#jollamobile log for Monday, 2020-01-27

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest9495302:22
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil02:53
keithzg[m]On the one hand, there's all too many things for me personally that are trickier or impossible on SailfishOS compared to Android. On the other hand, every time I do something like change the ambience and every app instantly changes accordingly it feels lightyears ahead of Android (or iOS) . . .21:06
*** zama_ is now known as zama21:45
FireFlyI'm curious about the trickier/impossible bits23:27
FireFly(if nothing else then because I've felt the other way around.. but I have an obvious bias here in that I almost haven't used Android, and have gotten the SFOS interface internalised enough that I habitually try to use gestures when I'm faced with an Android device)23:28

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