#mer log for Saturday, 2016-08-27

*** Nokius_ <Nokius_!~Nokius@p5DDB51FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #mer00:47
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*** phlixi <phlixi!~phlixi@ppp-188-174-144-82.dynamic.mnet-online.de> has joined #mer04:13
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*** Fantick <Fantick!~sailfish@95-24-174-118.broadband.corbina.ru> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)05:12
*** eekkelund <eekkelund!eetukah@Maemo/community/council/eekkelund> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)05:14
*** phaeron <phaeron!~iamer@dd-656yj0-c3s--wfkv2t-3.rev.dnainternet.fi> has joined #mer05:37
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*** ced117 <ced117!~ced117@opensuse/member/ced117> has quit IRC (Quit: Quitte)08:03
*** queuepop <queuepop!queuepop@just.hacked.a.56k.dk> has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)09:01
*** Sfiet_Konstantin <Sfiet_Konstantin!~sk@fil75-6-88-190-246-243.fbxo.proxad.net> has joined #mer09:51
*** monich <monich!~monich@82-181-29-183.bb.dnainternet.fi> has quit IRC (Quit: Bye)09:52
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*** Bricker <Bricker!~Bricker@c-69-137-58-219.hsd1.md.comcast.net> has joined #mer13:01
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*** corvinux <corvinux!~hashcore@unaffiliated/corvinux> has joined #mer13:16
artemmaHas anybody tried running google's AdMob on mer/nemo/sailfish? These guys have C++ sdk nowadays, so it might be possible depending on what their C++ libs expect (maybe they expect exactly iOS/Android graphics/system APIs) https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/cpp/quick-start13:18
*** ahjolinna <ahjolinna!~ahjolinna@mobile-access-5d6a57-5.dhcp.inet.fi> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:47
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*** marxistvegan <marxistvegan!~quassel@fsf/staff/marxistvegan> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:27
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*** artemma <artemma!~textual@pppoe.178-66-160-168.dynamic.avangarddsl.ru> has quit IRC (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)14:44
*** plfiorini <plfiorini!~quassel@net-93-71-191-144.cust.vodafonedsl.it> has joined #mer15:09
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*** artemma <artemma!~textual@pppoe.178-66-160-168.dynamic.avangarddsl.ru> has joined #mer15:25
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*** Bricker <Bricker!~Bricker@2601:154:c100:10b5:6426:3bdc:55ab:e01b> has joined #mer16:28
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*** LaptopBricker <LaptopBricker!~Bricker@2601:154:c100:10b5:6138:aeb1:c59a:17a8> has joined #mer16:36
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*** corvinux <corvinux!~hashcore@unaffiliated/corvinux> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)17:18
*** nerdboy <nerdboy!~sarnold@gatekeeper.gentoogeek.org> has joined #mer17:26
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*** artemma is now known as artemma217:29
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius17:40
*** linmob <linmob!~linmob@p549304CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #mer18:02
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*** ortylp <ortylp!~ortylp@HSI-KBW-078-042-223-207.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de> has joined #mer18:18
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*** frinring <frinring!~frinring@x4db4d6a6.dyn.telefonica.de> has quit IRC ()18:58
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*** Fantick <Fantick!~sailfish@> has joined #mer20:03
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*** Sfiet_Konstantin <Sfiet_Konstantin!~sk@fil75-6-88-190-246-243.fbxo.proxad.net> has joined #mer23:33
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