#nemomobile log for Monday, 2020-03-16

T42<neochapay> Nice i can build nemo image for pine with Qt 5.12 and LLVM9 and gcc8 ^_^ but lipstick can't start ^_^ hehe07:37
T42<neochapay> Still wait @eekkelund mr07:37
T42<neochapay> yeaaaaaaaaa we can rename folder of app 🤣🤣🤣10:50
T42<neochapay> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/6k9iH0xLj3.png10:51
T42<neochapay> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/1PfROxzxhe.png10:51
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [yeaaaaaaaaa we can rename folder of app 🤣🤣🤣], 👍 😁11:24
*** norayr is now known as inky17:18
T42<AJSlye> @neochapay [I think on next week i update mer lipstick], Any news on the update?19:24
T42<Sam %lastname%> @neochapay [<reply to media>], looks so good19:25
T42<Sam %lastname%> could use some acryllic components to blur the background behind the folder instead of translucency, I think I still have that component19:25
T42<neochapay> @Sam %lastname% [could use some acryllic components to blur the …], Sweeeet19:26
T42<Sam %lastname%> @samzn [<reply to media>], like this19:27
T42<neochapay> @Sam %lastname% [like this], Wow19:28
T42<neochapay> @AJSlye [Any news on the update?], Still waiting @eekkelund :)19:31
T42<AJSlye> OK,me too then. 👍19:32
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T42<deedend> @neochapay [<reply to media>], Wow that's looks good!!22:30

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