#mer log for Monday, 2017-06-26

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pvuoreladcaliste: lbt, abranson_, on pydbus, i'm okayish for adding things to mer if there's enough demand, but then again the version is 0.6.0 without mention of api stability. looking at code it's tens of kilobytes of pure python so should be easy to include copies within applications too?08:39
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dcalistepvuorela: yes, I know the thing is labelled 0.6.0… Never trusted the numbering though, Inkscape is still below 1.0 but I use it regularly for instance. Anyway, I understand your point of high demand, and I don't know if indeed there's a high demand for DBus Python bindings.08:53
dcalisteThe code is pure Python and easy to include in the application, I agree also.08:54
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dcaliste(Maybe except for the dependencies, I'm not sure they are allowed in Harbour and they are definitely more complex to include)08:55
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dcalisteBesides, pydbus seems to be the *current* official way to have DBus calls from Python, according to the Freedesktop page you rightly pointed: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DBusBindings/08:57
LarstiQdcaliste: have you come across upstream writing about the deprecation?08:59
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dcalisteI'm checking not to say anything stupid, but I think Gnome stack advocate to use pydbus instead of older python-dbus, because it is based on the new gdbus included in GLib itself.09:01
LarstiQseeing MartinK maintains pydbus in Fedora, that's enough for me to include it into Mer09:01
LarstiQprovided the dependencies work out09:02
dcalisteYes, the spec file originate from MartinK. I just adapted it to Mer requirements.09:02
* LarstiQ now got to reading those comments :)09:02
pvuoreladcaliste: comparison to inkspace isn't necessarily good since it's not a library providing an api.09:03
LarstiQpvuorela: I don't think that's a problem09:03
pvuorelaLarstiQ: what?09:04
dcalistepvuorela: yes, I agree. You're right. Besides, the library python-dbus (the actual) is based on, namely dbus-glib, is clearly obsolete and replaced by gdbus.09:04
LarstiQa sub 1.0 version number on pydbus09:04
pvuorelabut but, pydbus requires pygi and we could make that allowed in harbour.09:04
dcalistepvuorela: yes, the depency chain, that need to be allowed in harbour can be an issue and should be discussed.09:05
LarstiQ0.5 is from 2016-0409:05
pvuorelaLarstiQ: no mention of how stable the api can be considered.09:06
LarstiQpvuorela: you're right that it isn't as stable as the dead python-dbus09:06
pvuorelabut still, it's a small pure python lib we've managed without for years now so i'd propose going by allowing now only pygi and suggesting applications of including a copy of their own for pydbus.09:08
dcalistelarstiq: since Gnome3, they are asking to migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus, see https://wiki.gnome.org/DevGnomeOrg/Gnome3PortingGuide09:10
dcalistepvuorela: allowing pygi and explaining in a wiki how to include pydbus is necessary should be fine. I can help with the wiki if you agree.09:11
dcalistes/is necessary// sorry09:11
pvuoreladcaliste: sounds good. think it would be good to have more examples including external modules that are not directly provided by the os or allowed in harbour.09:14
dcalistepvuorela, LarstiQ: I understand the issue of maintainance for Mer, less packages, better support. When community members are not here anymore to maintain what they push inside, the burden of Mer maintainance increase. For DBus Python bindings, let's go as you suggested for the moment, 1. allow pygi in harbour, 2. write a wiki on howto include pydbus in apps. I will take the point 2., and answer the TJC question with a wiki post, feel free later on to c09:27
dcalisteopy this to sailfishos.org if adapted.09:27
tbrwell, it seems to be too much work in general for jolla to maintain mer, so I'm not exactly sure why they insist on asserting ownership of mer10:32
tbrfrom my impression it's not very well maintained and simple requests for trivial stability updates of packages stall until they are obsolete10:37
tbr(I actually submitted a *tested* PR so all it would have taken would be to review and approve merge)10:37
LarstiQtbr: where?10:38
pvuorelaif this is related to above conversation, it was also about what is allowed in harbour.10:38
tbrit was tangential10:38
tbrwe're on Mer, so harbour is a bit off topic here anyway10:38
pvuorelabut true that some PRs have been pending too long. been trying to get the list shorter lately.10:38
pvuorelanot the best channel, yea.10:39
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tbrwhere I'm coming from is: I'd be happy to submit the occasional PR to improve stability/security, but if stuff gets ignored and once it's outdated, 2 months later, it gets closed as libcurl had security releases, well...10:42
tbrIf you say "we own this", then you should also own up and maintain it10:42
LarstiQtbr: from my point, I have too many places to watch, so it works best if alerted directly10:42
LarstiQ(not that it sounds like I was directly involved here)10:43
tbroh, and it looks like nobody bothered to actually update the vulnerable curl... >.>10:44
pvuorelawhat i checked current curl doesn't have vulnerabilities.10:45
pvuorelathere was a PR that introduced vulnerabilities so it was closed.10:45
tbrmy PR didn't introduce vulnerabilities when I filed it. it updated to a newer version. You are bordering on insulting.10:46
pvuorelahttps://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20170614.html - "Not affected versions: libcurl < 7.53.0 and >= 7.54.1"10:47
tbryeah, also it's just cygwin and dos...10:48
tbrmy point stands though and to be honest after this conversation I feel even more unwelcome to contribute10:49
pvuorelano intention on insulting or anything. just from technical point of view if a release seems to introduce problems when current one doesn't have them, it's not necessarily a good update to make. new PRs of course welcome and i'll try to watch those more carefully.10:52
LarstiQthis one? https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/curl/merge_requests/1511:03
LarstiQpvuorela: the PR was filed 4 months ago, at that point there were no security issues11:04
LarstiQ(judging from what tbr said)11:04
LarstiQso the problem is not "oh this introduces issues, let's not merge it"11:04
LarstiQthe problem is "the PR lingered for 3 months and by then it was obsolete"11:05
LarstiQwhich comes back to filing PRs by itself doesn't show up on radar11:07
* LarstiQ doesn't know what is needed to be notified about PRs11:08
LarstiQOwner/Master/Developer status?11:08
LarstiQnotification settings for each project?11:09
LarstiQditching gitlab?11:10
tbrhttps://git.merproject.org/help/workflow/notifications should answer that11:10
tbrgitlab seems to be a decent system. I'm admin of an instance at work.11:11
LarstiQso by default, no one11:11
tbrI'd suggest to configure your maintainer scripts to set up notifications too11:12
LarstiQtbr: don't suppose you have a handy 'new PR -> irc notification' script11:12
LarstiQtbr: yeah, that makes sense11:12
tbrno. I have a setup involving mattermost as the chat system (with IRC bridge), but that involves per project setup11:13
tbrI guess it should be possible to configure projects to emit that and have merbot pick it up11:13
tbrIIRC it listens to a TCP or UDP port internally11:13
tbrif desired I can look into that as it would be good for me to know too11:14
LarstiQtbr: if you figure that out I can apply it11:14
tbrluckily gitlab is very extensible11:14
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LarstiQI'm reasonably sure our volume of PRs is not too high, and then having notifications here would, for me, be the best solution11:16
tbryou could also create an account on gitlab that subscribes to all PRs and or issues and point that to e.g. a mailing list or an alias with a couple of people11:17
* LarstiQ hates email11:18
tbrone thing that I'm sort of missing is a global search/feed for the whole gitlab instance. It might be already possible, but it's not intuitive in that way11:19
LarstiQchange frequency ~ couple a day11:22
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