#mer log for Wednesday, 2018-10-03

*** frinring_ is now known as frinring03:03
*** RaYmAn_ is now known as RaYmAn07:50
*** Mirv_ is now known as Mirv11:33
Nokiuso/ this Issue could be closed the MR is merged https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193116:36
merbotMer bug 1931 in curl "Upgrade to version 7.60.0" [Task,New]16:36
r0kk3rzi think the boss is supposed to do that16:40
NokiusI pushed Version 7.60.1  https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/curl/merge_requests/19 MER#196616:51

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