#mer log for Saturday, 2018-11-03

LjochtHi, somebody can help me with Jolla 1 to SFOS 3.0 update? I can't finish it.19:22
malwhat do you see in /var/log/systemupdate.log ?19:47
LjochtNov 03 17:38:58 Sailfish sailfish-upgrade-ui[640]: sailfish-upgrade-ui-la-system             _update_failed: ru (429 x 204 @ 4248)20:00
LjochtNov 03 17:38:58 Sailfish sailfish-upgrade-ui[640]: sailfish-upgrade-ui-la-system             _update_failed_disk_full: ru (489 x 255 @ 6211)20:00
LjochtNov 03 17:38:58 Sailfish sailfish-upgrade-ui[640]: sailfish-upgrade-ui-bt-reboot             : ru (319 x 64 @ 1802)20:00
mpoldisk full?   that sounds logical20:01
LjochtI have 4 gb20:01
mardyhi! Is there someone who knows about the internals of QtPim and qtcontacts-sqlite?20:07
LjochtWell, what i nedd to do with this error 'Nov 03 23:43:24 Sailfish mce[610]: modules/battery-statefs.c: tracker_open(): /r         un/state/namespaces/Battery/State: open: No such file or directory' ?20:49
malthat is not a problem20:50
r0kk3rzLjocht: best to talk in #sailfishos or #jollamobile20:50
*** Cmdr_Zod is now known as Cmdr_Zod___22:12

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