#nemomobile log for Friday, 2019-11-01

T42forawhileiamhere was added by: forawhileiamhere04:19
T42<forawhileiamhere> 1004:19
T42<Hound77> @meierrom [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/volla/vol …], Android shit05:41
T42<deedend> @Hound77 [Android shit.], +105:43
*** verin0x3 is now known as verin0x05:55
T42<neochapay> @m_aurel [Hello, I'm excited, that @meierrom has already …], Nice device ^_^ Start waiting devboadr hehe. No shiping in russia it's so sad09:34
T42<m_aurel> @neochapay [Nice device ^_^ Start waiting devboadr hehe. N …], It's very sad. Indeed. We only can efford a CE certification. Only the FCC certification would need more than 100T Euro investment.10:21
T42<m_aurel> I just posted at the Sailfish OS group the following idea, I also would like to discuss it which this group, that I appreciate so much for the greagt support in the last month and even year:10:27
T42<m_aurel> I conclude, that for some people, who would only support a device with an alternative to AOSP, the stretch goal is not a good idea. I think about shifting external budget to the project to drop the stretch goal and include an alternative OS with the following consequences:10:27
T42<m_aurel> - We drop the development of a community port of Sailfish OS, that we can't include in the project for license reasons.10:27
T42<m_aurel> - Instad we would offer to install the alternative OS with the recovery image conveniently.10:27
T42<m_aurel> - We start a survey to ask the communities, whether and which alternaitve they would like to see for the device.10:27
T42<m_aurel> What do you think?10:27
T42<OhYash> @m_aurel [Hello, I'm excited, that @meierrom has already …], Awesome! (Except the notch, personal preference)13:10
T42<OhYash> AOSP would be a fine way to begin.13:10
T42<OhYash> Availability of source and device tree could attract custom ROM devs/smartphone geeks.13:10
PureTryOut[m]The most important question is not what OS it'll run, but what kernel version. If it's not mainline Linux, honestly there is no reason to get excited for it13:14
T42<K31j0> @meierrom [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/volla/vol …], looks like a hybrid of redmi note 5 and redmi note 713:16
T42<Zosenko> Hello, how can i get back action with swype into any apps in SailfishOS?13:26
T42<neochapay> @Zosenko [Hello, how can i get back action with swype in …], Wrong chat13:27
T42<DylanVanAssche> PureTryOut: I agree! Mainline is the way to go!13:54
T42<m_aurel> @OhYash [Awesome! (Except the notch, personal preferenc …], Good point. We will ask our vendor for approval. It's also our goal to publish our respositories for transparency and to contribute to the community.14:25
T42<neochapay> (Video, 25s) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/UrNal6AyFt.mp4 What you think about start nemo on this device ? Hehehe18:39
T42<m_aurel> @PureTryOut[m] [The most important question is not what OS it' …], It's Linux Kernel 4.4.x.20:51
PureTryOut[m]I'm sorry but then it's "just another Android phone" and useless. Good luck with the campaign though21:32

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