#mer log for Wednesday, 2017-02-01

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tbrlarstiq, or anyone else. happen to have some pointer how I do the merging of the upstream directory with the actual code in the repository used by tar_git? somehow I can't figure that out.06:53
larstiqtbr: que?06:54
larstiqtbr: you have an upstream/ submodule and an rpm/ dir in the main git repo?06:54
larstiqtbr: your usecase is not clear to me06:54
tbryeah, as an example I'm looking at:06:55
tbrI repointed the submodule to code.qt.io and updated it, so that it has e.g. the 5.8 branch06:55
larstiqtbr: we're not working from master06:56
tbroh, right06:56
larstiqtbr: but rather, mer-5.606:57
tbrso if I look at mer-5.606:57
tbrthat seems to be upstream + a stack of commits on top of that. I'm not that good at git. How do I go about creating a similar mer-5.8 myself06:59
larstiqtbr: manye of the projects that have an upstream/ dir use that to create subtree06:59
larstiqpersonally I find that a horrible way of working06:59
tbras I'm not familiar with those ways of working, I'm trying to figure out how to proceed in a sensible way.07:00
tbrso, teach me the right ways, sensei. ;-)07:00
tbror rather point to rtfm07:00
larstiqtbr: looking for the fm07:01
tbrI hopefully won't need handholding if there is something to figure it out by07:01
larstiqtbr: personally, I would just clone upstream and add a branch with rpm/07:01
tbrok, that starts to make sense07:01
larstiq(of course, this doesn't quite work if you need to deal with an existing mer project)07:01
larstiqbut that is what mer-5.6 is doing afaics07:02
tbrI'm setting up my own git repositories for some of the packages that I need to touch. Mostly Qt 5.8 and some stuff that needed build fixes.07:02
larstiqtbr: no intention of merging back to mer?07:03
larstiqI mean, that's a valid choice, just want to check07:03
tbrright now I'm playing around07:03
tbrif we agree on something, sure07:03
tbrthen I'd probably need some more help though07:03
larstiqtbr: then clone + branch would be my choice07:03
larstiqtbr: sure07:04
tbrok, so we can do this "properly"07:05
tbriow, in a way that makes it easier to merge back to mer07:05
tbrjust need to know how to approach things to make this easier07:06
larstiqtbr: that would involve talking to the mer-qt guys, see what they think is easiest to collaborate on07:06
larstiqpvuorela: ^^07:07
tbrbtw: in the long run upgrading the toolchain and some other things will become imperative07:07
* larstiq nods07:07
larstiqtbr: any specific parts?07:07
tbrI currently castrated Qt 5.8 on AArch64 to not build any neon optimizations and such07:07
tbrgcc 4.9 (or was it 4.8?) is just ancient in the aarch64 context and doesn't even set proper platform defines07:08
tbrI can force platform defines, but then compilation blows up07:08
larstiqhmm, haven't tried Qt 5.807:09
tbrI tried to talk to upstream, but in the end got a very thingly veiled "F**** Y***" from Thiago Maciera at which point I dropped the topic and castrated the aarch64 build and removed webp07:09
larstiqtbr: but in general, yeah, upgrading gcc is something to do but needs to be done carefully07:10
tbryes, lots of dragons be there07:10
tbralso I understand that for jolla as the main user that prospect must be even more scary in terms of backwards compatibility07:11
tbrfor me it would be "just make things build", but for you it's "make sure that previously built things don't break horribly"07:12
tbrif anyone wants to try qt5.8, I can share the packaging details to get a "blob build" of 5.8 rc1. Right now I'm at the stage where I'd like to break it back down into proper modularized packaging like it is in mer. Hence me looking at tar_git07:13
larstiqtbr: merge with the mer-5.6 rpm/qtbase.spec and see how that goes?07:14
tbryes, right now I guess cloning upstream to my git and creating an rpm branch and putting things there is the way to go07:15
tbrright now I'll dabble on a git server close to my obs, but once we agree on how to go forward I'll try to push my stuff to personal repositories on git.mo07:25
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coderustbr: [   13s] collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld'07:36
coderuswhat does it mean? https://build.merproject.org/package/live_build_log/home:coderus:sailfish/ausmt/sailfish/armv8el07:36
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tbrcoderus: looks like a part of sb2 setup, probably not the cause of your build failure07:39
tbrit fails on %qmake507:40
coderusokay, so then qmake step is failed07:40
coderuswondering why07:40
tbrosc build probably won't work for armv8el, but if you enable i486 you could run a local osc build and look at the output and breakage07:43
coderustbr: hm ok, that might work, thanks07:46
tbrI think SB2 local builds should work too, but you probably need all the patched stuff, so inside a Mer SDK probably07:48
larstiqtbr: yes07:49
larstiqand possibly with an updated build package07:49
tbryes build is what I expect to be needed07:49
tbras that's also what makes obs workers tick07:50
coderustbr: i can build this package in platformSDK just fine07:51
coderustbr: it only fails in obs07:51
larstiqcoderus: also using osc build?07:51
larstiqthat is closer to how it builds in obs07:51
tbrcoderus: I specifically meant "osc build" inside platform sdk, as that replicates obs build process closely07:52
tbrI suspect it will turn out to be a missing buildrequires or such07:52
coderuslarstiq: hm, teach me :D07:52
tbrbingo, no requires for qt, so no qmake07:53
tbrobs is awesome at finding undeclared dependencies07:53
tbrBuildRequires:  qt5-qtcore-devel >= 5.6.007:54
tbradjust for your Qt version ofc07:54
tbrthat's from a different spec in the updated mer:core07:54
coderustbr: ohshi... i am sorry ._.07:55
coderustbr: thanks :)07:55
tbrno problem, we *all* make such mistakes, repeatedly07:55
tbrit's always good to keep in mind that your SB2 target in platform SDK has *all* packages available that you installed, not only what you declare in your .spec07:56
tbr(same applies for the Mer SDK VM of the sailfish SDK)07:58
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spiiroin^ improvements for dsme diskmonitor configuration09:00
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m4sk1nIs it possible to use QtMozEmbed from mer git on x86_64, not only on mer-based OS?19:11
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