#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-09-27

henkok, lost the network twice in 1.5 hours now … is there any way I can make my jolla1 beep or sound an alarm when the network is gone and can’t be reestablished?12:17
henkI don’t want to have to look at my phone every 20 minutes just to make sure I’m still reachable /-:12:18
r0kk3rzpotentially you could write something that watches the dbus from ofono to do that12:29
henkhm, yeah, potentially is the right work … practically I can’t12:33
henkcould resetting the device help? I haven’t done that since I got it, i.e. since 02/201512:36
hallyni've wanted to write the same thing.  maybe it even just does a while : ; do ping -c 1 -W 3 google.com || { echo 100000 > /dev/whateversound; nmcli con up gprs-net } ; sleep 120s; done13:33
henkhallyn: but that will constantly cause traffic which is not very desirable IMHO. also it will complain when I switch off "mobile data" for whatever reason. I’m talking just about registration in the network to be reachable for calls.13:52
henkanother fun thing: in the settings for the app "phone" there is a voicemailbox number preset which is actually correct for my provider. long pressing "1" in the dialler says "No voicemail number is defined" in that case though.13:53
hallyni'm sure there is a script under /usr/share/ofono which will be illustrative13:53
henkwhen I delete it and input it again, still the same. when I input another number (which also goes to my voicemailbox) it works fine. when I dial the "preset" number manually, it connects just fine.13:55
henkam I doing anything wrong or is that another bug?13:56

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