#mer log for Wednesday, 2017-04-19

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LarstiQlocusf: I moved the mint:devel mic version to mint, and just again confirmed that version works to build our images07:29
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tbrhmm should check if that has working copyprj and if not submit a fix07:36
LarstiQtbr: context?07:37
tbrLarstiQ: the one I ended up with at some point had a printf in the wrong spot and made it barf. after commenting that line out it worked07:39
LarstiQtbr: not mic related though?07:40
LarstiQmore osc or obs07:40
tbrah, sorry, yes, not awake. ECOFFEE07:40
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locusflarstiq: hmm ok07:52
LarstiQlocusf: pykickstart is as discussed before, and imager from mint too07:52
LarstiQlocusf: if I can get my hands on something that doesn't work for you I can dig more into that07:53
locusffirst mer-meeting07:54
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sledgesPSA: Sailfish OS community collab @ #mer-meeting, started already ;)08:04
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Son_GokuLarstiQ: deb builds from spec is easy :D11:54
Son_GokuI do it all the time at work11:54
Son_GokuI run an OBS instance at work and that's how we build Debian packages11:54
LarstiQSon_Goku: my main question is how much of the current Mer packaging can be reused11:55
Son_Gokuit depends, I don't know know what Mer packages look like11:55
LarstiQvery little, is my guess11:55
Son_Gokuwell, the main gotchas is that Debian doesn't have a sophisticated autodeps system11:55
Son_Gokuyou can fill in platform macros and whatnot for debbuild11:56
Son_Gokuthis is the tool that OBS uses: https://github.com/ascherer/debbuild11:56
LarstiQSon_Goku: if the .deb packaging ends up being mostly an independent effort, not much point11:56
Son_Gokuthe other requirement is that OBS needs to be at least v2.711:57
LarstiQ"small" issue :)11:57
Son_Gokuiirc, Mer is on OBS v2.4 or v2.5 I think11:57
LarstiQSon_Goku: 2.511:57
Son_Gokubetter than the Tizen guys, I think they're on v2.311:57
LarstiQwe also run that in one place11:57
Son_Gokuthe biggest problem I have with Mer at the moment is that it's so out of sync with upstream software12:03
Son_Gokueven low level things like rpm are so out of date and have known vulnerabilities12:03
r0kk3rzSon_Goku: however for jolla thats a feature, not a bug12:04
Son_Gokuto have known vulnerabilities?12:04
r0kk3rzno, they backport fixes12:04
r0kk3rzbut to have boring old stable versions of things12:05
Son_Gokustable versions is fine12:06
Son_Gokubut being on supported stable versions is better12:06
Son_Gokuand it doesn't look like rpm has received any love in years12:08
Son_Gokueven moving up to rpm 4.11 would be a better move, as you'd be in sync with both enterprise Linux distros that actively fix things there12:09
LarstiQthe problem with upgrading rpm is all the knockon effects and potential for breakage12:09
LarstiQand someone needs to have the time and effort to deal with that12:09
LarstiQa start would be doing that linked against mer:core12:10
Son_GokuI mean, if I did it, I'd upgrade to the latest version anyway, and get all of it straightened out anyway12:11
LarstiQSon_Goku: we agree rpm needs upgrading12:11
LarstiQSon_Goku: libzypp also needs work12:11
LarstiQand then all patterns break12:11
Son_Gokulibzypp makes me sad12:11
Son_Gokuthough now that I maintain zypper in Fedora, I have an idea of how it all works12:12
Son_GokuI maintain DNF in Mageia, and Zypper in Fedora :P12:12
LarstiQyou must love pain ;)12:12
Son_GokuDNF is way easier12:12
Son_Gokuthere's a reason why the Yocto guys are moving to it12:12
Son_Gokusorry, have moved to it12:12
Son_Gokuit's part of the upcoming 2.3 release12:12
LarstiQanyway, if you're volunteering for an rpm upgrade I think we'd be interested12:12
Son_GokuI'd be happy to help12:13
Son_GokuI just don't know where to get started12:13
