#mer log for Monday, 2019-09-09

TauPanHi folks! Because I didn't like to use the ancient tmux version from mer-tools, I updated it a bit: http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/Friedel:/shell-tools/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/ . Works fine on my Gemini PDA.07:34
TauPan(I didn't test anything else and I didn't really know which other build target might make sense here.)07:35
spiiroinreview appreciated: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/mce/merge_requests/12609:10
spiiroin^ mid bootup blank due to true/false -> unknown/true/false refactoring hiccup09:10
*** llornkcor is now known as lpotter10:04
NeoChapaylbt: webhooks broken again14:14
NeoChapaylbt: logs not availble again14:15
AMDmi3what's the actual repository url for the mer project? I see almost all packages gone from http://repo.meODrproject.org/obs/mer:/core/latest_aarch64/src/14:19
AMDmi3http://repo.merproject.org/obs/mer:/core/latest_aarch64/src/, rather14:21
NeoChapayAMDmi3: you can use my version of mer https://build.merproject.org/project/monitor/home:neochapay:mer:core14:24
AMDmi3I'd prefer official version closest to the source14:25
TauPan(I'd prefer NeoChapay's version... ;D )14:51

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