Monday, 2020-09-21

*** zbenjamin is now known as Guest2677301:02
*** zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin01:02
OksanaWhat are the drawing/sketching apps available for Sailfish OS? So far, I saw Scribble - not too bad, but not the easiest thing to draw with, either.03:17
*** nyov is now known as Guest1362903:47
*** Ischwitch is now known as Ingvix08:32
*** frinring_ is now known as frinring10:20
thigg[m]Hi, does anyone use something else then the sailfish IDE? Like vscode with the sfdk from commandline or smth?11:05
thigg[m] * Hi, does anyone use something else than the sailfish IDE? Like vscode with the sfdk from commandline or smth?11:05
Nico[m]I use Vim and coderus docker container11:06
gn1All - I did a recent update to the build engine and now QtCreator can't connect to the OS emulator. Running on Ubuntu 18.04 and VirtualBox 6.116:10
gn1What logs and where do I need to collect so that I can give better information?16:11
*** gn1 is now known as guest31416:11
guest314During the upgrade there was an error about the SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh folder not being empty16:12
guest314Not sure if this has anything to do with the error; I see the contents in the folder to be different though16:13
guest314Qt Creator 4.9.1 is the version16:15
malthe ssh folder warning is not critical16:29

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