#nemomobile log for Thursday, 2019-10-24

*** verin0x1 is now known as verin0x05:41
T42<neochapay> https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/nemomobile.org and we can upddate it !07:28
T42<jmlich> It looks like bad idea. Do you expect merge requests on the generated html?07:40
T42<neochapay> @jmlich [It looks like bad idea. Do you expect merge re …], Why not07:45
T42<jmlich> How will transform html back to markdown? Sharing jekyl repo seems to be easier. IIRC, it is possible to compile and to publish it after each commit to gihub pages seamlessly.07:48
T42<neochapay> @jmlich [How will transform html back to markdown? Shar …], Yea...you right.07:54
T42<neochapay> Next step - how we can make it.07:58
T42<jmlich> I have seen some tutorial with travis some time ago. Google found this, but I didn't tried it so far. https://github.com/mfenner/jekyll-travis I have experience just with gitlab ci.08:25
locusfthats the one09:07
T42<neochapay> Oh.... okay09:09
T42<neochapay> locusf nemomobile-ux.github.io != nemomobile.org09:27
T42<neochapay> ok where nemomobile.org Jekyll files ?09:30
T42<neochapay> And we have http://nemomobile.github.io/09:30
T42<neochapay> And it not nemomobile.org hehehehe09:31
locusfokay suppose so09:55

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