LarstiQabranson: did you last look at that ^^?12:13
LarstiQSon_Goku: from seeing you in other channels, you have some obs experience, right?12:13
Son_GokuI run an OBS instance at work, and I've been slowly working on packaging OBS in Fedora12:13
Son_Goku[ol] has been very helpful in that regard :)12:13
LarstiQah yes, forgot you said that earlier today :)12:14
abransonLarstiQ: yep. got a load of PRs ready. just can't figure out how to get obs & sb2 to cope with it12:14
LarstiQabranson: talk to Son_Goku?12:14
LarstiQand me if you need anything done on obs end12:14
LarstiQmake a feature project linked against mer:core maybe?12:15
abransonthat's the problem. sb2 and obs mask the target rpm with the host. once you upgrade one without the other, the whole feature project gets hosed in strange and unusual ways12:15
Son_Gokuthankfully the plumbling layer of Mer is still Fedora-/Mageia-like12:16
Son_Gokueven with all the weird openSUSE stuff that's being pushed in over the years12:16
LarstiQabranson: aja12:17
LarstiQabranson: I can probably (partially?) disable that12:17
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LarstiQabranson: and if worst comes to worst we could set up a special instance12:17
Son_Gokunow that OBS 2.8 is out, even the new rich deps and stuff should be handled quite well12:18
Son_Gokuand faster repo generation with createrepo_c12:18
abransoni think it's a matter of finding the right -m arg (template) for sb2. i played around with sdk-install, and also tried to hack my own. didn't really have much luck with it and something pressing came up12:19
Son_Gokuthe biggest pain about zypper is boost :(12:20
abransonbut i did a lot of packages. rpm and friends, libzypp, augeas, boost, libsolv. even packagekit i think12:20
abransonyeah i think it's the only thing we use boost for12:20
Son_Gokuthe Yocto guys have PTSD over it :P12:20
Son_Gokuunfortunately, DNF doesn't support patterns, only comps groups12:22
Son_Gokuso unless I want to figure out how to add patterns support, we're stuck with zypper :/12:22
LarstiQSon_Goku: we want to kill patterns and just use meta packages12:23
Son_Gokuwell, then, this doesn't matter :P12:23
abransonright now all our patterns point to a meta-package12:24
Son_Gokuwell, if we got rid of the pattern generation and just told people to use metapackages?12:24
abransonwhere possible - what's blocking further migration is support for softer dependencies like Recommends, for which we need....12:24
Son_Gokuthat comes in RPM 4.1212:24
Son_GokuRPM 4.13 also introduces rich deps, so you can set things up to be smart too12:25
Son_Gokulike locales, etc.12:25
Son_GokuI've got quite a bit of experience using these new features12:25
Son_Gokuthey make everything so much nicer12:25
Son_Gokuthere are members in the Fedora community considering killing comps groups now that RPM supports everything that patterns and comps did12:26
abransoncurrent MR is for 4.1312:26
Son_Gokuand going straight to metapackages12:26
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Son_Gokuabranson: where's the MR?12:53
abransonSon_Goku: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/rpm/merge_requests/512:54
Son_Gokuso much suse patches :(12:54
abransonquite a few gone though12:55
Son_Gokuwell crap12:56
Son_GokuI can't register for an account12:56
abransonlbt can do that for you12:56
* LarstiQ can do an lbt impersonation given enough time12:56
Son_Gokuusername: ngompa12:57
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Son_Gokug2g to work, bbl as Pharaoh_Atem13:51
Son_Goku(my workstation :) )13:51
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* sledges flashback about another pharaoh15:24
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pasko_I'm interested in requesting a PR to a mer-core package.18:50
pasko_I think I need an account in https://bugs.merproject.org/18:52
pasko_And also need to contact lbt or sage :)18:53
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