#nemomobile log for Saturday, 2019-04-13

*** rah_ is now known as rah08:28
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T4<Hound77> @DibyaXP [To be honest ,GPL 3 is like Chinese government …], Is it the main reason Linux is in v2 ?18:01
T4<Hound77> @DibyaXP [To be honest ,GPL 3 is like Chinese government …], How about BSD ? They are simple.18:01
T4<samzn> just make it WTFPL18:04
T4<K31j0> @Hound77 [Is it the main reason Linux is in v2 ?], Linux is v2, because v3 would forbid firmware loaders18:05
T4<K31j0> And linux-firmware18:05
T4<NotKit> the main difference of GPLv3 vs GPLv2 is tivoization, so you can't ship devices with software non-replaceble by user, not sure where do all the misconceptions come from (like prohibiting firmware loaders or comparisons to Chinese government)21:04
r0kk3rzalso the only successful gpl violation cases has been against thr linux kernel22:29

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