#nemomobile log for Friday, 2020-03-13

*** verin0x3 is now known as verin0x03:02
*** verin0x4 is now known as verin0x03:14
T42enepunixoid was added by: enepunixoid11:50
T42<akaWolf> @abranson [Also agree with you that cross-pollination bet …], can you please tell us which packages in SFOS was replaced by upstream in last few years? how many changes was introduced in the same period? how many changes disappear?16:16
T42<abranson> Not easily, no. There would be hundreds.16:25
T42<akaWolf> so no packages?16:58
T42<abranson> Lots of packages probably17:01
T42<akaWolf> I would not be so sure...17:02
T42樊沐植 %lastname% was added by: 樊沐植 %lastname%18:02
T42Gwendolyn %lastname% was added by: Gwendolyn %lastname%19:59

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