/binder' failed: No such file or directory" there19:50
krnlyngmal-: i only get telnet access and this prompt: https://bpaste.net/show/f4e0bd39fa4a19:52
krnlyngso i did chroot /target/data/media/0/multirom/roms/sailfishos-mako-release-21/data/.stowaways/sailfishos/ /bin/bash19:53
krnlyngor should i let init continue?19:53
*** rinigus-m <rinigus-m!~sailfish@tabasalu-gw.radionet.ee> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)19:55
mal-krnlyng: which port?19:57
krnlyngah wrong port?19:57
mal-krnlyng: no, I want to know if the port is 23 or 232319:57
mal-I assume 23?19:58
krnlyng2323 doesn't seem to be open19:58
mal-krnlyng: it won't until you continue, but what happens when you continue?19:59
krnlyngmal-: reboot iirc19:59
krnlynglet me try again19:59
krnlyngmal-: yes reboot20:00
mal-krnlyng: you'll need to disable some services, like user@100000, lipstick, droid-hal-init, ofono20:00
rinigusnh1402: thank you!20:01
mal-krnlyng: those can be disable like this ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/droid-hal-init.service20:01
mal-krnlyng: if you do that in the first telnet then you need to go to /data/.stowaways/sailfishosand make sure you add those to correct place20:02
krnlyngmal-: ok something seems to be wrong with my installation20:02
krnlyngmal-: there is no /etc/systemd/system/droid-hal-init.service20:02
krnlyngor should i just create that?20:02
mal-krnlyng: first telnet doesn't have sailfish root as root20:03
mal-krnlyng: it's in different place20:03
krnlyngmal-: i know i did it from within the chroot20:04
mal-krnlyng: you are trying to create etc/systemd/system/droid-hal-init.service20:04
krnlyngmal-: https://bpaste.net/show/604f93603d51 ah so creating is fine?20:08
krnlyngi thought overwrite and wanted to back up20:08
krnlyngmal-: still reboots after creating this file, create more?20:09
mal-krnlyng: you seem to be doing things in a very difficult way20:13
krnlyngmal-: you can usually just throw a list of commands at me and i will figure out the rest20:14
mal-krnlyng: for all of the services I listed you need to add a symlink to /dev/null in there20:14
mal-krnlyng: ln -s /dev/null /target/data/media/0/multirom/roms/sailfishos-mako-release-21/data/.stowaways/sailfishos/etc/systemd/system/droid-hal-init.service20:15
mal-krnlyng: same for user@100000, lipstick and ofono20:15
mal-krnlyng: I'm at summer cottage with a very slow internet20:17
krnlyngmal-: ok do i need to do more? because it still reboots20:21
mal-krnlyng: just curious why it stops at first telnet?20:22
mal-krnlyng: how soon does it reboot?20:23
krnlyngmal-: after 3-5 seconds20:23
krnlyngafter i run: echo "continue" >/init-ctl/stdin20:24
krnlyngmal-: ah wait... might be because i am using multirom?20:25
mal-could be, could be20:25
krnlyng:D obviously it doesn't know which stoaways to use20:26
mal-you need to ask someone else how to setup multirom properly20:26
mal-I have never used it20:26
nh1402krnlyng what do you want to know about multirom20:29
krnlyngnh1402: how can i tell sfos that it should use the 2nd secondary rom when using hybris-boot.img20:30
nh1402krnlyng: I don't follow20:35
nh1402can you explain it differently20:37
dr_gogeta86so who can help me ?20:45
krnlyngi can't20:47
krnlyngthat was for nh140220:47
dr_gogeta86point from start20:48
dr_gogeta86zygote ?20:48
dr_gogeta86i think sfdroid init is't started at all20:50
dr_gogeta86now something better20:53
*** rinigus <rinigus!~rinigus@tabasalu-gw.radionet.ee> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)20:55
dr_gogeta86now android seems to be running20:57
dr_gogeta86but no display20:57
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: hm check logcat and /data/tombstones20:57
dr_gogeta86logcat is very long20:57
dr_gogeta86and still scrolling20:57
dr_gogeta86it's funny20:59
dr_gogeta86this is scaring21:00
dr_gogeta86E/SELinuxMMAC( 5639): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /seapp_contexts: open faile                                      d: ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:00
krnlyngmal-: test_hwcomposer doesn't crash anymore it just hangs somewhere21:01
krnlyngmal-: ah seems to wait for connect(5, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/dev/socket/property_service"}, 31) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:03
*** krnlyng|mobile <krnlyng|mobile!~sailfish@213162068213.public.t-mobile.at> has quit IRC (Quit: IRC for Sailfish 0.9)21:03
dr_gogeta86selinux is relabeling ... but isn' disabled ?21:06
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: will be ingored21:06
dr_gogeta86F/PackageManager(10434): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/packages.xml: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)21:07
dr_gogeta86but render doesn't work at all21:07
mal-krnlyng: you need to get droid-hal-init to work first21:09
mal-krnlyng: try running it manually and see if it crashes21:10
dr_gogeta86krnlyng, http://pastebin.com/6gM7H7kf21:13
krnlyngmal-: doesn't seem to crash21:14
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: do you see connecting to renderer in logcat?21:14
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: do android processes crash and restart?21:15
dr_gogeta86no render21:16
mal-krnlyng: try test_hwcomposer again after running droid-hal-init21:25
krnlyngmal-: crashes again21:25
krnlyngmal-: same place as before21:25
dr_gogeta86guys good night .. too sleepy21:31
krnlyngdr_gogeta86: i will try to help you tomorrow :)21:33
mal-krnlyng: ok, but now it's time to get some sleep21:34
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*** TheRealJohnGalt[ <TheRealJohnGalt[!therealjoh@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ifdhgpotskzsqhif> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)23:12
*** nh1402[m] <nh1402[m]!nh1402matr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-dwwnojuffwvkhhre> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)23:13

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