Wednesday, 2020-04-22

*** zbenjamin is now known as Guest8460601:24
*** zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin01:24
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest9556601:31
*** nyov is now known as Guest1171803:03
atlochowskimal: 7169 days05:57
atlochowskiI checked couple of my tracks and it's constant.05:58
*** frinring_ is now known as frinring06:02
atlochowskiis there anyone who know where to find qml file to play with radius of cover corners? more info here
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil11:30
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux15:14
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux16:05
*** svartoyg is now known as svartoyg_afk21:19

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