#mer log for Friday, 2017-05-05

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spiiroinreview appreciated: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/dsme/merge_requests/1808:22
spiiroin^ tweak dsme logging without restarting the service08:22
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dcalisteabranson: hello, I've created an OBS repo with all the packages I'm maintainer for in mer-core-contrib: https://build.merproject.org/project/show/home:dcaliste:OpenPGP08:37
dcalisteFor each package, I've created a 'next' branch where I've merged all various MRs in QMF, nemo-qml-plugin-email…08:38
dcalisteI've added a comment on the given OBS page explaining how to install the full stack on device and test receiving signed emails and sending some.08:39
dcalisteWhen you have time, give me your feeling. The UI part and OS integration is not done and just in a proof of concept state. Only the QMF and nemo-qml-plugin-email parts are hopefully in production state.08:40
abransondcaliste: great! is that just the pgp MRs, or everything you've done?08:41
dcalisteI'll try to move the pinentry code as a lipstick pulgin so the passphrase dialog can be provided whenever needed.08:41
dcalisteThe 'next' branches contain all the MRs I have, not only for gpg stuff.08:41
dcalisteYes, the name of the repo is confusing, sorry, I've reused it from earlier tries…08:42
abransonwe're probably going to make a mer:core:contrib project for everything in contrib. i think the patches will be the tricky part08:44
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abransondcaliste: installing it now...08:47
dcalisteWhat do you mean patches ? Otherwise, yes, automatic builds based on tagging in mer-core-contrib would be nice…08:47
dcalisteGood luck ;) Hopefully it will work ! I've tested it quickly last night for POP3 and SMTP only.08:48
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abransoni mean the UI patches08:48
dcalisteOk, I mean they are here only for a transitioning period hopefully before Jolla include them officially in their closed source parts.08:50
dcalisteBy the way, the jolla-email-patch is made for 2.1.1.x, not 2.1.0.x…08:50
dcaliste(some spacings have changed in between that confuse patch)08:50
abransoni think it'll be a complex part of upstreaming - really UI changes are up to the design team, so we'll have to have some mechanism in contrib to somehow adapt the ui through patching or whatnot08:55
abransondcaliste: and it looks like there's a lot of UI to do here too, for the personal and third-party key management08:57
dcalisteYes, UI key management is not done yet.08:58
dcalisteThe email gpg stuff is for restricted audience first I'm afraid.08:58
dcalisteBut need to start somewhere… I choose the email because key management is quite simple with CLI and not done too often, while signature checking is for every single received emails.08:59
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abransonoh definitely. this is what contrib should be all about. LarstiQ: did you see all this?09:02
LarstiQglancingly, yes09:02
dcalisteBy the way, the key management can fit well IMHO into the certificate management setting page.09:02
dcalisteAnd it's something that should be discussed with whom it concerns into Jolla: where to put the glue code to expose gpgme stuff to QML ? In a new nemo-qml-plugin-gpg or into nemo-qml-plugin-settings ?09:05
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abransondcaliste: i'll see if I can talk to some UI people about how best to approach this sort of thing10:24
dcalisteOk, thank you. It is working quite well with sailfish-office. I've proposed several changes to UI, that have been reviewed by P. Vuorella and the UI team and iterated until everyone was feeling ok with the output.10:26
dcalisteIt can be done the same here, except that UI changes must be submitted as patches until officialy adopted upstream. Don't you think so ?10:27
abransonyeah some sort of iteration of qml patches would be cool. especially if they could somehow be git commits..10:35
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dcalisteWhat I've done for jolla-email that is convenient for me (and hopefully don't break any licence rules) is that I've copied in a master branch the QML file I want to patch.11:22
dcalisteThen I create a xy branch where I modify the files (and keep track by commiting of course)11:23
dcalisteAnd then generate the patch with 'git diff HEAD~n'.11:23
dcalisteAnd commit the patch also…11:23
dcalisteWhen a new upstream version appears, I copy into my master branch the new file versions and rebase my xy branch.11:24
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dcalisteabranson: if you agree (and have time), may I ask you to fork lipstick and nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings into mer-core-contrib ?11:55
dcalisteIndeed, I think I'll move the SignerModel, Key… into nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings because the certificate gestion is already there.11:56
dcalisteFor lipstick, I'll move the GpgAgent there as there is currently the VpnAgent.11:57
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abransondcaliste: ok, though I should think it'll be much harder to get such changes into lipstick than the other components12:56
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dcalisteYes, I guess so… Life is hard ;) There is another solution though that consist to run the gpg-agent as a daemon which spawn new processes to display a passphrase demand. This is working well for desktop IMHO, but is less adapted to our mobile environment. That's why I went in the Lipstick direction.12:59
r0kk3rzdcaliste: i think lipstick is seen as a bit of a dumping ground already, so id suggest looking for alternatives13:01
dcalister0kk3rz: I would agree, especially from a pov of security (I don't like to know that the GPG agent code which know the passphrase runs into the compositor, the desktop process…)13:02
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dcalisteBut, for a usability pov, it's nicer : whenever there is a need for a passphrase, Lipstick can popup a pinentry window and block the entry until done.13:03
dcalisteWhile with the spawning process option, the GPG daemon has to create a new application window that the user can move aside easily which require more code to the demanding application to block entries until passphrase is provided or discarded.13:04
dcalisteThe best solution would be to remove all system window asking password connection option… from Lipstick but add into it a way to ask Lipstick to block all gesture and keep a given pinentry (coming from another process) on top until done or discarded.13:07
dcalisteSadly this best solution requires a lot of work that nobody wants to start…13:08
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r0kk3rzyeah, at the same time it needs to be a trusted process, which lipstick already is13:11
r0kk3rzso its not such a bad fit13:11
dcalisteBy the way, on a merrier note, the current solution of having a separate app to enter the passphrase when needed, is ugly but fully functional and can be used as a temporary solution for a long time.13:12
dcalisteabranson: thank you for the projects on mer-core-contrib13:15
abransoni don't know about what should go where, but I know that things like this are usually associated with the device lock13:16
abransonso a keyring would be locked and unlocked when the phone is13:17
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dcalisteAh, yes, keyring is yet another thing to put in place, currently the passphrase is asked each time it is required without caching…13:18
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