#nemomobile log for Monday, 2020-01-06

*** verin0x9 is now known as verin0x03:31
T42鸿凯 %lastname% was added by: 鸿凯 %lastname%03:43
T42傅瑞彬 %lastname% was added by: 傅瑞彬 %lastname%10:31
T42<neochapay> Spammers?10:43
T42<chipiguay> Who knows10:50
T42<chipiguay> Hello newcomers, welcome!10:51
T42<chipiguay> Could you introduce yourself/say hi?10:51
T42<neochapay> I think 5.9 now not revalent now. And i think we need to start port to 5.12 version of qt12:53
T42<neochapay> But big problem with qtpim and i think to migrate nemo to KContacts/KPeople12:54
T42<carlosgonzz> Hi all.21:25
T42<carlosgonzz> where  is the site of sailfish development for PinePhone?21:25
T42Xaviera %lastname% was added by: Xaviera %lastname%21:28
T42<meierrom> @carlosgonzz [Hi all.21:34
T42<meierrom> where  is the site of sailfish and nem …], You should get an answer here: @sailfishos_porters21:34

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