#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2019-11-27

*** flx_ is now known as flux09:27
KonsieurAnyone with a Jolla C can tell me where is the original resolv.conf file, not the symlink in /etc/resolv.conf?12:52
KonsieurIt seems to be /var/run/connman/resolv.conf in Jolla 1, but there is no /var/run/connman directory on my Jolla C12:52
malI have /var/run/connman/resolv.conf on my jolla c12:54
KonsieurErm. Could you please poste the content of it then so that I can recreate the file?12:54
KonsieurAnd is there something else in /var/run/connman? No idea why I don't have this folder. :<12:55
malnameserver ::112:56
henkis it running? IIRC /var/run is dynamically created/managed, right?12:56
malonly those lines12:56
malyes, the file says it's generated by connman12:56
malcheck permissions of the folder12:57
KonsieurMaybe it's because I'm in recovery mode then12:57
malah, probably12:57
KonsieurI'm trying to get network in the recovery shell to reinstall silica, using https://together.jolla.com/question/22079/howto-all-computer-users-recover-or-reset-a-device-that-is-stuck-in-boot-loop/?answer=45710#post-id-4571012:58
KonsieurAnd I managed to set my computer as router and to ping website ips using the recovery shell successfully. The issue is it cannot resolve domain names, hence zypper fails to find repos12:59
henkKonsieur: you could install unbound or knot or even bind on your computer and use that15:01
KonsieurThanks henk, but I finally gave up and did a factory reset. It's an old device, so I hope I didn't forget some data/media that I would have wanted to save.15:03
henkah ok15:04
KonsieurI downloaded the silica .rpm file on my computer but couldn't transfer it to the phone in recovery mode, since scp relies on ssh, not enabled in recovery mode, and netcat is not installed by default on the Jolla15:04
KonsieurToo bad because netcat would have worked15:04

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