#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2020-04-08

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest5431700:12
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil00:19
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest7622701:31
inteHi. I installed flatpak on my gemini. I cannot install anything due to small partition size (flatpak tries to install to /var/lib/flatpak which is on root which has only 500MB apparently. I already symlinked this dir to another partition but flatpak still thinks there is no space left. I guess I have to change $XDG_DATA_DIRS right?07:45
inteUps. Forget about it. I should maybe just not start flatpak as root /which would then write to /root instead of /home/nemo (which has limited space)). :-)08:00
intewow. with angelfish it appears im having a useable browser on my gemini for the first time!08:01
inteangelfish works great! Trying kontact now. Curious...08:23
inteFor reference: No luck with kontact yet. Doesn't appear to work due to incomplete dependencies (kwallet, akonadi). Time will tell I guess.08:54
r0kk3rzinte: you can install thinga to user directory09:16
inter0kk3rz: thinga?14:36
inteis there a way to change the language of the flatpak app(s) (well, currently just angelfish)14:41
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil23:14

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