#mer log for Saturday, 2017-08-05

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tbrlbt / LarstiQ - if you're not on the gitlab security list, they will push out a critical(?) security update on the 10th (5 days from now)08:24
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LarstiQtbr: ah, thanks08:42
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tbrLarstiQ: did you see my IRC notifications from gitlab?09:02
LarstiQtbr: to #mer-boss?09:05
LarstiQI saw you talked about http://irc.in.merproject.org/push09:05
tbrLarstiQ: it's configurable inside the mattermost integration settings of each project09:05
tbrLarstiQ: you just use that URL as the mattermost URL and a valid channel, like #mer-boss09:06
tbrcode for the interposer is here: https://git.merproject.org/tbr/gitlab-irc-notifications/blob/master/push.wsgi09:07
LarstiQnice response_body :)09:07
tbroh and I think it fails silently if you use an invalid channel (as this doesn't know about the channels that the bot is on)09:08
LarstiQsame behavior as with notify_irc09:09
tbrwould be trivial to reimplement as supybot/limnoria plugin, then you could be more fancey09:09
tbryes, I just used the apache, which already serves the logs and forward the message to the same port as notify_irc uses09:09
tbrmostly because I recycled a bit of python cgi that I had lying around09:10
tbrI currently discard message "attachments", which usually contain things like commit message, issue subject or such09:11
tbrdidn't want to make it too wordy, although I could, but then it would potentially print out 10 lines or more at a time09:12
rinigustbr and LarstiQ: have you had a chance to look into the issue with tar_git that came out when fetching mapnik repos?09:18
* tbr doesn't do OBS admin on merproject09:18
* LarstiQ is on vacation09:19
LarstiQrinigus: you filed a PR or bug iirc?09:19
rinigusLarstiQ: yes, I did.09:19
LarstiQrinigus: I'll look at it on Monday, when I'm back to work09:19
rinigusLarstiQ: thank you, sorry for bumping it and enjoy the vacation09:20
LarstiQrinigus: np :)09:20
LarstiQrinigus: thank _you_ for finding/debugging it09:20
rinigusLarstiQ: to be clear - I opened the issue at github/MeeGoIntegration/boss-launcher-webhook; don't know (since didn't look too much into it) on how to fix it though09:22
LarstiQrinigus: that's the right place to file it, and I assume I have enough information to arrive at a fix now09:23
rinigusLarstiQ: looking forward to it :)09:27
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