Monday, 2018-12-10

*** feodoran_ is now known as feodoran03:49
Bedohas somebody successfully installed Sailfishos on an Sony Xperia™ XA2 Plus15:21
Bedomd5 sum does not match on file: AdbWinApi.dll (ed5a809dc0024d83cbab4fb9933d598d vs ). Please re-download the package again.15:23
Bedoi'm keep getting this message15:23
r0kk3rzyou are installing from windows?15:29
Bedomac os15:34
r0kk3rzthen wtf is it doing looking for a dll ?15:35
Bedoyeah, that's what i'm trying to figure out15:36
Bedoif [ "$UNAME" = "Darwin" ]; then   # macOS doesn't have md5sum so lets use md5 there.   while read -r line; do     md5=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }')     filename=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }')     md5calc=$(md5 $filename | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')     if [ "$md5" != "$md5calc" ]; then       echo; echo "md5 sum does not match on file: $filename ($md5 vs $md5calc). Please re-download the package again."       echo;15:36
Bedothat's the place, where it hit's the wall15:36
Bedocommented the block out15:38
Bedomove fast and breack things, i'm gussing15:38
r0kk3rzjusa sledges ^^15:39
Bedoseams to have worked15:54
Bedoseams to have worked15:54
Bedothanks m8 for the hint15:54
pketoit checks all the files listed in md5.lst even if it does not need some of them16:35
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest2942520:50

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