#nemomobile log for Sunday, 2020-02-16

*** verin0x0 is now known as verin0x03:05
*** verin0x0 is now known as verin0x04:02
T42xreactx was added by: xreactx04:33
T42<xreactx> 1004:33
T42<starbuck2018> Is that nemo in the screenshot on the left:08:25
T42<starbuck2018> https://mobile.twitter.com/thepine64/status/122880333044248576008:25
T42<starbuck2018> Ah yes, it says in the article :)08:26
T42<neochapay> @starbuck2018 [Is that nemo in the screenshot on the left:], Yeap09:02
T42<abranson> @Mic_a [Which of these phones are running on the newes …], That's always a problem with community ports - keeping them up to date. It's so easy for a dev to lose interest in a port and it gets left behind. Looks like quite a few still though. Some of them have an update mechanism09:46
T42<AJSlye> I'm trying to compile glacier-home for arch, but it depends on lipstick-qt5, which in turn depends on a package called mce. I can not find any info about what this package would be. Any advice would be greatly appreciated15:23
T42<abranson> mce does stuff like screen blanking15:30
T42<abranson> lipstick is the wayland display server of sailfish/nemo15:30
T42<abranson> https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/mce15:30
DylanVanAsscheThey are all available here: https://git.sailfishos.org/explore/groups?sort=created_asc15:31
T42<AJSlye> @abranson [mce does stuff like screen blanking], Thanks, I couldn't find it. All I kept coming up with was mcelog, which was depreciated in arch.15:33
DylanVanAsscheArch on my phone with Lipstick/Nemo what a dream :D15:34
T42<NotKit> @AJSlye [I'm trying to compile glacier-home for arch/ma …], I had old Nemo packages for Arch you may be interested it15:38
T42<NotKit> will send APKBUILDs once I gey home15:39
T42<AJSlye> Yes, I would be at the very least interested in the pkgbuild's.15:39
T42<NotKit> https://github.com/NotKit/archlinux-nemo?files=115:42
T42<AJSlye> Thank you so very much, you saved me from frying me brain. LOL15:43
T42<AJSlye> @NotKit [https://github.com/NotKit/archlinux-nemo?files …], Thank you so very much, you saved me from frying me brain. LOL15:43
T42<NotKit> but it is rather outdated in terms of actually getting things compiled15:44
T42<eekkelund> @deedend [I believe Pinephone is the way to go at the mo …], I can assure you that we are not vapourware. But we have been forced to change our focus to more B2B/B2G segments15:46
T42<AJSlye> @NotKit [but it is rather outdated in terms of actually …], That's fine, at least it's a better start than trying to read and convert all of those rpm/*.spec files. ;)15:52
T42<AJSlye> Never mind, it looks like the url redirects itself, nice.16:00
T42<meierrom> @DylanVanAssche [Arch on my phone with Lipstick/Nemo what a dre …], DylanVanAssche: arch basically replacing mer?17:55
T42<Sam %lastname%> Would be nice17:57
T42<meierrom> @NotKit [I had old Nemo packages for Arch you may be in …], Can this run on android hardware, eg hammerhead?17:58
T42<Sam %lastname%> I think Arch is too fast moving for long term stability though17:58
T42<AJSlye> @Sam %lastname% [I think Arch is too fast moving for long term …], That's why the Manjaro base for now. Beside the unstable, testing, and stable branches, we are also planing on including a LTS branch eventually.18:02
T42null_core was added by: null_core20:55
T42<null_core> 1020:56
T42<null_core> Как я понимаю оно и на Сони взлетит21:03
T42<null_core> Xperia X21:04
T42<null_core> Will it work on it?21:06
T42<null_core> How many hardware parts in that Sony are open?21:07
T42<null_core> I mean ubports take, sailfish project take it...21:08
T42<meierrom> @null_core [Will it work on it?], I'm not sure about what you are asking. Anyway, Nemo/glacier should work on any phone with a working sfos port. That includes xperia x. :)21:53

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