#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2019-08-17

*** tanghus_ is now known as tanghus12:33
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault13:26
hallyncan someone show where to get the source for the built-in email application?  (without a login)14:07
malthe sources of that are not public14:31
hallyni was afraid of that14:31
hallynsure would be nice if someone would fix the 'Date:' timezone14:31
malwhat issue does it have?14:36
hallynthe date shown in the email header is always UTC14:40
hallynwhich annoys my recipients14:40
altker128Hey guys.  Just installed Sailfish on my Xpera XA2 .  Anyone know if there a dnsmasq RPM I can install?  If not, what's the fastest/easiest way to get a cross-compiling setup?23:44

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