#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2019-09-25

henkI switched providers and seemingly have more disconnects with the new provider. and my jolla1 just fails to reconnect to the network sometimes. happened every day the last three days. AFAICT from tjc that seems to be a recurring issue, not only with j1 but also on xperia hardware. seems usually a reboot is necessary, switching to flight mode or restarting networking stack is not enough. any suggestions12:59
henkwhat I can try to do to fix it for me? any idea how I can help fixing the underlying problem in sailfishOS/jolla?12:59
henkreferences: https://together.jolla.com/question/160530/lost-network-does-not-reconnect/ and https://together.jolla.com/question/167343/mobile-network-gets-lost-and-is-not-restored/13:00
henkI will try the "systemctl restart ofono" next time but that’s probably more hassle than just rebooting as it requires the root password …13:02

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