#jollamobile log for Monday, 2019-09-02

hallynzebbiz_pi: what about adopting whisperfish?03:17
henkare there any non-broken, actively maintained messaging clients?08:25
abransonthe telegram ones are good these days. at least two actively developed I think08:29
abransondepecher and telegram'me08:29
henkhm, too bad telegram isn’t that great to begin with /-:08:32
tadzikcentralized messaging rarely is08:35
tadzikor rather, messaging in general :P08:36
teeterhmm, what's wrong with TG?09:25
teeterìt's at least on par with WA depending with what you want09:25
r0kk3rznot nerdy enough for most folk around here i guess10:17
Yanielthe biggest thing wrong wth TG is that everyone uses WA10:19
tadzikI like telegram as my normie-IM10:23
tadzikmy circle of friends uses it since one of us got an ubuntu phone and telegram was the only thing available on it :P10:23
henka few things I can recall right now: AFAIU they did "roll your own crypto" which is just always a bad idea and nobody who ever chose to do this is to be trusted to do anything sensible for the next 10 years or so. they don’t do end to end encryption by default and I don’t see a reason why not. WRT to hongkong protests10:25
Yanielapparently they also did the crypto in the exact way all experts say not to, but "it's okay we have great mathematicians working on it"10:27
tadzikwell, trusting it as a secure messenger is probably not the brightest idea, yeah10:27
Yanieland they had some security bounty/contest thing and just dismissed submissions as "not really security issues" :D10:28
henktadzik: but what is? tox?10:29
henkjabber with omemo or otr? signal?10:30
tadzikhenk: anything decentralized and usable without a 3rdparty. That'd be tox, xmpp+otr and matrix, from the things I know10:31
r0kk3rzricochet is probably the only one id actually trust for super secure spy stuff10:32
henkand there isn’t even an xmpp client in the jolla store, is there?10:34
r0kk3rztheres one built into the phone though10:34
tadzikha, ricochet is looking cool oo10:36
r0kk3rzthe guy who made it used to work for jolla10:38
henkr0kk3rz: uhm, ok, yeah, I found that and added my account but how/where do I see my contacts? how do I send messages? o_O10:42
r0kk3rzits not the most user friendly yeah10:45
tadzikyou see your contacts in People :)10:53
r0kk3rzoh you're talking about xmpp, yeah its fully integrated into people and messaging10:57
henksoo, where do I add their jabber id? don’t see an obvious field for that10:58
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r0kk3rzim not sure you can add contacts that wey, never actually tried11:00
r0kk3rzthe globe icon is IM contacts11:00
r0kk3rzbut that was before the recent redesign, so.... not sure now11:01
henkok, it seems I’m online but that’s about it. I don’t see contacts, I can’t add contacts, I have no idea how/where to send messages, etc. if anyone has any info on how to use the built-in jabber/xmpp client, please throw that my way!11:03
tadzikI think that if you add someone's xmpp address to their entry in People, they end up in your contacts11:26
tadzikthen then from the People screen you can start an xmpp conversation with them, just like you can start an sms conversation11:27
tadzikbut I haven't used XMPP for a while, it may have change or broke :/11:27
tadzikonce you start then conversation with someone, then they'll be in your Messages app alongside the SMS conversations11:27
tadzikwhich is how all things should be instead of shitty apps for everything, but eh11:28
henktadzik: I have looked through the "edit" screen for an entry and there doesn’t seem to be a field for "xmpp address". there is email and web and street address, etc but nothing that would make sense for xmpp …11:51
tadzikindeed, I don't see it either :/11:54
tadzikI wonder if Jolla forgot about it during the People redesign11:54
henksometimes sailfish/jolla seems really half-assed /-:12:26
r0kk3rzits kinda sad if they've overlooked it13:31
teeterTG is pretty cool, we've used it for years with a group of friends14:11
teeterit had a web and desktop client way before WA14:12
teeteralso gifs and all sorts of other fun features :P14:12
teeterWA has catched up so now they are pretty much on par. I understand that TG is better for large (think hundreds or thousands of users) groups, at least the change logs have many features related to that.14:13
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