#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2020-06-14

omniwhile helping a friend to move, my sweaty pocket managed to "permanently lock" my jolla111:49
omnilater, I couldn't manage to get to the recovery mode11:50
omniis that what is hinted at at https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201440487-What-are-the-Device-lock-and-Security-code-?mobile_site=true11:51
omni"This method does not, unfortunately, work anymore with Sailfish 3."?11:51
omniam I screwed or should I try harder to get to the recovery mode?11:52
omniis there anything else I could do?11:52
omnithere are recent things on it that I have not yet backed up, so it would be really nice if I could manage to unlock it11:53

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