#nemomobile log for Thursday, 2020-02-20

*** verin0x3 is now known as verin0x03:59
T42<neochapay> review plz https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/glacier-home/pull/11211:12
PureTryOut[m]Using BluezQt, nice πŸ‘οΈ11:30
T42<Sam %lastname%> (Photo, 774x743) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/jhwYJ0Jxhz.png21:17
T42<Sam %lastname%> (Photo, 515x493) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/LtkFA0b089.png21:17
T42<Sam %lastname%> C&C of aiming for a style like this? How is visibility and contrast?21:17
T42<Sam %lastname%> I’m afraid it’s aiming for too much depth21:19
T42<chipiguay> I like it21:29
T42<NotKit> looks rather nice when downscaled to icon size21:30
T42<MrClippit> I like it21:31
T42<MrClippit> If it was rendered in blender be sure to improve the cycles quality (:21:31
T42<Sam %lastname%> @MrClippit [If it was rendered in blender be sure to impro …], It was rendered in cycles21:31
T42<MrClippit> I can tell by the distinct grain (:21:32
T42<Sam %lastname%> Heh21:32
T42<MrClippit> On an icon though i probably wouldnt see it21:32
T42<Sam %lastname%> Preview render just for style testing21:32
T42<MrClippit> Ah21:32
T42<MrClippit> I like the style21:32
T42<Sam %lastname%> It feels too depthy imo21:32
T42<Sam %lastname%> But it can be a good starting point21:33
T42<MrClippit> Make the phone its self flat hovering over the curved icon in the background21:33
T42<meierrom> @Sam %lastname% [C&C of aiming for a style like this? How is vi …], C&C!? Comments and criticism. I had to look that up. :) Anyway, the 3d look may appear a bit against the trend but I personally don't mind at all. It's cool and looks great to me. πŸ‘21:36
T42<MrClippit> I liked it21:36
T42<MrClippit> The phone had too much depth but the background was great21:37
T42<MrClippit> *detail21:37
T42<Sam %lastname%> Yeah the diffuse shadows look great21:50
T42milohr was added by: milohr22:02
T42<milohr> πŸ‘‹ hi all22:02
T42<milohr> @shieldy_bot [(6 + 3) @milohr, please, send the solution to …], 822:03
T42<milohr> 822:03
T42<meierrom> @Sam %lastname% [Yeah the diffuse shadows look great], Yesterday or so @abranson  suggested to basically inverting the background using a deepening (bowl like structure) instead of the current rather traditional bulge. Would be interesting to get a sample. :)22:33

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