#mer log for Friday, 2016-07-15

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Sfiet_Konstantinping chriadam06:23
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Sfiet_Konstantinwould you be unhappy if stuff like contacts data goes over dbus before landing in an application ?06:24
chriadamif it's not a peer-to-peer dbus connection, then yes06:28
chriadamanyone on the session bus can be snooped06:28
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Sfiet_Konstantinchriadam: I'm thinking about the system bus06:35
Sfiet_Konstantinbasically I'm thinking about a simple authentification system06:39
Sfiet_Konstantinbased on polkit, and where replies would be sent via DBus06:39
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Sfiet_Konstantinapp asks a daemon: "give me this and that", the daemon authorizes the call via polkit, and replies via dbus06:40
Sfiet_Konstantinmuch like kauth framework in KDE06:40
chriadamI like the idea06:40
chriadammy concern would simply be whether the calls and responses were properly protected from snoopers.  if so, sounds like a very nice idea.06:41
Sfiet_Konstantinchriadam: I'm trying to address this06:41
Sfiet_Konstantin1. system bus06:41
Sfiet_Konstantin2. additional config at the bus side06:41
Sfiet_Konstantinthe problem will be: rewiring qtcontacts (you don't call the DB directly anymore, you call a DBus interface)06:42
chriadamcan do that in the backend06:43
chriadamie, the default manager06:43
Sfiet_Konstantindefault manager ?06:43
chriadamthen just performs a bunch of dbus calls to the system daemon via dbus06:43
chriadamso, when you construct a QContactManager06:43
chriadaminternally, that causes a QContactManagerEngine to be instantiated06:43
chriadamyou can either construct a specific one, or if you don't pass any params, you get the default one06:43
chriadamso the default one could be the "talks to dbus and exposes responses" one06:44
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SfietKonstantinchriadam: I was saying that I will try on a dummy daemon written from scratch06:45
SfietKonstantinand maybe do some Qt contacts work afterwards06:45
SfietKonstantinI wonder how this model would apply for other components06:46
SfietKonstantinlike access to GPS or camera06:46
w00tmake sure to do some performance measurements - dbus is not really well suited to having large volumes of data sent over it, so with a large number of contacts, you may run into some pretty nasty walls06:46
SfietKonstantinw00t: I was worried of that06:47
SfietKonstantinany hints from your side ?06:47
chriadamw00t: is that the case even for p2p dbus sockets, do you know?06:47
w00ti don't have exact measurements to hand, just that it has been a pain point elsewhere06:47
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chriadamyeah, fair enough.  I guess the marshalling and demarshalling isn't exactly a lightweight operation06:48
w00ti would hope p2p would be better if it doesn't go through dbus-server (i'd hope not), but you'll still have marshalling overhead06:49
SfietKonstantinI have seen this https://desktopsummit.org/sites/www.desktopsummit.org/files/will-thompson-dbus-performance.pdf06:49
SfietKonstantinmarshalling a contact isn't something trivial either :/06:49
w00toh, he did stats for p2p. nice :)06:51
chriadammultimedia aside, 35 MB/s is still heaps06:56
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w00ta ping/pong isn't really the same level of complexity to transmit as contact data, though. i'd expect that to be a lot worse.. anyway, i'm just advising to measure before cutting :)06:58
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SfietKonstantinWchriadam & w00t about DBus what do you think about the fd passing ability09:04
SfietKonstantinWIMO, if I want "secure" transmission of contacts, this won't work09:05
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IgorSKHi. A timed-question. Was trying to build it, ended up with a missing header -- tzdata.type.h .11:26
IgorSKWhere does the header come from? It's not in timed sources.11:26
SfietKonstantinWtzdata ?11:47
SfietKonstantinWIgorSK: ^11:47
IgorSKFigured that. Looks like the header is a product of running iodata-type-to-c++ on tzdata.type file.11:49
IgorSKBut that is nowhere in timed's build process (*.pro files).11:49
IgorSKSfietKonstantinW, Stumbled on this: tzdata.cpp:148:25: fatal error: tzdata.type.h: No such file or directory11:52
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SfietKonstantinWwhat is your compilation environnement ?12:06
SfietKonstantinWI think that there should be some tzdata-devel12:06
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IgorSKSfietKonstantinW, as for compilation environment it is a timed-only native build on an Ubuntu x86_64 pc. An attempt to compile timed on it's own.12:35
IgorSKYes, that tooked pulling in contextkit (due to Qt4) and iodata.12:37
IgorSKAfter some git digging (https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/timed/commit/76146f60bab703d12b0dc2e0263f945b1f05da15) I get to assume it's not about some tzdata-devel-thing, but rather about iodata data parsing.12:41
IgorSKI failed to find where exactly  (and if) "iodata-type-to-c++ compiler" gets employed in timed build process.12:46
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IgorSKOk. Figured how the whole thing compiles. Learned a bit about qmake's configuration features (.prf). iodata installs a speciall *.prf, so that timed has a custom compiler for *.type files when it gets to be built.15:47
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monichIgorSK: impressive, isn't it? just to parse a freaking config file16:10
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monichI was amazed too when I first time saw that code16:11
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IgorSKmonich, Let me hope the iodata thing is being used somewhere else outside timed. Otherwise it's a bit of an overkill. :)16:20
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