#nemomobile log for Saturday, 2020-02-01

*** verin0x1 is now known as verin0x03:48
T42<Thaodan> BobSummerWill  booked the a  room at Fosdem  (12.30 to 13.30) for Pinephone porters and 13.30 to 14.30 is already booked for PineTime.11:19
T42<Thaodan> h324411:20
T42<Bdj %lastname%> (Photo, 689x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/IPJwQ0IRE0.png12:06
T42<Bdj %lastname%> (Photo, 689x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/GBA46hBFNa.png iOS hacker @qwerty....  Runs framebuffer console on iPhone 712:08
T42<Bdj %lastname%> https://tuxphones.com/linux-kernel-boots-on-t8010-a10-iphone-7-via-pongoos/12:08
PureTryOut[m]We're going to register a BoF as well for Linux on Mobile in general, please join there12:29
PureTryOut[m]Room H.3244, sunday at 10:00. postmarketOS, UBPorts and Maemo Leste will be there12:33

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