#nemomobile log for Wednesday, 2019-04-24

*** ChanServ sets mode: +v T408:14
T4Bot (MISSING @USERNAME! telegram.org/faq#usernames-and-t-me) was added by: Bot (MISSING @USERNAME! telegram.org/faq#usernames-and-t-me)21:22
T4<Bot (MISSING @USERNAME! telegram.org/faq#usernames-and-t-me)> Fwd from BitMEX Official: 🚀 Bitmex announced the Airdrop! … 🚀 Competition period: 2019/04/22  to 2019/04/26! … 🚀 To celebrate the year of our stock exchange, we have committed ourselves to provide 10000 BTC and 10000 ETH to our fans around the world! … ✅ Participate bitmex-blog.com …21:22
T4 ✅ Telegram group t.me/joinchat/NK3AaVjZibFp6xevS6dltA21:22
T4<K31j0> @Bot (MISSING @USERNAME! telegram.org/faq#usernames-and-t-me) [🚀 Bitmex announced the Airdrop! … 🚀 Competitio …], @toxip21:23
T4<toxip> this bot is useless...21:26
T4<toxip> what's the point of an anti-spam bot that doesn't remove the spam...21:27
T4<K31j0> Shit happens21:28

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.17.1 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!