#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2020-01-23

schmittlauch[m]abranson: Any news on the Xperia X audio quality issue I told you? Have you found out whether there is a JB for it?12:59
schmittlauch[m]This is the TJC entry for it, but isn't "Tracked by Jolla" yet https://together.jolla.com/question/169231/poor-audio-quality-sailfish-x-jolla-1/12:59
schmittlauch[m]As it's not possible to report users or their comments in TJC, I want to bring up here that https://together.jolla.com/users/34097/nirma/?sort=recent looks like a spammer given their comments.13:09
schmittlauch[m]so in case there are any TJC moderators around here13:10
lachs0rschmittlauch[m]: posted my observation to the issue16:46
lachs0rI don’t think it’s a volume control problem16:46
lachs0rit could be, though16:47

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